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Melody started singing a new song. it was similar but seemed to say stay-calm-and-happy she sang it a bit louder than the last one hoping it would keep her and her friends from feeling extremely sad at the loss of their favorite place.

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Centenial walked at the back, composing a list of where she thought the places that would have been most likly to have something other than rubbish were. "Under the stairs. Check. Spot where the broom closet was. Check. In the hole with a ...... oh, the stair case is gone. Basement level. Check. Surronding area of five to ten feet. Check. That's about all I can think of."She muttered to herself.

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The spell was casted on Freesia. She felt herself be levitated in the air a little and she lived a short moment of weirdness. Rainbows flew around her and she was not in control of anything. It did not feel scary, but rather special! The spell would not last for very long and Freesia would be brought down to the floor, where she'd be sit down. She'd shake her head, wondering what actually happened there. Did it even change anything? She'd look around a little before getting up. She'd look at herself, trying to see if there was anything different, but she didn't feel anything different at all... at that she'd look up at Canvas, kind of disappointed.

Freesia: It didn't do anything.

She'd tell her before she'd start to follow the others. Apparently they were heading to the librairy... or what was left of it. Freesia followed closer to Centenial this time, who was at the back. She had given her a task, so she thought it be more appropriate to be by her side.

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"Hmmm....That would be another good place to check, but the wind hit your bedroom first and we need to concentrate on the western side. That's where the wind went. That's odd though, storms come from west to east not the other way around." Centenial said lost in thought.

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Canvas sat and looked around at the wreckage. "I guess we go look for him." She said


Rike watched as Canvas made a potion and gave it to her friends. He growled as he realized that he hasn't succeeded in taking her hopes and two of her best friends. He grunted when she said that they better go looking for him. He was contemplating saying something but decided against it and disappeared into the shadows.

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Melody stopped singing and asked "isn't he the one who took the library? he just tried to kill us! or at least take us hostage! we need to be more prepared to defend ourselves." she glanced at Canvas. "got anything?"

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Freesia followed all the way to the library, staying rather quiet while the others were speaking. She felt... out of place, somehow. But at least her cold aura didn't seem to bother them. They'd eventually arrive on the site where the librairy previously was. Of course, Freesia recognised the place instantly since she had been there... not even an hour ago. Upon looking at the place again, she'd quickly spot something on the ground. It was her bag with the books she was supposed to bring back. Being the nice filly she was, she walked over to it and put it around her neck to carry it with her once more, but not for long. She'd walk back to the others and would put the bag on the ground again, looking up at Canvas.

Freesia: They're the books I was supposed to bring back, but... well the librairy was gone.

She'd say, ending it with a shrug. After that she would be asked if she wanted to help in all of this. Honestly Freesia had lost some parts of the conversation that was going on. Besides, she still didn't really know what the main even was as well. She looked a little confused as she eyed Melody.

Freesia: ... Help how? Freezing stuff?

She'd ask as the clueless pony that she was.

Freesia: Anyway... who's Rike? What does he do?

This was a question that she had not been answered to yet. Now that they seemed to be really going after this Rike pony, they could probably answer her.

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Canvas looked at Freesia and created an image in the air with her magic. The image was that of a dark purple alicorn with spiky green hair. His eyes were red and his cutiemark was a skull with gems as eyes. "This is Rike. He is an evil alicorn that has stolen my mentor, Raini." Canvas said and at Raini's name the image shifted to show a female alicorn. She was a pure white with rainbow flowing hair. Her eyes were also rainbow and her cutiemark showed the galaxy that they were in. She was a beautiful alicorn

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