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Rike humphed in annoyance as the filly yelled and hit the door once. "I don't care if you want to be here or not. Your just another pony that can get in the way of my plans." He said circling her cage. "What are you to Canvas anyways? What are any of them to her? There's no possible way that she could like everypony in Ponyville." He said the mean sentence turning into a loud thought.

(( Freesia is in an iron cage in the middle of a large dimly lit throne room))

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((Them phone glitches))

As expected, she had an answer, although it was an unpleasant one. The young ice fairy frowned upon that voice that she would always hate from now on and held herself tighter against the door, not ready to give in just yet.

Freesia: Canvas is a friend! That's what she is to me, at least! I'm her friend too and she's proven it to me earlier!

She'd tell him, sure of her answer. That outta teach him! Why would he ask this question? To Freesia the answer was simply too obvious and she was not ready to change her mind about it, oh no. She'd remove herself from the door, sitting down in the closed cage, watching Rike pass by whenever he would walk in front of her sight.

Freesia: And if you don't let me go, then my friend Seria will know this and will come looking for me too! You'd better let me out of here!

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Rike began to chuckle. "Your puny friends are nothing compared to me. I will just flick them away like little fly's." He said but a thought squirmed into his mind. Canvas was the student of one of the most powerful alicorns in the whole world. She must've been some kind of special to be accepted by such an alicorn. He growled and turned his attention back to the ice fairy. "Try to escape and there will be nothing blocking me from killing you. Understood?" He said

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Freesia turned her head away from Rike whenever he'd pass in front of her, very displeased with him. She tried to remain strong in front of him, yet she knew she was in the presence of a very dangerous being. His last comment about him being so strong didn't change the young ice fairy's mood, she would still frown at him. What she did not expect, though, was for him to come back to her, making her jump in her cage at that which was sudden. What she expected even less was what he dared to tell her. At that, Freesia was backing against the cage, showing fear facing this alicorn. She'd nod quickly to tell him that she did understand what he said...

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Rike smirked. "Good filly." He said then walked to his throne and sat down. "Let's wait on your so called friends." He said

------------------------------------- Canvas ran as fast as she could making turns at random and getting hopelessly lost but she didn't dare stop to see where she was going. Times castle was best found with confusion and that's exactly what she was creating. She only ran faster until she came face to face with a wall. "OW!" She yelled as she fell on the floor from the impact. She got up and looked at her friends. "This is it. This has to be it." She said looking at the top of the tunnel

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"You really should give some warning before you do something like that again." Centenail said as she came up to the place where Canvas was standing. "I grabbed three spell books and I think we need to regroup to make an attack plan. Rushing in and getting captured won't so Freesia any good."

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Well... It was clear that trying to escape was not an option. Freesia wanted to stay alive, after all. Oh how she knew that it was a better idea to go fetch Seria first and not go down those stairs. All of it lead her to be captive now. She sat down in her cage, head hanging low, thinking of her own miserable situation. Obviously she was sad by all of this. She'd let out a sigh as she'd stare at the ground. Would there even be a chance for her to be rescued at all? If so, that could take a while... she wondered if the others even knew she was stuck in this place. Besides, would they bother with it? Seria would, she knew that, but... she would have to know first.

After remaining silent like this for a few minutes, Freesia decided to look through the bars of the cage at the place she was in. Obviously it was a castle. There wasn't much to it other than that. She thought a little. She just wanted to do something even if she was enclosed in this thing. At her age she could still be bothered with being bored! Now... perhaps she couldn't attempt to escape, but... it wouldn't kill to talk a little now, would it? The young ice fairy looked over to wherever Rike was at. Her kidnapper looked fierce and evil, but... he was also the only other pony in this room.

Freesia: Do you like winter?

She'd ask this out of nowhere.

((yay bored Freesia!))

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Sitting in the cage, the young ice fairy frowned upon the word 'dark' that Rike used, but would quickly let go of it. Apparently he liked winter, just like she did, but probably not for the same reasons. Her head would turn away from him, looking around the room at nowhere in particular.

Freesia: I love winter. It's my favorite season. It's not dark and the coldness makes me feel really good.

She'd then turn her sight to him again.

Freesia: You like the snow too? Snowflakes are pretty, aren't they?

She'd ask. To be honest she had nothing better to talk about. This pointless conversation was probably not going to lead her anywhere, but this evil alicorn liked something that she also liked. She was actually curious to know a little more of what he thought about winter.

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Freesia's ears perked up as she heard this. She looked over at him with a quick turn of her head, very surprised of his answer. The ice fairy got up in the cage and walked up to the bars which she would take a grip on with her hooves, putting her muzzle through the bars as she'd look at Rike with great interest.

Freesia: You really do?

She'd ask him, as if she couldn't believe him. To her, snowflakes were one of the prettiest things there was, after all. For someone as evil as Rike to also find them pretty... and to even love winter, that was not something she expected to hear from him. Although she thought that this conversation they were having was pointless, she actually had found an interest to it and... well, even started to see that maybe Rike could have something good inside?

Freesia: Do you... do you really think that winter is dark?

She'd ask him with some hesitation. She didn't like to think that winter was actually dark when to her the snow could shine like the sun.

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Rike smirked " I dont find winter dark. I find its nights, though, are pitch black and perfect." he said remembering how many blissful nights he had had during winter nights, just staring at the stars. He remembered a time when his whole family had been with him. He sighed sadly and looked at the filly. He used his magic to make a small blizzard in the room. He too a small amount of snow and rolled it around the room until it was big and stopped it in front of the cage. "Would you like to help?" he asked Freesia the warm memory making his soul temporarily warm also.

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((Omg that's getting so cute and sweet. And we'd need for the others to post to continue the main story XD))

As the room would fill up with some snow, Freesia would watch the show. She put a smile on, seeing all of the powder float around and feeling the nice coldness that engulfed the room. For her the cold wind was the same as a gentle breeze in the middle of summer was for a regular pony. After obseving some more, she'd notice that Rike was using his magic to roll some snow around into a big ball that he'd stop in front of the cage, only to ask afterward if she wanted to help. To this question the young ice fairy looked over at him, rather touched, as if she felt like there was someone else who was a bit like her.

Freesia: I can?

She'd ask softly.

Freesia: You... you will not hurt me, right?

Of course she still knew that she was a prisoner from a supposedly evil alicorn. She couldn't just take any risks, yet it was very tempting to be able to play in the snow with somepony else than herself.

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Rike hmphed at the fairies disbelief. He opened the small cage and stepped back to let her out. He was already rolling a second ball of snow around the room to make a smaller ball at which he placed on top of the first one.

(( sorry I was waiting for one of you to speak about it. ))

Canvas looked around the group "Any suggestions?" she asked

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Freesia didn't get a straight answer from him. Instead the door to her cage opened. Seeing this she would come to it and put a hoof out in the snow that was covering the ground. She took the time to feel it before she would step out entirely. Once outside, she would come to face the big snowball that was there, pulling a smile at it. Then a thought quickly crossed her mind... she was out of her cage, perhaps she could run? But no. The young ice fairy decided to stay there and help out with the snowpony. Now, making use of her own fairy magic, she would come to summon more snow. Raising a hoof up and coming to stand on her hind-legs, a small wind would start to blow in the place and snow would start to appear magically, falling on the ground. It was not enough to make it troublesome, but if would cover the floor of a beautiful white.

Once done, she would gather some of the white powder to form a small ball, which she would then start to push around to gather more of it to it, making it slowly bigger everytime. She was happy right now. She was actually helping somepony making something she liked. Although her body was cold, she was feeling warm inside.

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Rike trembled a little as the fairy summoned more snow. He could feel the evil creeping back into his heart and he couldn't bare to think of what the evil side of him might do if he found the fairy out of her cage. He shook it off and fought the feeling. He put on a fake smile and gathered buttons and things to decorate the snowpony with

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