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"I have a lot of dynamite. I had a lot stored up for...reasons. Reasons that don't involve evil ladybug overlords. heh heh. cause that would be weird, right?" Lightning says nervously. Then he took a deep breath, and regained his calm nature. then he said, "also, how are we going to do a sneak attack? it doesn't seem to me like we have any way to, unless there's an open window or something, or the door's unlocked."

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(( DUDE! The pic! hahahaha! Have you seen the one where it shows that scene and under it it says 'I told you I dint't want mayonnaise on my sandwhich!' ))

"She may have found a way. I dont know. The last time I saw Rike I was a filly. He's the reason why I'm so afraid of fire." Canvas said

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" Iohnow (pronounced I oh no). It was a dumb question. First of all, how are we going to talk about his family? I mean like we have to get in, and he's not gonna just stop and not attack us to talk about his family. And we don't know anything about his family."

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The young ice fairy would keep on rolling her snowball around until it would be the right size. Once done, she would proudly look at it before looking at the two other ones made. By comparing them she could notice that they were all pretty big for her size. Her ears would lower as she'd realise that she was not tall enough to be able to put this one over the others. It was rather troublesome... She'd look over to where Rike was. He seemed to be gathering some more stuff for the snowpony and... he was smiling? He was being very different from before. Well no matter. Now she needed his help.

Freesia: Can you help me put this one on the others? It's the head.

She'd say and precise.

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Rike turned his head slowly. This was bad. He could feel his body changing. He knew that his eyes were returning to slits and his mane was becoming that of a dragons again. He desperately fought it and walked over to the little fairy and allowed her to climb atop his head.


"That sounds like our only option right now." Canvas said to Centenial. She grabbed all of her friends and teleported them onto the surface. "Also no magic. There's a barrier that will alert him if enemy magic is used." she said. The castle was a dull gray with a large crystal in the middle. Surrounding it were tall spires and black bridges ((I LOVE BRIDGES! Thats a quote)) It was nothing compared to Raini's castle, which was high atop a mountain but it was big.

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((Hmph got little time for this one, let's see what I can do))

Rike approached the young fairy who kept smiling at him, not really noticing any changes with him. As he bent over, she would understand that he was allowing her to get on his head. She would do so, being careful of not accidentally hurt or anything of the sort. Once there she would grab ahold of the snowball that she prepared and that way she could lift it up with Rike's help, not being able to put it on the body of the snowpony. That being done she would give a look to what they had done so far. It was bigger than what she was able to do and it was also looking fairly good. With the head on the body, all they needed to do now was to decorate it a little.

Freesia: We're almost done! It'll be one big snowpony, but we still need to decorate it if we want to give it life.

She'd say, speaking to Rike as if he was a real friend.

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Rike nodded, careful not to knock Freesia off. He walked over to the decorations, Freesia still on his head, and grabbed them in his mouth. He used his magic to levitate the objects out of his mouth and up the fairy. It was a little hard to do considering that she was close to his horn and blocking some of the magical ability. "Decorate it how you wish, but do it quickly. I want you back in your cage when you finish." he said hardening a little. He didnt want to hurt her in any way but it was better her feelings than herself.

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Freesia smiled as she saw the material float in front of her. A few buttons and other things could be placed on the face of the snowpony to create something. Yet before she could think of something or pick anything, Rike told her to pretty much hurry up and to return to her cage. She had forgotten that she was actually a prisoner let out of her cage right now, and that Rike was not someone to really play with. Yet she'd show more sadness than fear as her eyes narrowed midway and she looked down, her ears also flattening. Well.. in that case, better make the best of it. She'd pick a few buttons that she would put on the snowpony for the eyes. Then, making use of her magic, she would help out forming the head so it could resemble an actual pony's and not just a ball. The shape would be made quickly, showing that it wasn't the first time that Freesia was doing this. After what she would pick some pebbles to put in a curved line under the muzzle, creating a smile on it. Then finally she would take a scarf that was in the materials and she would put it around the neck. Thinking she was done, she would jump down of Rike's head and land next to the snowpony to look at it a little. It had a regular look, but the scarf reminded her of someone. She decided to take the time to shape a few things in the snow. She would arrange the body to look like the one of a mare and the head as well. She would even get to shape a mane and a tail, where the mane would be shaped with a ponytail and the tail would have a few spikes showing down.

The young ice fairy would step back from her creation, smiling at it, then quickly remembering that her fun time was now over. She would sigh, and would hang her head low before slowly walking back to the cage, her frozen tail being dragged in the snow. She would stop once she would arrive in front of the cage, and she would look inside of it. It was deprived of everything, and it was rather small... there wasn't much she could do in there, but she didn't know what would happen to her if she didn't go back in it. Before entering, with her hoof, she would gently swing it in front of her. Some of the snow that was on the ground would enter the cage, and Freesia would make on step in it before she'd give a sad look at Rike. She would then enter it completely, where she would go and sit at the back of it, looking down, her eyes closed, and sighing once more.

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Rike slammed the cage door shut and struggled to get to the shadows so the fairy would not see him change. He didnt fully make it before he collapsed and started spasming. He cried out in pain as bones creaked and blood boiled. Fangs grew long in his mouth and his hair grew sharp. His eyes turned a deep green and slitted. He grew in sie and his horn grew until there was a tiny nitch in it. His body darkened into a deep violet, the color of twilight (not the unicorn) and his wings went from soft feathers to hard and rigid feathers. When the change was finished he opened his eyes and smiled evily. He chuckled and stood in front of the cage. He looked at the small filly. He blinked and for a second his eyes were light green and sad but then returned to their evil state.

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Freesia jumped slightly when the door got shut so abruptly, but she kept her eyes closed anyway. There was nothing too pretty to see anymore out there, except for the snowpony, but she didn't dare to look at Rike. But something completely unexpected happened. The one who allowed her to be out for a few minutes began to emit cries of pain. Wondering what was going on, she opened her eyes and looked through the bars of her cage. She could see Rike on the floor having spasms. She did what she could to get up and walk to the side of the cage that was allowing her to see him and she looked just about worried.

Freesia: Hey! Heeey! What's happening?!

She'd ask, panicking. Somehow, she had a difficult time watching him suffer there. It was unexplained. Still alarmed, she'd just want to get out and run to his side to help, but she couldn't. She'd hit the bars with her hooves, but they were still too strong for her, they wouldn't budge. All that she could do was to watch, and the more she'd watch, the more she'd see that Rike was changing. His mane, his size, his body... things were changing on him for some reason. Eventually it would stop. Rike would be up again and approached the cage. Freesia saw the evil within him and backed away to the other side of the cage, frightened. His eyes had changed... so did his horn. Yet then for a brief second, his eyes changed to a light green color and had a sad expression, but reverted back to normal right after. The ice fairy's softened only slightly, but it was very noticeable that she was scared right now.

Freesia: Who... Who are you?... Why did you change?...

She'd still dare to ask him, uncertain, but as if she hoped that he would somehow be friendly again.

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Having her back still put against the cage, the filly fairy kept staring at Rike who gave her the answer. She wouldn't move much from where she was, but her look toned down to a sad one, still mixed with fear. It calmed her down a little somehow, but she still wondered the reason behind the changes of Rike.

Freesia: But you... you let me out just now... we talked about winter and snow and... and we made a snowpony!

Her eyes would look down and away for a brief moment before she'd come back to the alicorn. They'd start to be filled with tears at this point, her cold body almost freezing them, leaving just a small sparkle as one tear would roll down her cheek.

Freesia: ... Why do you have to be evil now?...

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Rike frowned and looked at the snow pony beside him. "The day came and brought the snow, but the night..." he said and shifted his eye and smirked evily at the filly. "Takes it away!" and with that he punched the head off of the snowpony and melted the rest of the snow in the room. "I dont have time for your stupid little games. I have a certain painter mare in mind that needs to be taken care of." he grinned showing his fangs. "And I'll get to her through you and her friends!" he yelled and chuckled. Then he teleported behing Melody who was at the back of the group. He grabbed her and put a hoof over her mouth, then dissipated with her. The cage grew larger as Melody was put inside and Rike appeared in his thrown "This is gonna be fun." he said


Canvas turned when she heard shuffling and saw Melody with Rike "NO!" she yelled and jumped at them. But they dissipated before she could reach. She fell on the ground and curled in a ball. She began to sob. "M-melody. H-he took h-her." she cried "You need to stay close to me. Please. For your safety."


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