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Canvas smiled softly and looked back up. "It was a long time ago. I don't cry about it anymore." she said "We should find his throne room, but first we should search the dungeon for Raini and the other alicorns so they can help us." she said

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Melody went and sat down next to freesia. she did her best to comfort the filly and started singing a calming tune. she new it by heart so she zoned out again. whenever she could managed to remembered that spell they would have a secret weapon. it wouldn't be any good if Rike stopped them tough. if she could tell freesia she might have some ideas how to use it without Rike knowing but he was listening and it would be impossible.

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At the moment the young ice fairy would appreciate the sweet song that was being sang to her. With her eyes closed and her head resting on her hooves, she could feel herself being soothed by the sweet voice. Of course she was not already asleep, it took time, but in these conditions, with her own energy completely drained from the emotional struggle she went through, it probably wouldn't take long. Could she even allow herself to do so, though? She knew where she was, she wanted to sleep, but with an evil eye watching over them, it was difficult to tell if she could let herself sleep or not... well, at least she would keep her eyes closed for now. It was doing her some good to have those eyelids shut, and the soothing voice of the other prisoner was calming her even more.


The two friends would venture more into this path. They had no idea of what was awaiting them, but Seria couldn't care less. She knew that if anything happened to Freesia, she would never forgive herself. The fairy changed her walk to a trot, gaining some speed as she'd go down the path. Her friend had to follow, but it was easy to tell that Seria was getting nervous. In any case... for the moment she would keep with this pace, seeing as there was nothing too alarming just yet.

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"No it's not. The tunnel that goes through the middle is Count Von Ink Spell's. Rike built this himself and Count Ink just found it on accident." Canvas said


Rike listened to the soft voice of Melody. His eyes began to grow heavy and he sighed. He popped the floating crystal ball and got into a comfortable position on the throne. From there he stared at the singing mare sleepily and finally closed his eyes and feel asleep.

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melody looked up still singing. Rike was falling asleep! she changed the tune a bit and converted to a lullaby. if she could get him into a deep sleep she could change the words and tell freesia her plan without waking him. she sang a touch louder so her voice would carry to Rikes ears.

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Canvas's ears twitched "I hear it to. Let's proceed with caution." she said and slowly walked down the hall. At the end of it there were two tunnels each one with thousands of doors in each one. She shifted her gaze over each and shifted her ears to try and find which one was louder. "I can't tell." she said

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It wasn't too late to wake up the fairy. She was not sleeping just yet, but almost. Being shaken slightly she would open her eyes slowly, blinking at a slow pace before looking at who was doing this. Freesia would look up and stare to see a blur in front of her. The blur would dissipate quickly and would let place to Melody instead. Freesia would push the upper part of her body with her hooves so she could listen to Melody, but not without yawning first... now that out of the way, she would be all ears, even though she looked tired.


As they'd keep advancing, the duo would come to reach a new place... they'd have to stop to take the time of looking at what it was. It was actually a dead end. It was frustrating... Seria would stomp the ground once with her hoof out of frustration.

Seria: Darn it all! A dead end!

Glady: Wow, wow! Chill for a second, there.

The earth pony arrived by her side, facing the fairy.

Glady: We'll find a way out...

And she'd turn herself to the wall in front of them.

Glady: We just need an idea... and I think I have one.

After saying that she'd put on a grin, having an idea of her own that she would be more than pleased to do. Seria took a deep breath before letting out a loud sigh to calm herself a little. Just by looking at her friend she pretty much already knew what was going through her mind... perhaps it would be their best bet.

Seria: Very well... Do it.

Getting the approval from her friend, Glady would approach the wall and take a look at it for a second. She'd then chuckle... this would be too easy. She'd take a position, ready to attack and would launch her hoof straight for the wall! Her hoof would fly as she'd let out a cry and it would make a direct hit with the wall, using all of her strength. The thing would be smashed down, creating a big hole in it for them both to get through. Once that done, the earth pony would turn herself toward Seria with a smirk on, proud of her plan working. Yet, Seria began to trot forward.

Seria: We must press on.

Glady would let out a sigh, disappointed that her friend was under a great deal of stress... although it was understandable, it was still not pretty to see when Seria was the type to remain calm. In any case... Glady had no other option than to follow her deeper through the path they chose to go through.

((So since your guys are at the surface because Canvas teleported everyone up, those two would be continuing underground, but I have no idea of what it'd be like under Rike's castle. It'd be nice if I could get an idea of what they would see down there XD))

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(( erm I haven't thought of underneath the castle. Perhaps they come across the dungeon where all the alicorns are. Though I wouldn't know if they could see the alicorns))

Canvas shook her head. "We're gonna have to split up. Lightning you take the tunnel to the right and Centenial will come with me to the left. The reason is that this way we both have light and so both of you don't get taken at the same time." Canvas explained


Rike shifted slightly but continued to snore. His ears would twitch from time to time but other than that he appeared to be sleeping deeply.

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back in the cage melody said/sang

"I know a spell to melt the bars, can you do it? please try but I have a back up plan but I don't really want to use it."

she continued the song glancing at Rike to be sure he was still asleep. she changed the words to "la's" so freesia could answer

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((Given it takes the spell to see the alicorns, then no. Glady and Seria wouldn't be able to see them.))

Freesia was not completely asleep when Melody began to sing... but right now she was still not fully awake and would act rather slowly. Her mane a little over her left eye, she'd slowly turn her head to take a look at Rike who was snoring peacefully in his throne... The young fairy observed him for a while before she'd realise that he was indeed truly asleep. She'd come back to Melody who spoke to her of a singing voice. She spoke of a spell to melt the bars, but... Freesia was an ice fairy. She didn't understand how she could melt something.

Freesia: But... I can't melt things... What am I supposed to do?..

She'd say slowly with a tired voice.


After going through the wall, the two ponies would get in a place that seemed to be a bit darker. Wondering where they were, Seria would walk alongside the walls and touch them to get a feel from them. From their texture she could tell that it was not dirt, but something more rocky... it was hard and cold as well as straight.

Seria: We're... inside of another building?

She'd say, actually wondering if this was true. Glady looked around as well and pretty much did the same.

Glady: I think so... Gee... I can't believe that Freesia would have gone somewhere like this. Knowing her she would have gotten out of here.

Seria: She is actually rather adventurous...

Glady: Wouldn't she get scared?

The earth mare was surprised to hear this. Perhaps her thoughts on the ice fairy were wrong...

Seria: Well... given that she would be in a place like this, I suppose she would turn back.

Glady: Huh... thought so.

The fairy would give it some more thoughts before sighing loudly.

Seria: And we're not even sure that she is in here... Our only clue was the library being gone and this underground, but... what... what really tells us that she has gone through here?

At that moment Seria was starting to worry even more. She couldn't tell if Freesia really was in here or not given they had no clue for that and no one to tell them where she went. Glady decided to get to her side once more and sit next to her, feeling sad for the fairy. She wouldn't be too sure of what to say and this let a moment of silence take place between the two of them. Seria looked down and desperate while Glady was filling the role of the thinker for once. The only thing is that she knew she wasn't very good at it... there was only one thing she could think of.

Glady: Well... I say that we keep going. Maybe that our only clue is that, but that's all we have. If we give up, then who knows what could happen to her? I say that if we want to find her, that we continue with what we have... So what do you say?

Seria listened well to her friend and raised her head back up to look at her. The fairy smiled a little at her.

Seria: You may be right... It might be the only thing we can do for now. Very well. We continue.

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((Sorry, finals are stressing me out. i might get on only of few times in the next week. BTWs.))

"Hmmm...i think it's getting louder. He can really snore." Centenial mused. "I want to try something, I know this is Rike's castle, but he might have borrowed some of the defenses." Flying up to a seemingly random piece of armor, Centenial pulled the spear down and something clicked. "Urm, what the heck did i just do?"

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Canvas jumped back as the floor in front of her fell. "CENTENIAL!" She cried "Are you trying to kill me?" then she looked down the hole. "Hey Centenial. Are those ponies down there?" (( That would be Seria and Glady)) she watched the cried out to them "HEY! WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

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