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(( Oookay, took me some time to understand what's going on, but now I get that the librairy is no more. Sooo no one's there. Peeeerfect! And this is Freesia here http://jollythinker....eesia-492137410 ))

Most ponies were well educated. Education and books were important in this world. Books allowed ponies to learn by themselves since they owned information in them, or others had stories to distract the mind. Most ponies read, most started young as well, but not all of them did and knew how to read them... This was the case for Freesia, an ice fairy who had arrived in Ponyville not that long ago. She was living and was being taken care of by Seria Rosa, the first fairy to settle herself outside of her kingdom in Equestria. Freesia had her own story as well, but right now her story was that she had to study. Fairies had a different system of education, yet this young ice fairy did not really follow it due to her own ego and ended up not being very good at both writing and reading... Therefor, her caretaker asked her to start studying. Of course, she would be helped and home-schooled. Freesia had tried school already, yet didn't really like it... she didn't like it much more at home, but it was still better than being surrounded by too many students and a teacher speaking at the front all the time.

Now at this moment she was tasked to go and get new books. The ones she had at the moment, she had gone through them with Seria, learning some new things. Now it was time for some new stuff. In doing so, Seria sent her to a librairy owning many different kind of books and even could order in a very special way. Seria found it to be an efficient way to learn since she could basically ask for anything with it. An order was pending for them and Freesia had to go and get it. She had to learn how to interact better with other ponies. Not that she was timid, but yet again, being younger, she tended to keep herself away from other fairies, thinking they were thinking lowly of her. She hated being judged.

At that moment she was walking in direction of the librairy, putting an annoyed look on her face, eyes semi-closed and head hanging low as she'd almost drag her hooves on every step. On her back were bags that carried the books she needed to return in exchange for the new ones. She was getting closer to her destination, yet as she looked forward, she couldn't see any building that resembled the librairy she used to go to. She decided to stop and question herself about it for a minute. Blinking a few times with an interrogated look, she'd resume shortly after and would eventually get to the place. Looking left and right and even behind her, the young ice fairy really wondered if she was at the right place. She'd look back where the building was supposed to be at and blinked some more.

Freesia: Wh... Where am I?

She'd wonder. Thinking about some more, checking the environment... she'd end up concluding that THIS was indeed the place, but... well, it wasn't there anymore, so... Putting a smile up her face, the ice fairy would bend forward, letting the bag slide down her neck and her head until it would reach the ground and... would turn around, starting to skip away happily. If there wasn't a librairy to provide books for her studies, then it meant that she could have a break! There's no reason why Seria should scold her now! And now that all her efforts to return books were wasted, why not take the opportunity to do something while she was in town? Well she thought that some ice-cream would be good for some reason. It was cold and sweet, something she really loved. Besides inside the place it had to be sorta cold, no? In that case her ice aura wouldn't be too much of a bother to the others inside. Perhaps they could tolerate the low temperature better.

So that's what she did. She trotted happily toward the ice-cream store while humming notes up her mind. The young fairy would stop once in front of the store, looking up at it with a happy look on her face. She already thought of what she'd take. Anything would do, she could even eat quickly if she wanted! Her brain wouldn't freeze, she was immuned to that! She'd make one step... just one and would stop, suddenly getting a realisation. She had nothing to pay with. Retaking her position, she'd give a sigh of desperation. Her ears would perk back up quickly, though. Perhaps she could deal something? Perhaps she could be the poor kid with no money who just wants an ice-cream because she never can have any at home and just craves it that much. She'd have to give a try, then.

So she'd give it a shot. She had nothing to lose anyway. She'd push the door so she could enter the store. Once inside she would directly go to the counter where she could order something.

Freesia: Haiii!

She'd start with.

Freesia: I would like to have some ice-cream, pleeease! I want a big blizzard thing with lots of chocolate in it! But...

She'd stop herself for a moment, looking down at the ground and back up, putting on the puppy-eyes.

Freesia: I... I have no bits...

She'd say, whimpering quietly at the end. The vendor looked down at her, raising an eyebrow, seeing that Freesia didn't look like she really needed that ice-cream, especially after how she showed herself so friendly at first.

Vendor: S-sorry, little one... but I can't just give it away. Ponies have to pay for this.

But by Arbora! How could this be?! Freesia backed up slightly, surprised by the answer and would let out a gasp.

Freesia: B-bu-but... I'm poor and I can't... pay it! I really really want one... pretty pleeease?? I... I walked aaaall the way down to Ponyville to return some book and... and the librairy is gone! I walked here for nothing!...

She'd say. Her first part was obviously made up... well, almost. She was not rich, but it's not like she and Seria were poor. As for the second part, well she told the truth like this without thinking about it. Again the vendor would raise an eyebrow, feeling sorry for her, but still... he'd shake his head.

Vendor: Sorry... but I think you're trying a bit too hard now. Why don't you go ask your parents for some and come back, instead?

Freesia sighed and looked down once more, her ice wings following the gesture. She'd turn around, her iced tail being dragged on the ground as she'd slowly walk back toward the door.

Freesia: Nevermind then...

She'd say in a defeated tone. Perhaps someone else would be so kind as to pay her something? Ooor, perhaps that someone would be able to clear her out on what happened to the librairy as well?

((Okay, fun introduction post. Now if you notice Arbora instead of Celestia, that's because Arbora is the eldest of the fairies in her kingdom. Like Celestia is the Princess of Equestria, Arbora could be seen as the queen of fairies, although fairies have no kings or queens. The elders are in charge

Edit: Jebus, I did not think it would be that big XD.))

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"Ok." Canvas said checking all the ingredients in her saddlebag. Spirishrooms, Poison Joke, Weeping Ladies vines, and some sap from an old Anaconda tree. "That should do." she said and was about to head back home when she relized it was no-more. She face-palmed then decided to loan some sciency stuff from Splenda Explosion. She might help me Canvas thought and headed in that direction

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Before she'd reach the door, Freesia's ears would perk up and her head would raise up. She'd completely stop there for a second before she'd turn her head to look behind her at the voice who spoke of paying her something. She then completely turned herself toward Centenial.

Freesia: Really?

She'd ask her. The young ice fairy joyfully looked over at the vendor who looked back at her. She grinned before she'd come closer to the counter again to make her demand once more.

Freesia: So! I will take one blizzard with lots of chocolate and a mountain of candies!

The vendor let out a sigh and shook his head before looking over at Centenial for a brief second. And then he'd get to work to prepare her ice-cream. The young ice fairy looked over at the one ready to pay for her, a happy smile on her face. She wasn't used to thank others, but she was so happy that she didn't even think of saying thank you. Taking a closer look at her, she wondered if she had seen her before... She tried to remember... that librairy she went to, there was one pony she knew, but there was another one too from time to time... the color of the coat really reminded her of something. There was only one way to know, then!

Freesia: Do you work at a librairy?

She'd simply ask her directly.

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Canvas arrived at Splenda's house and knocked. The gray earth pony let her in immediatley. "Give me the ingredients and the recipe." she said. Canvas nodded and handed them to her. Splenda was always like this. She greeted evryone who came to see her.

((If you want a personality just think of Maud, Pinkie Pie's sister))

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a couple minutes later, Splenda came back and handed her a sparkly pink potion. Well that included Centenial. They would both drink it if it was sparkly. "Thank you." she said and paid the usual 5 bits. She happily skipped back to her friends. She still had to find out how to get Lightning Star to drink it. Perhaps she should just ask nicely

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((Canvas its actually maud... lol never mind..)) :)

Melody noticed a happier note in Centennials voice. she even saw her buy ice cream for a poor little filly. much better than the sad stupor she previously had been in. she turned to lightning and told him what happened leaving out her bit with the vine.

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(( are you positive that I didnt say Maud? Look again, hon))

Canvas rushed back to the ice cream store and hoped all her friends were still there. She was happy to see they were. Melody and Lightning were talking while Centenial seemed to be buying ice cream for Freesia. Canvas walked behind the small filly. " Did you ask Seria before you asked my friend to buy you an ice cream?" she teased the little filly. She knew the fairy could be very mischevious.

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Freesia's head tilted some at what Centenial told her. The reward was not what really got her curious, but rather just the idea of help... they barely knew each other and... she was asked to help her all of a sudden? The vendor would bring her the ice-cream, which she would briefly look at before returning to Centenial.

Freesia: ... Help with what?

She'd ask after a short silence. Yet before she could get an answer, Canvas came back and spotted the young fairy, teasing her a bit. Freesia looked at her with a neutral look, seeming to take the question a bit too seriously.

Freesia: ... No, but she offered and I said yes.

She said speaking of Centenial. After what she would turn to the blizzard she had ordered with a smile, staring at it for a few seconds before she'd take the spoon that was given with it and would take one bite from it. After swallowing, she'd look back at Canvas.

Freesia: And it's really good! By the way, I went to your librairy because Seria said I had to return the books we took, but... the librairy is not there anymore.

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Canvas nodded sadly. "Yeah it kinda got blown away. Must have seen something impressive" she joked. (( cheesy I know but funny nonetheless)) then she turned to the ice cream vendor. "Can I get 3 cups please." She asked. The vendor gave her three cups and she walked back over to Melody and Lightning waiting on Centennial to join them. While she was waiting, she poured a small amount of liquid into each cup, leaving half a bottle left.

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"There still moight be some stuff in the wreckage and things are easier to break if they're frozen first. You used to accidentally freeze a lot of the books to the shevles and I had to chip them off. I found out that if I wasn't careful, the wood would break." Centenial explained.

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Melody saw Canvas pour a sparkly liquid into some cups. soda pop? she didn't really care. if it was shinny it had to taste wonderful. she pulled a pinkie pie, disappearing under the table and reappearing a table away peaking at the cups from the opposite side. she reached out to take a cup, glancing at Canvas for permission.

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((That's making assumptions about my character, there XD Seria hosting the book club? That's not something I had planned lol. As for her name, I guess it's by preference. But indeed, her first name would be Seria.))

Freesia was okay with the freezing things part. It was something she liked to do, freeze things and prove she could be a good ice fairy. But by accident... maybe it was another thing. She knew she was not in total control of this power and didn't like to be reminded of it that much either. Freesia decided to take another bite of her blizzard ice-cream before giving Centenial her attention again.

Freesia: ... I didn't even freeze that many books...

She'd say turning herself back to the counter, a bit shameful for what happened in the past.

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