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Hi, I'm David. I'm just going to follow the suggested guidelines for this introduction. I found this web site from a friend I was playing with on Garry's mod and got interested. I got into the show one day when watching the canterlot wedding on the day it premiered and it just stuck I with me from there.

I like video games, pizza, mello yello, and of course mlp. I'm currently saving money for a sexy quad-Sli gtx titan Z #pc master race. I'm aspiring to be an animator or video game designer # refer to previous hashtag. And finally, I want to live in a Scandinavian country because the have better perks than Canada (ie. Healthcare, gdp per capita, and the pretty ladies.)

That is it from me for now, I hope that this won't be a waste of my time, and if you want me in a role play, just ask, saves me the trouble of asking you.

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