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Galahad [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria


Name: Galahad


Sex: Male


Age: Older adult.


Species: Gryphon.


Eye colour: Gold.


Coat: Gal’s coarse, thick coat is shiny, honey-gold all over.


Mane/Tail: This gryph is not one for styling any part of his being. Aside from the thick feathers along his neck appearing vaguely similar to a lion’s mane, he’s got a standard gryphon eagle/lion look!


Physique: Impressively large! He’s twice the size of your average gryphon and thanks to life as a miner and then a fishergryph he’s extremely muscular. His daughter Ryx, who inherited his size, often calls him a walking brick of muscle. It makes him laugh!


Residence: A nondescript little fishing village (one of the rare, permanent settlements) along Clopton Shores. It’s technically unnamed but locals like to call it Bacalao Bay. They’re fond of alliteration.


Occupation: Fishergryph.


Cutie Mark: N/A.


History: Galahad grew up in Talonopolis in a big family full of miners and metalworkers. As a gryphlet his life was loud, warm, and always exciting thanks to having many siblings equipped with ridiculous amounts of energy! He and his brothers and sisters were always getting themselves into trouble, whether they were pulling pranks or just being careless when they played in the streets of Talonopolis. If he could sum up his youth in one word he wouldn’t hesitate to say “carefree.” His parents wouldn’t, either, and they always tease their youngsters about it!

Once he grew up a little, Gal was lucky enough to experience a typical boy-meets-girl teen romance. The gal was a slip of a gryphoness, midnight black with indigo eyes that made him weak in the knees. Her name was Nessa and she was the love of his life from the very first. The two of them grew up to be miners like their parents, though that didn’t last long. During a rare vacation the young couple decided to go for a short fishing trip along Clopton Shores, totally oblivious to the fact that they were doomed to fall desperately in love with the ocean. The salt air enchanted them, and not even a year later they had uprooted themselves to settle down in a little fishing settlement full of the friendliest, most carefree gryphons they had ever met (aside from themselves of course)!

It was there that they had their only child, a gryphoness named Ryx, and reared her. Their simple little life is one they treasure dearly, though they do still travel once or twice a year to liven things up a bit. Gal’s parents always told him growing up that travel was good for him - going new places and getting new perspectives on life was something the golden gryph was raised to cherish!


Character Summary: With Galahad what you see is what you get. He’s loud and often obnoxious (a product of growing up in a large family where you had to shout to be heard over your louder siblings), full of laughter, and full of love. Most of his personality traits come from the fact that he grew up in a large family. He loves to tease and is an expert at taking a joke, has very little respect for others’ personal space, has endless patience with kids, and is surprisingly adept at darning socks and cooking. Despite the ease with which he makes fun of his wife and daughter, he’s also one of the most doting fathers and husbands you could ever meet. When he thinks Nessa and Ryx can’t hear him, he’ll wear your ears out talking about how cute and fantastic they are and then wear them out a little more sharing anecdotes about their lives.

Gal’s a hard worker, too. It’s hard to be lazy when you make a living off of fishing: hauling nets is tough, demanding work! It’s his willingness to push himself with every task he takes on that has led to the slow building of the rippling muscles his wife is so fond of! And of course Gal is not above flexing those muscles for her, either, the incorrigible flirt!


Some of the golden gryph’s hobbies include whittling, knitting (yes, knitting!), and playing the accordion. He’s no musical genius, but there’s a great deal of charm in his rough voice and playing style. Charm in general seems to be his forté, and that’s exactly what he tells all the ladies (only to have his wife or daughter drag him away by the ear).

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