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Revolt in Equestria. (Join in anytime)


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((same here (sorry but i think alicorn oc's are just awful im mean(where the hell were you during teric and discord cause discord would have sensed you and then teric would have came for you before tangoing with the three princesses))plus the whole assassin thing is a bit of a head scratcher because all of equestria is under Marshall law(or close enough)so assassins would be hunted down and 'taken care of' vary fast(and if you want to think about it if your even suspected of being an assassin you'd probably be arrested on the spot)))

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(Cloud has always been an alicorn. Cloud is not a Gary Sue, he does have weaknesses. He's not like what you think. He is originally the Prince of the Night, but he gave it for his baby sister, Luna. Cloud protects all of Equestria. He shouldn't be "taken care of" very fast either.)

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(( No! Shadowbolt you play a big part in this! And Cloudrunner its a MARY Sue not a GARY Sue. Now i know we are all having a bit of a disagreement but lets try to compromise. Cloudrunner i think you Dessert Eagle is to modern for this time period so please stick with a pistol or an older gun. throwing knives or a sword would also work. Also would you care to change your alicorn for a unicorn or a pegasus? Its just with this RP alicorns are a little hidden and everything so if you were an alicorn you wouldnt be with this team right now, especially if you used to be the prince of the night. im not saying you have to and i am not the type to boss people around and get angry when i dont get my way. Just please consider my suggestion and if you dont like it them maybe we can try something else?))

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(Maybe, but I know enough about alicorn characters and their owners to know what things will end up like, and they bore me. Plus 1 liners aggravate me beyond belief, so if he posts the way he has, i'm out)

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((thank you, also i have something to add about the weapons list canvas said on top of what she mentioned, there would also be (because this is the magic world of equestria and these are vary possible to be in this time period because of that)extremely rare magic weapons that use a unicorns magic to fire and the more common but still vary rare energy guns that use a magic matrix that needs to be powered by a battery instead of bullets but these weapons would only be in the capital because of how hard it is make them.))


((is mark waiting at the trains destination(appleossa last time i checked)for the fraction of rebels to arrive to help them unload or are you at Canterlot waiting for the patrol that went to check that shop out for rebels to get back))

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((phew im so glad we could work most of this out! thank you everybody for your cooperation! and Shadow im sure once the RP gets started up again then he'll stop making one liners. i mean you have to admit not much is going on here :) ))


Abby walks up beside the batpony shooting at the dummies. "excuse me, but who are you?" she asks 

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((well if everyone agrees we could change the character that im talking to to some NPC and Hyper's character could have just left without them to applelossa))

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((sounds good to me! Though im beginning to worry about Hyper abit.))


"I am Abby Normal. State your business and your occupation. If you work for the emporer please know that you will be killed on the spot." Abby said in ner usual way of greeting strangers. She also looked at the other stranger who had appeared." That goes for you to." 

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"im the Ex-lunar captain" brave nodded to one of the guards protecting Abby "unless he didn't tell you when i threatened him earlier"


the bulky batpony looked away from Brave

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