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I'm gonna finish this duel battle with...

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Okay, you probably have seen kids, or when YOU were a kid, do the most powerful moves they can think of.

This is that game. Pretend you're having a one on one battle, with your very own infinite amount of Pokemon/Digimon/Duel monster/Custom monster you made up.

It's your turn, and you gotta think of a move that will finish your opponent!



Make up or use a known dueling creature(Pokemon/Digimon/Duel Monster/whatever else a TV show used things or creatures as duels.)

Your opponent is the last person that responds to this thread.

Try not to be repetitive. Unless it's appropriately funny in SOME cases, not all the time.

We're pretty much making an endless chain reaction of finishing move after finishing move, after finishing move, after finishing move, after finishing move, after finishing move, after finishing move...    See?

Try to be creative with your finishing move. It can take a long time to read(Though, I wouldn't recommend that...), or it can be so eloquently written in a simple sentence(Know-it-all kids... ).

You cannot counter-attack the next response, your creature will inevitably be defeated. Sorry!
HOWEVER, you can leave some sort of ability when you get defeated, Revival in any way is NOT allowed, by the way. For example: SOMETHING finishes SOMEONE with FLURRY ATTACK. SOMEONE curses SOMETHING with LOVE. SOMETHING is now a lover! It will hug or kiss before it dies! This is just a fun thing. It can affect your avatar when it is their turn to be defeated or to finish their avatar. Heh heh heh...(I don't mean your picture or the TV show or that movie with blue creatures. I mean the thing/creature/monster you use.)

Oh, and don't be too gritty with the finishing blow.



Since I'm the first comment, I will begin.


I will use a Poro!

I'm gonna finish this duel with a lick attack as a finishing blow at nothing, since there is no opponent!

If you defeat this monster, you're a cruel, cold, heartless monster!

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I will use Navi!

I'm gonna finish this duel with an Obnoxious Voice as a finishing blow on Poro, It is highly effective... TO EVERYONE WITHIN 10 KILOMETERS!

Please, I Beg You, Make Her STOP!

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I summon Typhoid Mary, in attack position!

Infected with every bit of malware known to humankind, and even several beyond mortal ken, her mere touch will be enough to send the whole necron army into a catatonic pile of non-functional metal!

Beware: any form of contact with her, even long distance communication, brings with it great risk of infection.

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I will use Sniper!

This man is hired to kill you from long distance range. You have no effect on him, since he doesn't use any electronic technology!

He takes you out with a headshot!

No effect will be put on to you if you defeat this sniper.

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