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Solar Swing (Ready)


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Name: Solar Swing

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: Soft blue.

Coat: Thin and soft yellow-gold.

Mane and tail: Straight and weighty light yellow with creamy streaks, all dyed and styled to match his sister, with a short braid and ponytail to keep the mane out of his eyes and a sun-red bow on the base of his tail.

Physique: Lithe and absurdly athletic with firm but lean, packed musculature.

Residence: Currently in Canterlot with his mother, but planning a move to the north.

Occupation: Member of a corps de ballet, ballet dancer.

Cutie Mark: A ballet shoe.



Solar Swing was born into a home that was as conflicted and loving as possible, his parents Castor and Amorous Rose providing two unusually distinct views for the young colt to adhere to. In a way he couldn't have been born into a better family, the wealth, prestige, friendliness, and diversity of his upbringing reflecting the values of his family as well as those he would come to learn through his experiences in the upper crust of Canterlot society. His father was a member of the Royal Equestrian Navy and his mother was a highly qualified nurse and the both of them laid many attributes at the table of their children. Sugar Star, Solar's sister, also played a huge role in his life as constant friend, companion, and model for behavior.


This was true even as a colt. Whatever Sugar did, Solar wanted to do- she was the bees knees, the coolest thing in town. When she started to put bows in her mane and tail, he did so. When she took dance class, so did he. When she stopped taking dance classes and focused instead on the martial talents her father wished to teach, Solar tried to follow. But he had developed a love of ballet at that stage and even found his cutie mark while filling in for an injured dancer during the performance art center's recital. So sublime was he that his cutie mark appeared mid performance, much to the additional delight of the paying audience. He would continue his ballet training from then on, diverging from his sister in one meaningful way.

Exactly one. He idolized her as they grew up to a marvelously accurate level. Whatever she wore, he wore. Whatever she was disgusted by, he was disgusted by. Whatever she liked, he did too. Whatever she didn't like, he didn't as well. All in all, a pretty happy standard for him to follow. His good instincts for what to do and who to emulate followed him into school, where his ability to adapt and be as absurdly friendly as possible to everypony he met made him a fabulously well-connected colt with a great deal of friends. As a student he was perfectly average, remarkable for neither the quality of his grades nor his lack of effort. Much was made of his lack of 'care' but the point was that why should he? He already knew what he wanted to do!

He pursued dance as he grew older, doing whatever necessary to get himself ingrained into multiple dancing companies. He started to spend as much time training and dancing as he was anything else. This started to pay off as he neared the end of his schooling. One of the premiere dancers in the city and somepony who had been able to dance in several performances without the 'required' academy training, Solar received multiple offers to further his career and training up north. He settled on the Saraneighvo Classical Arts Company, where he is planning to move to in just a few months.




Solar is excitable, trusting and accessible, both easily led and easily able to lead depending on those around. His leadership comes less through words and more through action as does the majority of his following. A bundle of fine energy masquerading as silken hooves, Solar is possessed of an extreme tenderness of heart and spirit. He couldn't imagine hurting somepony else and he equally can't imagine somepony else wanting to hurt him. This collection of traits has led him to be end over end gullible, an entirely guileless individual who wears his heart on his sleeve. He is anything other than a drama king as he is possessed of a naturalized family trait of mental fortitude when he perceives himself under assault, a streak of stubbornness coming up to the forefront of his open mind when he is under duress.

Not that he considers himself under duress often. His bubbly, happy personality makes him almost instantly popular where he goes, so ready is he with the kindness of his heart and so open with those same words that many ponies can lean on him for some sweet compliments. He can be led by his friends but they find he has room for only one pony in his life whom he follows around like a stray puppy dog, following her around whenever he can with a dutiful smile. He loves his sister dearly and considers her the coolest, bestest pony of all time. He couldn't imagine her being wrong or being anything less than correct, a fact which has led to many of his traits being pleasant copies of her- even down to the fact he wears bows, though he wears his on the base of his tail as opposed to his sister. He has been told she has taken advantage of by her as she knows she can get him to do anything, but everypony knows that is balderdash. His sister never lies or plays tricks like that!

As most ponies can attest in the same manner, Solar loves his mother. Busy as they are they always find time to hang around and play, Solar more than happy to show his mother a few wonderful moves on the ballet floor. Of course she can give as good as she gets in that regard and Solar can be found tagging along on her shopping excursions, often times holding the majority of her bags. In many ways, Solar takes after his mother in many regards- a desire to please, a commitment towards maximum effort at every little thing, and even taste in stallions! Just as his mother found herself a nice, strong REN officer to hitch to, Solar is currently dating a nice, strong Guard officer. He admires his mother immensely for all the good she can do for others while still maintaining a certain air of authority, something Solar lacks- maybe it is because she speaks Prench better than he can, even though he could pass as a natural Prench speaker to most.

If there is one pony whom Solar knows he can't really impress, it is his father Castor. They are so very different in so many ways, but that does not mean a great amount of love and respect is lost between the two. Solar honors his father by the way he tries to present himself to others: Honest and forthright, befitting the son of a great stallion. From Castor Solar received an intense sense of dedication and desire to do things the right way instead of the easy way. There is no uncertain amount of shame hiding below the surface that he is the first and only member of his family to forsake joining the military, a fact which at times can make him feel as if he is spending his life frivolously. In his honest and engaging mood he will ask his family this and in their unrelenting love they give him the answer he is happy to live by.  

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