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DJ-PON3's Dating Event (Soarin'/Sweet Surprise)


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"Ok Joe, you ready to get this party rockin'?" Vinyl called over to her friend as the cream colored unicorn put the finishing touches on his section of the place. Donuts and coffee, his regular. However they were not being used in the regular setting. DJ-PON3 had done her part to turn Pony Joe's Cafe into a sweet scene. Low lighting, neon accents, and sick beats pervaded the place. Giving it a feel of the rave that was to come on the following evening. Even Joe had dressed to the event. He was wearing a black shirt and even had a set of old school ear phones around his neck. He certainly looked the part!


Vinyl had been looking for a way to earn a few extra bits and this was what she had come up with. A night of speed dating, followed by a rave with potentially a new date! She would let the participants get to know each other tonight and then who knew what would happening on the following evening at the Electric Mane! It was such a fun idea that even she would be getting involved in the dating scene!


"Let's get this party started!" 


The white unicorn opened the door to the line that had been forming outside. It looked like the participants were ready for some fun! Once everypony was inside Vinyl took her place in her makeshift DJ box.


"All right all right all right! Let's get this party rockin'! Take your seats, say hi and make nice everypony! You've got three minutes!"


With that, Vinyl turned the tunes down a touch, set the clock for three minutes, and went to find her seat for the first round!



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Sweet Surprise sat at the designated starting table  her head bobbing to the music as she looked at the flashing colorful lights around her. It was a feast of senses for her even for a pony that dabbled in the senses of smell and taste being a candy maker. Speaking of candy, she decided to sweeten the deal with anypony she was about to meet with a plate full of homemade fudge. Not peanut butter though, as that tended to stop ponies from talking rather than encourage them. 


"I wonder who I'll meet first," She said looking around the area for any indication. Her eyes then settled on a blue stallion who looked familiar to anypony in town. It was Soarin of the Wonderbolts who Sweet knew about the team. He was a handsome looking stallion who upon first glance had a rather easy going look to him. 


"Well hello there," Sweet Surprise said, "Wow my first pony of this speed date thingy is a celebrity. Guess I'm lucky tonight! I'm Sweet Surprise, your friendly neighborhood candy maker! Oh speaking of candy, want a piece of my oh so delicious fudge? They're really good." 

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In his younger and more excitable days, Soarin' had made a habit of attending just about every party and event that had so much as a whisper of loud, thumping dance music. Few things could get a body shaking and grooving along better than the sweet tones of some good dance music! However, he was no longer all that young. Nor was he in Las Pegasus, where such parties were commonplace. None of that meant he still didn't have a hankering for any sort of public relations outreach where he could hear some good beats and he was doubly pleased with any idea that sidled up to his desire for some companionship. There just happened to be such a possibility lining up not far from where he was staying for a show in Canterlot, the small town of Ponyville that he had become familiar with only recently. Certainly worse places to go- certainly worse places to hear some sweet tunes and meet somepony sweet!

He was there half because the Wonderbolts liked to send out team members to all sorts of meet and greets and other engagements and had long ago picked out this event as a sort of lighter-fair for whoever they chose to go. He fit the criteria of needing some lighter fair, enjoying Vinyl Scratch, and needing a date- he was single as opposed to many of the others. So they chose him and he didn't feel the need to fight it as heck, what else was he going to do? He'd done enough private airshows for the rich and famous for a lifetime. This seemed like a much better use of his free time. Besides, he needed somepony. He went through coltfriends and fillyfriends like others went through napkins, partially on account of his work and partially because others thought it cool to add him to their list of conquests.

Well, he added them to his, so maybe it was a fair exchange. In any case, he wasn't looking for anything more than a nice date and some kindness. Hopefully the pony he was paired up with wouldn't be one of the vipers he normally fell with. That would be a shame. He had arrived and saw where he was to be seated, right across from a sweet looking earth mare. Nice! He had sort of worried they would set him up with a pony of especially destitute looks to balance out his celebrity, but nothing of the sort was happening. She was even nice to boot! A good one here. “Hello there Miss Surprise. Oooh, fudge? I can't say no to fudge. Looks and smells delicious! So, how is a pretty mare like you all alone?” Soarin' said as he went for the fudge...it tasted good! Darn good! ”Great fudge, by the way.”

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"Thanks for the compliment," Sweet said as she watched the stallion partake of the fudge, "I made it fresh yesterday."


Even though Sweet was one to give ponies the benefit of the doubt with first impressions, she couldn't help but notice that certain ponies who were rich or famous had a certain way to them, a feeling that they were on a higher branch of the tree called life. But to her happy surprise this Soarin was very level headed, treating her as equal rather than going there just for appearance sake. 


"Why am I alone? Well I have friends in town. Oh you mean why I don't have a special somepony? Not sure really. I had some stallions that were interested, but as quickly as they said hello they disappeared. Actually, I can ask the same question about you, how is it a nice cute stallion like you alone? I mean, you're part of the Wonderbolts which I've seen a few of the airshows in town. Surely that would help you to find a marefriend, right? I don't know, I'm just guessing. Well you met me easily enough!" 

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He understood the vanishing stallion parts better than anypony could know. It was partly his fault in a way- his lifestyle kept him on the move and some ponies were easier to keep a long distance relationship going with than others. When somepony started to get needy, not understanding the nature of his career, Soarin' didn't feel bad at all about cutting them down to size and exorcising their loving demons from his stability program. Of course it was at times their fault, looking for a notch on their bedpost they found an overeager stallion celebrity to make them feel like a million bits. He had more than a few relationships end after he left town, his letters silenced by his compatriot in love's lack of communication. Oh well. It was part of being a traveling celebrity and athlete and it wasn't something he regretted in the grand scheme of things. He'd felt love in many different ways and forms and counted himself blessed, even by the mistakes in personality he had fallen in with.

“Well, that doesn't sound like it should pass. I know if I was with somepony who could make fudge like this then I'd be clinging to them like a runaway train! Do you have a shop around here of any sort? I need to know, hehe. Fudge like this is pretty rare. I'd know- I eat way too much of it. As for me, pretty general story for someone in my position. I've had my share of marefriends and stallionfriends but a lot of them are only looking for something short term or something to brag about. And me? I travel so often that the relationships that are genuine have a hard time surviving my schedule. Can't blame somepony for not wanting to have to arrange for their mail to arrive at a different city at a different time every time you wanna talk, especially since I tend to only stay in a place for a day or so. Kinda hard, I guess,” Soarin' said, shrugging nonchalantly as he bobbed his head to the music. “This your type of place to party?”

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The mare didn't know why it was so easy for her to explain to Soarin about her relationship status or lack thereof. Maybe it was the atmosphere of other ponies longing to connect that encouraged her. Maybe it was that she was largely an open book and didn't like keeping much hidden about herself. Maybe it was Soarin was willing to listen to her. Whatever the case she was glad to have somepony to talk to. She was a little discouraged about hearing him mention that ponies would be attracted to her because of the candy she made as that was only part of who she was. Still Soarin did mention how hard it was to keep relationships going due to travelling places. 


"Yeah, it must be hard to keep up with somepony if they are moving. I guess the only thing would be to find somepony willing to move with you. As for me, I'm looking for somepony who isn't there just to have my candy, tasty as it is, but to get to know the mare behind the sweetness! Well, if you're back in Canterlot again, and I'm sure you'll be since I see your shows advertised, go check out Sweet's Treats. You can't miss it because the place looks like it's made out of candy! I'll give you the address. Maybe then we can have more time talking to each other!"

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He tried to imagine the type of ponies who would marry a mare ourely for the candy she could make. It seemed like an odd choice in a mate, but then again, he wanted a mate with a nice taste in leather and hats so maybe it made more sense. She was an easy mare to speak with though, and that was always a good tool to use in a relationship. The only mare he could think of that was this easy to speak with was Spitfire, but she wasn't really his type. He was more a fan of aggressive stallions and light mares. In any case, their time as coming up. This wasn't a love connection, but it was a friendly one and that was more than he could have hoped for. Maybe the next time they met they'd have more than three minutes to chat, and more importantly...he could get more of her delicious baked goods.


“Yeah, the important thing in a partner isn't what they want or what they can do but what their heart is set on. That trumps any ability or adaptability, I think. You need somepony who doesn't see the treats, but the kindness of the pony who works on them. If they see that- boom goes the dynamite. As for me- what I need is a pony who doesn't know the Wonderbotls! That tends to change things a bit, hehe. It's been wonderful speaking with you, Sweet. I'll make sure next time we're in Canterlot that the team does something at your shop! Speaking of-” he reached into his saddlebag, rummaged around, and handed her a badge, “in case anyone doubts you met me- that is a Wonderbolt-only reproduction of our training badges. Nopony else except the team's personal factory makes them- see that stamp there? Yeah, you have fun with a whole bunch of angry little fillies wanting to know more about the date with their favorite stallion,” Soarin' chuckled, looking at Vinyl for direction.

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