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DJ PON-3's Dating Event (Riff Run/Leonard)


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"Ok Joe, you ready to get this party rockin'?" Vinyl called over to her friend as the cream colored unicorn put the finishing touches on his section of the place. Donuts and coffee, his regular. However they were not being used in the regular setting. DJ-PON3 had done her part to turn Pony Joe's Cafe into a sweet scene. Low lighting, neon accents, and sick beats pervaded the place. Giving it a feel of the rave that was to come on the following evening. Even Joe had dressed to the event. He was wearing a black shirt and even had a set of old school ear phones around his neck. He certainly looked the part!


Vinyl had been looking for a way to earn a few extra bits and this was what she had come up with. A night of speed dating, followed by a rave with potentially a new date! She would let the participants get to know each other tonight and then who knew what would happening on the following evening at the Electric Mane! It was such a fun idea that even she would be getting involved in the dating scene!


"Let's get this party started!" 


The white unicorn opened the door to the line that had been forming outside. It looked like the participants were ready for some fun! Once everypony was inside Vinyl took her place in her makeshift DJ box.


"All right all right all right! Let's get this party rockin'! Take your seats, say hi and make nice everypony! You've got three minutes!"


With that, Vinyl turned the tunes down a touch, set the clock for three minutes, and went to find her seat for the first round!



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The Saxbird of Manhattan waited patiently in line. The sounds of the everyday busy streets of sweet sweet Canterlot played off like a steady drumming in his head. The murmurs of ponies, acting as the ambiance that a sweet melody would play off of. His right talon patted at the ground rhythmically. And then came the rise of it all, for the main event of a- oh the line's flowin? Shame, looks like a bit of waiting line swing 'll have to wait till next time.


The patting tallon rose off the ground to flick rim of his white fedora, knocking it back a bit to allow him to see properly so he could find his seat.


After taking a load off, the griffon slid his Sax off of his back and rested it against the table, more so on his side than out on the open. Leonard had no need to show off the instrument like some desperate attempt to court another. Should a pretty mare or stallion ask him for some proof, he'd gladly play for them on some other day. Three minutes was all they got, and heaven forbid, he was not going to show boat during that.


Instead, he leaned back a bit, smoothed out his collar, then relaxed. A claw gently rasped at the table in a musical rhythm once more while he waited for his first taste of company. His head swaying softly as he added a hum to that, once again letting music take his awareness away from time. That was till a sweet little mare plopped down on the other side.


The griffon paused for the moment. A brow risen as he looked the mare over like he had seen her from somewhere before. In fact, he quite honestly could say he had. Being a club owner, it's a habit to keep an eye open for talent. And Leonard knows this very mare had it.

“Ohm...! Well now there's a familiar face, sweety. Forgive me for interloping on your mic, but - I'd like to take a shot at your name. Riff Run was it? Leonard Wingstrong, and looks like we'll be getting to know each other for the time being”

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A rave in the city? Yessir! Speed dating? Why the hay not? Riff Run was in Canterlot, the uptightest of uptight cities in Equestria as far as she was concerned, so a night like tonight was very welcome. She bopped her head in the line outside Pony Joe’s, humming a tune she couldn’t shake out of her head. Pony Joe’s - what a spot for this! One of the least stiff joints in the city, with good coffee and excellent sweets. Whenever Birdy found herself in Canterlot, this was one of her go-to coffee joints, because the brew was good and the service better. When the line began spilling into the joint, she tossed Pony Joe a little wink, laughing at the sight of him with his headphones, and danced over to her table.

What she found waiting for her made her crack a huge grin. Leonard Wingstrong, hm? What were the chances? Well, she knew exactly how she wanted to spend these three minutes!

“My parents call me Riff Run,” she corrected with a purr, “Friends call me Birdy, Wingstrong.”

And that was it for the small talk. Birdy put her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hooves, the start of a song coming to life on her lips, Baby got a little secret everybody wanna hear, pick up that saxophone and get your music up in here,

She sat up straight, eyes lidded and coffee-and-honey voice growing louder and richer with each note. The coffee-coloured mare tapped her hoof on the table, really getting into the groove. If Leonard Wingstrong didn’t pick up his sax and play she would be sorely disappointed.

And most girls so sugar, baby got a different spice, gonna serve it up real for ya and make it nice. Sing oooh oo-ooh, oooh oo-ooh, yeah yeah.”

And then, true to her ridiculously energetic nature, Birdy hopped up on the table and really got into the groove.

Dig in to that bad thing, dig in to that wicked sway! Let me show ya a new way, gotta make ya say ‘How did ya do that? How did ya do that?’



Birdy is singing this:


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The griffon raised a brow once he heard the mare break off into song. This was an unexpected turn of events. Here he was trying to find a sweet heart, and his mistress seemed to find a way to force herself back in on his life. Well so be it then. This song bird got no reason to hold back now.



The bird's tallons soon took his horn to position. His beak clapsed on the read, and he began to blow. Sweet celestial did he blow. His digits ran delicately down the notes, keeping pace with the mare as she song. Each note danced out without a care in the world. The soft curing in the room drowned out by the tunes of this sweet sweet Sax's voice.


His tail... seemed to grow a mind of it's own. It wasn't long before it was now swaying in the air with a fork and knife. It raked across the plates, creating as beautiful of a drumming sound as plates would allow. The glass became worked into symbols, and the table leg the bass.


This mare was a fun one, Leonard will give her that. She lets her song speak for her. So his sax will account for himself

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Hah! This gryphon really knew how to jive. He was really getting into it, his tail going mad and knocking out the rhythm the two had formed with their music. With the beat shining, Riff Run had to give in to old habits. Wearing a fiery smile, the coffee-coloured mare hopped up onto their table and switched things up a bit - jamming with somepony this good meant she’d start throwing down some sweet tunes no holds barred.

Posed to perform and swaying to Wingstrong’s clattering beat, Birdy began to scat ferociously. Because who the hay needs words when your voice is as rich and sweet as Birdy’s? Her eyes were lidded again, and from her high position on the tabletop she lowered her face and pressed her forehead to the gryph’s. Whether it was an affectionate or challenging move was unclear. What was clear was the fact that she was telling this bird to get on her level. Quite literally - she had made space on the table for him.

She pulled away and tapped her hoof along with his drumming, her rump shaking and tail swishing. The nonsensical words were pouring out of her, notes jumping around her huge vocal range and showcasing just how well this mare could belt. Birdy winked at the sax-toting gryph with the hot music from where she stood: now was the make-it-or-break-it moment for him. If this featherbrain could dance as well as he could make that golden beauty in his claws wail, well...Riff Run would be impressed! She paused her scat a moment to use her words, tempting the bird up with a silkily-sung, "Come on, hep cat. Dance. Impress me."

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"Come on, hep cat. Dance. Impress me."


Leonard gave the mare a smirk. Once again he leaned back in his chair looking over the mare with a contemplative gaze. His hat seemed to have tipped on it's own counter balancing against the bird's tilt of the head.


Shooot, the song bird could admit without a doubt that the mare was more interesting than a golden statue stuck in a slum. And now she wanted him to swing? The bird's head bobbed back and his smile went to something broader.


The mare wants to dance? Fine then, but it's gonna be more than a ball room prance.


Without any warning, the dapper dressed griffon rose to his feet with such vigor, he had sent the chair sailing through the air. He was standing on both his hind paws, and ducked down in one smooth motion. One set of talons placed on the edge of the table, joined by one of his hind paws to push down on the edge of the table, forcing the mayor to tumble over.

But instead of hitting the floor or table, she would find herself rolling safely down his large wings. The well dressed griffon smiling like a smooth criminal as his free talon moved up to grab the mare by a fore hoof while she was in mid roll.

Once it was secured, his wings snapped close letting her flip in the air and land on her hind legs. She was then snapped in the other direction where she would find herself lying back first in his arms at an angle. His paw still resting on the table, and his wings were wide open again.“Now let's see if ya can keep up, sweety.”


With a powerful flap of the wings, the two were shot into the air, spinning, and landed on the table, resetting it to it's proper position. Though the Griffon was moving in full swing, and very quickly at that.


His voice was now in full blast as he song out a jaunty tune. His voice while lacking quite a bit of bass and baritone, did give the song quite the smooth edge to send shivers down a spine.


“Joint at the soul with a pair of old phones, we need nobody to let ourselves go.

Here at my side, while we rock this show. An ocean of music, to move and flow!”

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Well, well, well. Birdy had said to impress her, and Wingstrong had certainly risen to the challenge! He was quite the dancer, if not a little too concerned with showboating. Ah well, she had said to impress, so she couldn’t exactly fault the gryphon for pulling out all the stops. And besides, she had thrown herself into this speed dating foolishness to have some fun, and Wingstrong was dishing it up! Showboating or not, Riff Run could dig it. She wasn’t about to just let him take the lead, though.

She held her own while he danced her up into the air to spin around wildly before setting back down on the table. But once her hooves had a surface to stand on, well, then it was Birdy’s turn to take the lead. She grabbed the gryphon’s clawed hand, pulling the gryphon up against her so they could swing her way. It was less about dancing, and more about getting close. Bodies pressed together, hips swaying to the rhythm, fancy hoofwork whirling them about - this was the kind of fun she liked. A little less showy, a lot more intimate, and a whole lot more fun!  Well, a lot more fun in her opinion, anyhow. Especially for the lucky sod who got to enjoy her generous curves, if she did say so herself!


Their time was almost up, but Birdy wasn’t about to ease off. She’d keep having her fun right until the moment their pretty little hostess told ‘em to switch up!

Joint at the soul with a rhythm,” she sang in soft, silky tones to answer Wingstrong’s tune, Sway your hips and let go.


Run your claws down my side and we’ll rock this show, they’ll move with our ocean - our ebb and our flow!”

The sultry mare grinned up at the sax-y gryph, sizing him up from behind lidded eyes and deeming their little speed date a success.

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