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DJ PON-3's Dating Event (Foxglove/Zelda)


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"Ok Joe, you ready to get this party rockin'?" Vinyl called over to her friend as the cream colored unicorn put the finishing touches on his section of the place. Donuts and coffee, his regular. However they were not being used in the regular setting. DJ-PON3 had done her part to turn Pony Joe's Cafe into a sweet scene. Low lighting, neon accents, and sick beats pervaded the place. Giving it a feel of the rave that was to come on the following evening. Even Joe had dressed to the event. He was wearing a black shirt and even had a set of old school ear phones around his neck. He certainly looked the part!


Vinyl had been looking for a way to earn a few extra bits and this was what she had come up with. A night of speed dating, followed by a rave with potentially a new date! She would let the participants get to know each other tonight and then who knew what would happening on the following evening at the Electric Mane! It was such a fun idea that even she would be getting involved in the dating scene!


"Let's get this party started!" 


The white unicorn opened the door to the line that had been forming outside. It looked like the participants were ready for some fun! Once everypony was inside Vinyl took her place in her makeshift DJ box.


"All right all right all right! Let's get this party rockin'! Take your seats, say hi and make nice everypony! You've got three minutes!"


With that, Vinyl turned the tunes down a touch, set the clock for three minutes, and went to find her seat for the first round!



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Zelda had been to some rather unique events in Canterlot, but she had to admit this one was one of the more different ones she had to attend. It was an rotating matchmaking party, but unlike the others that she had attended in the past, this took place in a donut shop of all places! She invited a few friends to tag along, but most considered ‘speed dating’ to be like all the stress and humiliation of a blind date, times twelve! What a bunch of party poopers! She would meet a few new ponies, griffons or whatever, and have a good time In the process.  Considering this was a donut shop and not a bar, she would have to do this while sober! Oh the horror!


The black furred griffon spotted a few familiar faces in the crowd. There was an actual celebrity in the bunch. Soarin' from the Wonderbolts! Her friend Fire Walker had a little sister who would probably freak out if she heard that the griffon had gone on a 'date' with one of her heroes. She also noticed that his 'date' brought fudge with her. What a lucky devil! Her old friend Razor was sitting with one of Equestria's heroes, Rainbow Dash. Watching that alone would have easily been worth the cost of cover charge. The very pony who gave her the impressive tattoo on her arm was also there, Inkbrand and he was sitting with the disc jockey she had seen before. There were a few others she did not recognize.


Now where the heck was her 'date'?
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"Evening!" Spoke up a rather soft, yet playful voice from behind the Griffin. Behind the Ebony hybrid sat a mysterious looking pony with a closed umbrella at her side. Her appearance seemed almost Ghostly in her color scheme; Her coat a snowy white and her two tone mane bearing the clashing shade and non-shade of Black and white with a stripe of bright violet the curled up a bit while resting between two matching Irises that seemed to peer through Zelda rather than look directly at her. 


This wasn't Foxy's usual scene... well in a way, The enigmatic horror author often visited parties that were much more lively than a simple booksigning. A Rave that was promised after an instance of this 'speed dating' thing was just the thing she needed to unwind after having finally scouted out another wonderful site she could visit to recharge her creative energies. The Dating thing wasn't really something she expected to go anywhere big but it couldn't hurt, right? To be honest, Ivory coated earth mare saw absolutely no familiar faces in this crowd, well none that she knew personally. She saw a hero and a celebrity, both of which having the common ground of a similar species and being very fast in the air from what she understood. Matters of Sport really weren't her concern, that currenly belonged to the griffin before her.


"I'm Foxglove. it's a pleasure to Meet you, Zelda." The Mare looked over the griffin before her, seemingly inspecting her.

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The black griffon nearly leaped out of chair as the mare found her way to the table and spoke up, "Oh hey.", Zelda tried her best to sound nonplussed as she greeted the pony. She quickly noted that her new 'date' was a very pretty little thing and was obviously a very 'arty' or creative type. Then she mentioned her name, and little lights started to light up in the bird's brain. "Oh, I knew you looked somewhat familiar." She really did not want to sound like a crazy fan-girl, and tried her best to keep from making herself look like a silly Dodo.  "I've read a few of your books, mostly the  'Coldblood Chronicles'. All rather fun reads."


While she stuck to mostly griffon writers, there were a few books by Quillhart, Jade Singer and A.K. Yearling, along with Foxglove's that had found their way into her bookshelves. While her books tended to lean towards torrid romance novels that would make even Inkbrand blush, she did enjoy a few horror and adventure novels from time to time. While it was puzzling that a pony as rich and famous as Foxglove was at a 'speed dating' event. This gal probably could get her hooves on just about anyone if she wanted to. Or maybe she was getting ideas for a new story?


"Amazing who you'd meet at these things.", the griffon spoke with a soothing purr, "Famous entertainment pony over there.", she nodded towards Soar'n, "A gal that saves the world at least once a week with her other heroic friends.", she waved towards Rainbow Dash. "And even a guy I sometimes hang out with.". A stallion marked with strange tattoos was her last pick. "And now a writer. What brings you to Donut Joe's? I was wandering around outside when I caught sight of the little sign they put out that announced this thing."
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  • 2 weeks later...




The ivory mare pretended to pout a bit at the un-phased tone that Zelda used to greet her, "I'm used to a much more ... energetic greeting from those I sneak up on." she then dropped her pouty facade and smiled playfully, "That surprised jump you did in your chair was rather cute though." The mare chuckled softly once she heard the griffoness admit that she had read her work, "It's always nice to hear somepony enjoys my stories... I'm hoping to start up another series one day when I feel Coldblood has run his course, but enough about me." The pony brushed that sliver of a violet in her mane out from between her eyes and behind one of her ears. " I think I'd like to get to know you more... even if we don't wind up involved, I do think you're pretty..." She let her words hang in the air for a moment before adding in one last statement, "... interesting."


"As for what brought me here.. it was combined allure of a festive atmosphere and sweets. I have a weakness for donuts." As foxglove listened to the griffin speak, she couldn't help but think. In a way she could picture herself with Zelda. She seemed to be about her speed after all. The mysterious writer was still curious as to how she would explain her trips to her if they did ever wind up together...

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“Eh.”, she shrugged her shoulders, “I’ve met some interesting characters while living in Canterlot, both famous and not so, so I try to treat everyone with the equal amount of respect before I really get to know ‘em.” She eyeballed the mare as she spoke. While she was proud of being a griffon, there was one thing she really wish she had. She was strong as an earth pony, as versatile in the air as a Pegasus and her nimble talons could work their own kind of magic, somewhat like an unicorn, but she lacked a glamorous head of hair like the Equestrian races had. Griffons generally kept a headful of closely cropped feathers and fur. It looked nice, but there was very little one could do with it without resorting to a wig, and those things never looked good on a griffon.


Foxglove’s coloring reminded her of a certain fictional evil fashionista who hunted puppies for their pelt, but unlike her, the pony seemed to look less villainous, or even ‘skunky’ but more exotic. Zelda let out an “Ooooh.” when she uttered the words ‘pretty’ and then an moan of disappointment when it was simply finished with an ‘interesting’. She also chuckled at the mare’s donut revelation. She was such a little thing, the griffon could see half of a donut-hole would be more than enough for her.


“Well, like you, I’m an artist. Just not terribly famous, but my name gets around in the right places.”, she kept up her smile, “I’m an sculptor and a blacksmith of sorts. I tend to get more business with the stone work, but this just gives me lots of time to look at people and while it’s kind of cheesy to say, I do find beauty in everyone I see, pony, griffon, diamond dog, dragon, or whatever and I enjoy capturing that beauty...Just a second of it, and making it last forever.” Oye that sounded better in her mind. “So Foxglove, you ever spend time with a griffon before?”
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