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RED vs BLU (TF2 crossover, OPEN!)


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((ooc: I already have many other rps in this section that nobody is responding to, so this is yet another try to get myself roleplaying again. XD This is a Team Fortress 2 based rp, so you have to have at least basic knowledge of the game, and I'll warn you now, there will be some blood. (I'm allowed to do that here, right? As long as I don't go too much into detail or anything?) As long as you know what you're doing and what each class does, you'll be fine, you don't have to know everything about the game. (I've never played it myself, but I've learned enough about it to keep a good rp going, I think.) Now, for the characters. You do not have to use a ponified version of a real TF2 character - in fact, I encourage you to use your own oc, and just outfit them with the proper gear and such. c: I'll have one character on each team, so I can properly interact with both sides.

Here is our character list: 


RED team: 

Medic: PyroBlaze

Heavy: ShadowSwipe666

Sniper: PyroBlaze

Spy: PyroBlaze

Engineer: augercorn

Pyro: Me! I have on oc that is pretty much a ponified Pyro already, and it's my favorite class next to Medic. XD ( bottom left: http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2015/028/5/5/pyronies_by_sparklebloomswirl-d8fsum2.png )



Scout: Me, with Spectrum Splash (top left, the white unicorn, but imagine her older for this rp: http://canterlot.ipbhost.com/uploads/gallery/album_770/gallery_8128_770_407312.jpg )


BLU team: 

Medic: Me, with Mechanical Madness ( http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2015/035/3/4/mechanical_madness_by_lobsterpolice-d8goa1t.jpg )

Heavy: augercorn

Sniper: ShadowSwipe666

Spy: augercorn

Engineer: PyroBlaze

Pyro: PyroBlaze

Soldier: Me, with Blue Skies ( the blue llama here: http://lobsterpolice.deviantart.com/art/Sheep-Lama-Adopt-CLOSED-455902268 )

Demoman: Me, with Blast Zone (I don't have pics of her yet, sorry)

Scout: PyroBlaze


Posting Order:

Me (Monochrome)





And, with that, I'll introduce you to our story~ Just comment what character you will be using, what team they will be on, and what class they will be, then post an intro to get you started. ^u^ ))


Two separated groups of ponies, nine in each, groggily awoke. Looking around, they found themselves somewhere they were not familiar with, a large room arranged much like somepony's living room. They had no memory of how they got here, and all were very confused. Suddenly, a mare's voice sounded over an intercom on the wall - 

"Welcome to Teufort. You have been selected as new mercenaries for (insert your character's team name here, Reliable Excavation Demolition or Builders League United) in their dispute with (opposite team). You each have a specialized set of gear in your rooms, down the hall to your right. Your rooms are marked with your names. Now, familiarize yourselves with each other and everything else. The battle begins tomorrow. Good luck."

The ponies stood, most with their mouths agape, staring in shock at the intercom box. What the hay were they all in for?

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((ooc: Perhaps I should post my Pyro pony's intro to help get things started? By the way, here's what he looks like: http://sparklebloomswirl.deviantart.com/art/Pyronies-510269690(bottom left) ))

An earth pony with a rusty red coat stood in the corner. Unlike the other eight dazed, baffled ponies in the RED building, he had been here for a long time, stubbornly staying no matter how many other mercenaries came and went. The stallion simply stared, his gas mask giving the illusion of a cold, blank gaze. He smiled beneath his mask, all the other ponies now awake. He gave a muffled greeting, stepping towards them. With the strange device strapped to his side and the mask concealing his face, he was quite intimidating, although he didn't know it. He tried to ignore the butterflies he saw around him, and just gave a polite nod to his old friend Balloonicorn (a pink unicorn with a blue-striped white mane, somewhat grumpy but a good friend nonetheless) as he approached his new teammates to introduce himself and help them get acquainted with their new job - which, to him, was simply to cheer up the grumpy foals in blue outfits. Such was the state of this stallion's mind; in his eyes, everything was always perfect and happy, full of sunshine, rainbows, lollipops, and cute little foals to play with. 


((That's a perfect idea, of course you can use a changeling! c: ))


Well, this was an interesting little situation, wasn't it? Thrust into this conflict for no apparent reason, with little to no explanation of the situation. The red-eyed changeling sighed slightly to himself as he looked around at the ones apparently on the same team as he was on, including some earth pony wearing a gas mask and carrying a flamethrower. Well, he'd have to be careful around that one. He remained silent as he simply watched the others walking around the area, trying to gauge the capabilities of his new teammates.


The earth stallion glanced around the group of ponies, finally deciding on greeting the changeling first. The masked stallion skipped forward, his flamethrower jangling at his side as he cheerfully approached the changeling. He warmly greeted the changeling stallion and asked what his name was, but through the gas mask it came out something like "Huddah! Mrph Mph huh huddah, mph a mm?"

He paused for a moment to acknowledge Balloonicorn joining them, and stared at the changeling for a moment, waiting for him to be polite enough to greet him and Balloonicorn.


Zarud's vision instantly focused on the approaching stallion as soon as he saw him. What did he want? The changeling stared silently as the pony stopped and spoke, though it was not understandable at all through the gas mask.


"You know, it would be much easier to understand you if you took your mask off. Or, you know, possible at all to understand you." He said simply, gazing at the earth pony.


The stallion seemed to dislike the thought of removing his mask, and simply grabbed a pen and a notepad off of the nearby coffee table. Unable to use his mouth, he had to hold the pen between his hooves to scrawl a message on the first page. His writing was much like a foal's, and he had doodled some silly little pictures around the corners, but it was just barely legible as "Hi! You can call me Pyro, who are you?"

Pyro waited patiently for his answer.


(My friend plays TF2 seemingly religiously, I've picked up a thing or so from it so hope its oki if I hope in. I'd like to do RED Demoman and a BLU Sniper. Again, just checking before I joins)


((That's okay, gentlemen123. :P

And Shadowbolt0, alright, great! Go ahead and type up your intros while I add you to the list. c: ))


Another drink! Standing up, Demoman grabbed his grenade launcher off the ground, scratching his head before exiting out the barn he had been in. Having started the day with a dozen bottles, for the drinker he was, it didn't last long! Now a desire to drink once again started to come upon him, and in such, he strolled through the base and grabbed himself another drink before walking out.


Looking at what allies were around him, first thing he spotted was a pony in wearing a gasmask armed with a flamethrower! The other was a changeling! Standing back, he watched carefully, taking another swing of his drink. "HEY!" He shouted out "Any of Ya! Seen any good grog round here? This stuff an't much for a Demoman like me!"


Although Pyro was still awaiting the changeling stallion's answer, he turned to look at the pony calling to them. ((ooc: I'm going to assume that, like my Pyro, he stayed after the previous mercs left, or that he just woke up first and happened to stumble upon his room/gear while wandering. (Read the first post for the circumstances of the rp, if you didn't already.) Am I correct about either of those, or did you have something else in mind?)) He seemed to already be acquainted with his position, Pyro noticed. He greeted the Demoman with a friendly wave and called him over before turning his attention back to the changeling.


((ooc: Since we now have somebody else on BLU, I'll post my intro for Mechanical Madness (who will have the Medic's accent for this because I can't resist XD ) now. c: ))


Mech slowly stood up, adjusting the cracked goggles he always wore (which obscured his eyes from anyone's view) and then having a look around. He was surrounded by ponies he did not know, in an unfamiliar place. He frowned slightly as a mare's voice bluntly explained their situation, then looked towards the hall they were told their rooms and equipment were located in. The thin yellow stallion's mechanical hind leg and wings creaked and groaned as he walked down the hall, finding his name on a sticky note attached to a pair of large white metal doors. There was a blue cross painted on one door. He paused, staring at it for a moment before pushing open the doors and entering the room - an infirmary.


"So, I am a medic, hm? Zhey must have studied zhe skills of zhe ponies chosen vell." he murmured as he looked over his equipment.


He removed his usual tattered old lab coat and hung it on a coat rack in the corner, then put on the new coat he was provided - a white button-up coat with the same blue symbol as on the door on both shoulders, with a white shirt, blue necktie, and dark blue vest to go underneath. He dressed himself, finishing by slipping on the blue rubber gloves that accompanied his new outfit, then went back to the main room to have a look at who he would be living with for Celestia knows how long.


Smirking, the Demonman waved back at the Pyro while taking another chug of his drink, before walndering over, placing his launcher on his back and gently punching the Changeling in the shoulder "HEY you! You look like you know where my Grog is! NA!" He punches the Pyro's shoulder hard while laughing, slightly drunkingly, "I'm just messing with you! Ya didn't take my grog! Now, any of ya new? Im the Demonman!"


He backed away slightly, a huge smile on his face. Meeting new people was fun, and with a bottle of grog in the other, everything was better!


Midnight listened to the voice, so that explains quite a lot actually. While the why was not there, what she had to do now was perfectly clear, well, almost. Walking down the hallway, she quickly found her door. Part of her didn't want to open it, what if they didn't give her the equipment she needed? After all, she prided herself on being effective, on being polite, and being precise. If she found a minigun in her room, she wouldn't be too pleased. Opening the door, she spotted a single weapon. The blue Thestral smirked as she pushed some of her silvish mane out of her face, and tightened her hunting hat on her head. A sniper rifle sat before her.


"Well well, look what we have here" walking up, she picked up the rifle, checking the scope, before nodding in approval "Looks like one fine piece of sniper" Looking at the other weapons, a large machete, she couldn't help but pick it up and start playing with it. Large knives, a sniper? Sounded like her parents were wrong after all, she'd be just fine in the world without them. Packing her equipment onto her, she left her room, fidgeting with her hat. The clothes she was wearing was a loose shirt, an overcoat that was leathery, and a belt to hold her ammo. It was all she'd need, after all, she didn't need that many shots to achieve her target.


Looking around, one pony jumped at her. A pony with mechanical parts. She walked over to him, removing her hat and used it to bow slightly to him, before returning her hat to her head "Greetings there mate, hope you got whatcha looking for. Plus, if I can say, cool wings. Don't see mechincal wings all that often round here"


Zarud gave no real response to the pony's writing, mostly because things were immediately interrupted by another pony, this one calling himself a Demoman. Hmm... Everyone seemed to be using code names of sorts, so he figured he should as well.

"Just call me Spy." He said, trying to ignore Demoman's druken actions.


Mech looked over at the pony greeting him, giving a small, polite nod in return.


"Hello. Whoever organized zhis definitely did zheir research... I vas a doctor, for a vhile, and zhey must have known zhat to put me in zhis position, I zhink. Heh heh..." he said thoughtfully, chuckling slightly to himself. "Ah, danke, I made zhem myself. I had real vings vonce, long ago, but zhere vas an... Incident... And I had to replace zhem. Same for my leg."


Mech smiled slightly as he glanced around, then seemed to suddenly remember something.


"Ah, vhere are my manners, I didn't introduce myself. I am Mechanical Madness, but for zhe sake of saving time you may call me Mech. It appears I am your medic." he said. "And who are you, fräulein?"


Pyro laughed with the Demoman for a moment, then turned to the changeling once again, who had said to call him "Spy". Pyro nodded a bit, then seemed to remember something important, looking at Spy and gesturing towards the hall. When he didn't recieve much of a response, Pyro looked to Demoman, to have him help communicate what he meant. Demoman, having been here longer, probably understood Pyro a bit better than the newcomers would.


Midnight listened to the Doctor speak, interested. Whoever had gotten them here had indeed done their research. She was a tracker, a huntress. And he was a doctor, meaning it wasn't a simple grab job, which partly worried her about the size of the group that had gotten her here.


"I am sorry" was all she could say when he briefly mentioned the 'incident'. Whatever it was, she felt for him. He'd lost his wings, thankfull he still had them, but she imagined if she'd lost HER wings, and that was a thought that absolutely terrified her!  


At his introduction, she once again tipped her hat at Mech as her sign of respect "Pleasure to meet ya Mech, you can call me Midnight. I'm the sniper it seems, I used to be a tracker and huntress back in the day. So what do you honestly think this is, and what are we going to be fighting? Other ponies? I hope not, I can put a wild animal and creature in my sights no problem, but a pony? Well, lets hope for the best huh?"


"Don't vurry about it." Mech replied with a slight smile.


He paused, pondering the situation as he listened to what Midnight said next.


"Vell, zhe mare on zhe intercom said zhat zhis is a company var. So, most likely, ve vill soon find ourselves fighting ozher ponies..." Mech said.


Adjusting his tie, he looked down and saw a corner of a piece of paper poking out of his pocket.


"Oh, vhat's zhis?" Mech murmured as he slowly pulled it out and unfolded it.


It said, in neat handwriting:


"Medic, your first responsibilities are as follows:

- Check the health of your team and make notes of any problems.

- Extract a blood sample from each team member, including yourself, so the Engineer can set the team up with respawn.

- Perform the über heart procedure on each of your teammates - the previous medic left you some instructions in the infirmary."


Mech read the list carefully, raising his eyebrow curiously at its contents.


"Hm, vone of my first orders of business is apparently to perform some sort of surgery? Interesting." he said. "I vill give everypony some time to get familiar vizh everyzhing before I get to zhat."


(Assuming it's alright, I wouldn't mind being the blue pyro with my unicorn that uses fire magic. Alternatively, I could be the blue scout with my other changeling, who I would keep in one form for that role.)


Zarud raised an eyebrow at the pony's frantic gesturing at the hallway, not moving initially, though he did eventually get up with a sigh, walking towards the hallway to eventually find a room with his name on it. He entered it and sorted through the items he found inside, taking what he thought would be useful.


(Sure, that would be fine! Nobody new seems to be joining yet, and as long as you can keep track of all of your characters you can fill as many positions as you want. c: )


Pyro gave a pleased giggle and a nod as Spy headed down the hall and found his room. While he waited for him to come back, Pyro started talking to Demoman and Balloonicorn; mostly Balloonicorn, though, since he was the only one who usually understood his muffled speech.


(I'll just fill the blue scout spot then. Especially since the other character I mentioned is actually named Pyro, and I figured that might get a bit confusing if we had two different characters with the same name.)


Zarud continued searching the room until he was satisfied he had found everything of use that he could carry at the same time without going overboard. If they were to be fighting, he had to remain mobile, after all. He sighed slightly to himself before he exited the room, giving Pyro a look that basically asked why he was waiting outside the room. He didn't voice his question though, simply staring.




A changeling suddenly jumped in on the conversation between the two ponies, landing on the back of the one with the metal wings. She peeked over his shoulder at the other mare with a wide smile, humming to herself. 


"Hiya! I'm Flux! Wait... Was I supposed to use that weird title thing? Scout?... Yeah, that was it. Anyways, It's nice to meet you! I love meeting new friends!" She chirped happily before rolling off of the pony and bouncing around the two happily. "This sounds like it'll be so much fun! Sure, we're going to be fighting, and that's not generally something that's very fun, but if we get to respawn anyways, I guess it doesn't matter that we'll be killing each other! Or rather, killing the other team. I wouldn't kill you guys!" She giggled again as she continued bouncing, making quick little circuits around the two ponies.


Mech yelped, startled for a moment when somepony landed on his back. The pony on top of him revealed herself to be the team's scout before rolling off of Mech and beginning to ramble. Mech frowned, stretching out his robotic wings and checking them for any signs of damage. He was relieved to find that they were in fine condition.


"Hello, Scout." Mech said bluntly. "You may refer to me as Mech or Medic. And, please, no more of zhat." he added crossly, referring to her jumping on him moments ago.




Pyro waved to Spy, but then his attention quickly began to wander. Next thing anypony knew, he was gleefully setting various small objects ablaze.


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