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RED vs BLU (TF2 crossover, OPEN!)


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"Vell, I am honestly not sure vhere ve are myself. I believe zhe mare on zhe intercom said it vas a place called 'Teufort'?" Mech replied as he selected a syringe.

He injected its contents into R's arm, then waited a few minutes for the medicine to set in. 

"How are you feeling? Are you numb yet?" Mech asked, seeming eager to start. "Can you feel zhis?" he added, poking R's belly with his hoof.




"Hm, yeah. You're probably right." Spectrum replied with a slight nod, glancing at Pyro again. 

She paused for a moment, then spoke again.

"I wonder what's under the mask? We'd at least be able to understand the guy if he wasn't talkin' through that thing." she said, reaching for Pyro's mask.

Spectrum was only able to tug it slightly before Pyro whipped around to face her, seeming almost offended that she had tried to take his mask. He mumbled something, sounding a bit upset.

"Okay, sheesh, no need to get all defensive." Spectrum said, backing off a little and blowing a strand of her mane out of her face.

Pyro turned to Balloonicorn and slowly began to talk again, but kept looking around at the others. He liked his mask, and he almost never took it off, not even when he slept. 

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Flux blinked a bit at the petting she was getting, looking at Rock with her head tilted to the side slightly. She said nothing at first, just giving a little hum.

"What're you talking about, Rocky? Angel and Devil were just arguing again. Thanks for offering to protect me though!" She chirped, smiling at the large pony.


Tehengu watched as the mare attempted to remove the Pyro's mask. She didn't really get anywhere though, as the pony turned to her and probably told her to stop. He was a strange one.

Zarud watched from his corner, silently sizing up his teammates as they interacted with each other.

Flora was surprised to find a note in the clothing she had found in her room, reading it over before blinking a bit.

"U-umm... E-everyone?... It s-seems there's s-something I n-need to do w-with you all... A s-surgery..." She said quietly, looking back up at the others.


Rock nodded, and let out a kind “ahhhhhhh o.k. You are o.k little one! I don’t know what’s going on here? but you are o.k”


But deep down rock was a more than a little freaked out


R stood still against the poking, his body was almost completely immune to most types of drugs and chemicals, he could feel it all and didn’t want to waste the time and resources to try and sedate him

He took a deep breath and said

“you have my consent to ….begin” he didn’t know what was going on but he was sure it was all a means to escape


meanwhile back in the starting room a mare woke up

“uhhhhh gosh darn it! Not again!” she stood up she was tall for a mare and had light red/pinkish fur and long gold hair. She slowly walked to her room to grab her engineering gear

“gosh dang,  Intel capturing varmints!” she moaned as she set up her tool box and greased up her wrench!

“better than no dang! Cart pushing!” she said to herself tying up her apron almost ready to go 


"Vunderbar." Mech said, adjusting his blue rubber gloves and grabbing a scalpel from the table next to him. Before starting, he turned on a device that was mounted on the ceiling and pointed it at R, bathing him in a glowing blue beam that looked something like unicorn magic. Then he began, slicing a neat line down the middle of R's chest and opening it to reveal his insides. Mech grinned slightly.

"Now..." he said, glancing at his instructions. "Zhis says I vill be removing your heart for a moment. But, don't vurry, it also says zhat zhis 'medigun' thing vill keep you alive during zhat. How fascinating!"

Mech put down the scalpel for a moment, then picked up a bonesaw to remove some bits of the ribcage so he could reach the heart more easily. Then, he picked up the scalpel again, and holding the heart with his hooves, sliced it free. Holding it in one bloodied hoof, he took another look at his instructions.

"Okay, it says now I put zhe heart on zhis battery, and hold it under zhe medigun... It may or not be able to handle zhat, but zhat is vhy zhere are extra hearts in zhe fridge." Mech said with a chuckle.

He looked back at his patient for a moment while he attached the heart to the battery, only to notice a couple of the infirmary's avian residents trying to nest in R's chest cavity.

"Shoo, birds! It's filzhy in zhere." he scolded them, waving them away with his hoof.


"Surgery? Uh, what kind of surgery, doc?" Spectrum said unsurely.

Pyro looked around, suddenly remembering something - where was the engineer? Pyro had always considered the engineer his best friend on the team. He began to wander, trying to find his friend among the many newcomers.


Flux could tell Rock wasn't quite as comfortable as he had been before. She tilted her head to the side slightly, but said nothing about it, simply watching him with a bit of worry.




Flora blinked a bit before looking over the instructions. She hadn't really expected any of them to hear her the first time, but she supposed it was better that they had.


"Umm... Let's see... I h-have to r-remove your heart?!" Her eyes widened and she whimpered a bit at that as she read on. "Oh, I'll be putting them back... That's g-good." She finished, looking back up at the others. "Umm... Well... D-do any of y-you w-want to go f-first?"


Tehengu and Zarud remained silent, the latter because he didn't feel comfortable putting his lives in the hooves of some mare he had just met. The former was simply too shocked to even formulate words at first.


Rock continued to pet Flux like a little dog when he stopped and looked to the left, he then had a big smile on his face and shouted “SANDVICH!” he got up and walked over sure enough there sitting on the table was a delicious looking sandwich, slinging the minigun over his shoulder as if it were nothing  he grabbed the sandwich and began munching on it making noise all the way

“Newom newom newom mmmm THAT WAS GOOD!” he said throwing away the toothpicks he looked over to his new friends and suddenly felt guilty

“OOOOH NOOOOOOOO! Im sorryv little ones you are probably hungry as well! COME WE FIND OR MAKE BIG FEAST!”


meanwhile R watched trying to control himself as he was cut open

he let out only a slight groin as his skin was cut, he nodded able to keep his cool, controlling his panic as the doctor explained his procure.

But then it became quite clear that the good doctor … didn’t know what he was doing,

R let out a very organic, natural “uhhhh”


Then the bird landed in his chest and he lost it, he felt his brain blacking out

“If I die …before I wake ….soul to take!” he then passed out on the board twitching for a minute before remaining still


meanwhile the mare was ready to go she came in on the waiting room and shouted “YEEEEEHAWWWW my name here is Apple Scone, I’m an engineer … I fix things, and Im ready for another round at the ole two fort!”


((Augercorn, you're playing the engineer on RED, and nobody there is in the waiting room quite yet. They're in the hallway, and she would most likely come across my pyro-pony first thing since he's looking for her. :) ))

Mech paused for a moment as R shouted something, sounding frantic.

"Freund, relax. Trust me, you'll be fine, don't vurry!" Mech said, trying to sound reassuring.

But, suddenly, R passed out.

"No, no, none of zhat!" Mech exclaimed, turning up the power on the medigun slightly for a moment, just enough to give R a little jolt, hoping to keep him awake just a bit longer while he worked. "I cannot guarantee you vill vake up if you sleep now. Come on..."

Mech kept a close eye on R as he slowly returned to his work. He picked up the heart and battery and held them under the medigun's blue beam, watching as the heart began to pulse faster and faster... Then popped like an over-filled balloon. Mech gave a nervous chuckle as he removed the remaining bits of heart from the battery's spikes and hurried over to the fridge. Upon opening the fridge, he was greeted with a blunt "Kill me" from the head, to which he replied with a rushed "Later." He glanced at the instructions, then browsed the fridge for the suggested replacement. He found it quickly - a row of hearts, each with a label on their dish that read "Minotaur." 




Spectrum's eyes widened.

"REMOVE m-my heart?!" she stammered, trying desperately to keep her cool and sound brave but not doing a very good job.


Flux gave a little murring noise as she was petted, watching Rock as he petted her and eventually moved off to eat a sandwich. She tilted her head slightly as he looked back, saying he would find food for them all.


"Okie dokie!" She chirped after a second, hopping up as she got ready to follow the large pony.




"Y-yeah, it s-says to remove the h-heart for a bit..." Flora said timidly after the mare's outburst. "D-don't worry though... I'll p-put it b-back... With an addition, apparently."


Rock walked around with his new friend looking around

“so Little one, what is your job here?”


R twitched his eye open but then immediately passed out again hearing someone moan ‘kill me’

He questioned whether escaping would be a good thing, but the quack literally had his heart on a platter! He closed his eyes trying to calm himself inevitably regretting his choice to go first and try to get it over with

“licensed?” he asked trying to ask if he had a medical license


meanwhile across the red base  Apple scone came in and saw the pyro pony

“oh well hi there burnee; how have you been?” she said trying to be friendly with her acquaintance putting her hoof out for a handshake


Mech paused uncomfortably for a brief moment. He knew that question would have to be answered eventually, but he honestly hadn't expected it to come up so soon. Oh well.

"Eh heh, vell, zhat's a funny story... But, no. I vas vonce." he said calmly as he continued to work. "But do not panic! I know vhat I'm doing, more or less."

He grabbed one of the minotaur hearts and attached it to the battery, and, like the last heart, held it out under the healing beam. 

"Come on, come on..." Mech mumbled as he watched the heart pulse faster and faster again.

Mech began to laugh as it appeared to be working. In a moment, it was done - the heart was now blue and had an odd look to it, a partly-transparent shininess that made it look almost like it was made out of jelly. 

"Ooh, zhat looks good." Mech said, smiling as he lowered it back into R's chest. "Ah, could you hold open your ribcage a bit, bitte?" he added, looking at R.

(("Bitte" is "please" in German.))




Spectrum gulped, staring at the mare for a moment. She seemed trustworthy enough.

"U-uh... Okay, I guess I can do this. At least I'll be knocked out through all that..." Spectrum said slowly.

The medic's reaction to what she had said sent a fearful chill down Spectrum's spine.

"No... I'm not going to be AWAKE while you're cuttin' my heart out, right, doc?" Spectrum said in disbelief. 

((I know in Meet the Medic, the Medic said that technically the patient wasn't supposed to be awake for the uber heart transplant, but since that very Medic (well, a pony version of him) left those instructions, I'm thinking he added "keep the patient awake" to it.))


"Mph-a huddah huh! Mph mm-a mph mmph~" Pyro replied cheerfully, eagerly shaking his friend's hoof when she held it out.

She understood Pyro slightly better than the others, since he tended to hang around her more, but she could still really only guess what he was saying sometimes. This one sounded like a "I've been good! Nice to see you~".

"Mmph huh hudda mm!" he added enthusiastically.

What was that? Sounded like... "We have newcomers"?


Flux hummed to herself happily as she followed Rock around. She gave a little hum at his question, looking at him.

"Scout. I like running around!" She chirped happily.


Flora pursed her lips slightly and looked at the mare as she said she'd be asleep through the surgery. The mare saved her from responding, however.

"W-well... The instructions say to k-keep the patient awake... I c-can promise you w-won't be in pain though." Flora said, giving a little reassuring smile.


Scone nodded understanding the pyro slightly (the fact that she worked with lots of animals helped)

“well shucks! We got new teammates! I hope they hold out longer than the last batch …bless there hearts”  she said quickly saluting the fallen with her hard hat before smiling and jumping “WELL come on now lets go meet them!”


R’s jaw dropped “now … seen it …all” he painfully moaned. R slowly brought his hands up hand held his ribcage in place

It was pretty visceral …literally! He had to take his mind of the pain, the here and now

“medigun?” he asked wanting to be able to focus on someone else talking


R smiled and patted Flux “AHHH WELL WE WILL MAKE GOOD TEAM!” he looked around and they came on a big locker room (the spawn room) “huh” he said looking around, sure enough there was plenty of medical supplies and ammo around in here


"Zhe medigun? Vhat about it?" Mech replied, putting the heart back in its place. "Ooh, yes, zhe medigun can do a neat little trick... Put your hooves down, and behold!" Mech added, laughing slightly.

He flipped a switch on the medigun, and watched in delight as it went to work; R's flesh and bone re-formed and fused, leaving him looking as if he hadn't been in surgery at all, save for where the modified heart's blue glow showed through his chest. All the pain subsided immediately, and R was good as new.

"Isn't zhat fantastic? It's some strange combination of magic and electricity zhat can do just about anyzhing!" Mech said gleefully. "Now, zhen... A successful procedure! You are finished, freund." he added, offering his bloodied hoof to help R up.




Spectrum took a moment to calm down. Well, now would be a good time to look brave in front of the others...

"O-okay... I-I'll go first." she said, stuttering a bit from sheer nervousness.

Pyro joined Scone's moment of respect, lowering his head. (Although, nobody had had the heart to tell him that most of the missing team members had failed to respawn, so he just thought they had gone away... After all, who had ever died while spreading happiness and playing with cute little foals, like what Pyro saw their job as?) Then, he quickly returned to his bubbly behavior, nodding eagerly and leading the way to the others.


Flux giggled as Rock patted her on the head, then hopped along beside him as they walked into what appeared to be a locker room. The changeling zipped around the room a bit, looking for food, but all she came up with was ammo and medical supplies.


"I don't think there is any food in here, Rocky." She said, looking back at him.




Flora blinked a bit as the mare volunteered to go first, nodding after a couple seconds.


"A-alright, just this way then." She said, leading her towards the medical place. "If y-you others w-would follow me to the waiting room, I would appreciate it." She said gently, giving a small smile back over her shoulder at the others. Tehengu began following after a second, and Zarud followed as well.


(I think I've got a character to fill the engineer slot on BLU. I'm also considering throwing Pyro in here, though I'm torn between the pyro and the demoman. Eh, he'd probably be better in the pyro slot, it's just that it seems the pyro can't use swords, and that is Pyro's main mode of attacking outside his fire magic.)


R was surprised as his body healed before him, his eyes wide in shock, as he ran his hoof over his naked chest,

“fascinating … application unlimited” he got off the table and looked Mech in the eye and copyed his voice saying

“Vell now we know vhat ve are doing DA?”


Rock made sure he was topped off on ammo and stopped to admire a nice calendar real quick before going back to searching for food, they walked into another room and saw a fridge “AHA! He said pointing to it, Rock went over and opened the fridge only to see a dead body stuffed in there! He quickly stuffed it back in and slammed the door with his back and softly said

“uhhhh no food in there; huh how are we supposed to fight if we cant have something to eat ehh?”



across the base  Scone walked with Pyro slinging her wrench over her solder; and asked “So flames mcgee! What do you think it will be this time? A good ole fashion Intel grab or one of them there deat-uhhhh tag matches?” she said  making sure to correct herself to his illusion

while she didn’t exactly trust the pyro but she knew he was a valuable partner, and would hate to see if pyro lost his illusion and went bonkers, that scared her almost to death


((Alright PyroBlaze, great! c: I'll put you in the BLU Pyro and Engineer slots on the main list~ Just let me know if you decide on switching to Demoman. :) ))


Mech paused for a moment as he heard R speak in his voice, then in what sounded like the Heavy's at the end. 

"Ah, oh yes... Vhat fascinating powers zhe changelings have." he said, laughing a bit. "But, yes."

He began to walk towards the waiting room door, gesturing for R to follow, but then stopped suddenly.

"Oops, almost forgot somezhing! Hold still." he said as he walked back to his tools.

He selected a clean syringe and used it to take a small sample of R's blood.

"I vas told zhis vould be needed for zhe engineer to set everyvone up vizh respawn. Sounds interesting..." he explained. "Judging by zhe name, ve might be coming back every time ve die in battle. Vhat a curious invention, I vonder how it vorks?" he added ponderingly.

The two stallions entered the waiting room. Mech gave a slight sigh of annoyance, discovering the waiting room empty.

"Zhey all vandered off. Vanting to explore zhe place is understandable, but I told zhem to vait here!" he grumbled. "Dummkopfs. I have to go find zhem now."

He walked out of the waiting room and through the halls, calling every now and then.

"Herr Heavy! Frau Scout! Vhere are you, it's time for your surgery!" he called, somewhat impatiently.




Pyro giggled before answering. It sounded like he had said "capture the flag," which is what he usually called the intel retrieval missions. 

Soon, they found the group of newcomers walking towards the infirmary. Pyro bounded over to them to introduce his friend.

Meanwhile, Spectrum followed behind Flora, her hoofsteps almost reluctant as she walked. Be brave, be brave. she silently reminded herself. If you can't do this, you definitely wouldn't be able to make it through tomorrow.

She noticed Pyro suddenly returning from wherever he had wandered to, with a mare following behind him.

"Oh, h-hey there Mumbles. Who's your friend?" Spectrum said, mustering a halfhearted smile as she glanced at the mare.


(Having two characters going by Pyro will be confusing enough, I don't think we need a demoman named Pyro.)


Flux hummed to herself as they continued on, eventually coming upon another room with what appeared to be a fridge. Rock opened it up, only to close it again and say there was no food in there either.


"Aww... Oh well, I guess we'll just have to live with it." Flux said, sighing a bit in disappointment. Why was there no food around? She sat there for a second in silence before brightening up again. "At least I got to meet new friends!" She chirped with a smile.


In another area, two stallions were emerging from their respective rooms. A white stallion with a fiery mane and tail, wearing a pair of sunglasses over his red eyes emerged from the Pyro's door, having donned the armor and taken a sword. He had left the flamethrower behind since his magic could obtain the same effect without him having to carry around the weapon. From the engineer door came a younger stallion, looking like a mix between the first stallion and some other blueish pony.


The older one turned as he heard a voice, spotting the approaching ponies and walking towards them. As he got closer, it would become obvious that he was not happy with where he woke up. He grabbed the pony with mechanical wings in his magic, bringing the two of them face to face.


"Tell me where we are and how to get out of here or I will burn you until you either die or tell me what I want to know." He growled angrily. The younger unicorn came up, looking at the older one for a second before speaking.


"Dad! I know we're in a strange place, but that doesn't mean you should threaten the first pony you see!" He said before turning to the other two and setting Mech back onto the ground. "Sorry about that, you two, my dad's a little protective." He added apologetically, looking at the other two ponies.




Flora lead the group into the waiting room, waiting for them all to file in and find their seats before she lead Spectrum inside the operation room gently. 


"Y-you'll be alright, I p-promise." Flora said reassuringly as she gestured for the mare to get onto the operating table. While she was doing that, Flora cleaned her hooves and went over the instructions again. It seemed fairly simple. Once Spectrum was situated, Flora came over with a needle.


"This is so you d-don't feel anything." She said softly before sticking it into Spectrum's foreleg and pushing it's contents into the mare's bloodstream. After a couple seconds, Flora gingerly poked the mare, looking at her expectantly as if to check that the substance was working as desired.


R slipped his suite on and continued to mock Mech while checking his gun back in his pocket



Rock smiled and walked with Flux into the waiting area to see the 2 new ponies as well as R and Mech, at the sudden onset of violence he raised his gun and began to spool it not sure if he would need to use it, but made sure it was ready anyway

“HAY! IF ANYONE IS GOING TO KILL SOMPONIE ITS ME!! Just not little one she will live!”


across 2fort Scone politely took her hard hat off and gave Flora a hearty Handshake

“well howdy DO! I’m Apple Scone. Certified Redneck extraordinaire, master builder and your Engineer for the upcoming fight YEEEHAW!”

she raised her hat in excitement stamping her cowgirl boots into the ground before letting go of the handshake “I like to introduce myself before getting started then I need to go boot up the ole respawners!”

she put her hard hat back on and smiled warmly to her new partners

“what’s your name and class  going be for the match ahead?”


Mech shot a glare at R as he mocked him louder. (Or, what one could assume was a glare since his eyes were obscured by the cracked goggles.) But, before he could make a sharp remark, he was suddenly grabbed by somepony's magic and threatened by a stallion he hadn't met yet. The stallion demanded their location.

"Release me, schveinehund!" Mech spat, struggling in midair. "I do not know any more zhan you do!"

Another newcomer revealed himself, apparently this stallion's son, and convinced him to let Mech go. Once on the ground again, Mech folded his mechanical wings and frowned disapprovingly at the one who had threatened him.

"Unnecessary zhreats aside..." Mech said coldly. "Might ve at least know your names and classes?"




Pyro stayed near Scone; he had already gotten his uber heart a long time ago, so there was no need for him to hang around in the waiting room with those who were getting theirs right now. Perhaps he would watch while Scone fixed the respawners instead.

Meanwhile, Spectrum quickly prepared herself for the surgery. She kept reminding herself that she would be fine, that she could trust Flora, and that she needed to be brave as she removed her new saddlebag, hat, and red shirt. She laid on the operating table that Flora gestured to, noticing with a slight cringe that there were blood stains all over it... Didn't the last medic wash off any of his stuff? Flora came over and injected her with some medicine, and after waiting a few moments poked Spectrum to see if she could feel anything. Wow, this stuff works fast. Spectrum thought, feeling nothing at all even as she watched Flora touch her.

"Nope, can't feel anything. I guess you can get started now..." she said with a slight nod.


Pyro growled in annoyance as he found himself no closer to getting out of there. He needed to get his son and him out of here somehow. He gave a glare over his shoulder at the large pony with the minigun, but said nothing, turning back around to look at the mechanical pony.

"I'm Justice, and I am apparently the engineer for the team. My dad's the pyro, which is funny because that makes him Pyro the pyro." The younger stallion said, introducing the two of them. His ear twitched as he heard giggling from behind him, a quick glance confirming that it came from the changeling mare.

"Well hiya! I'm Flux! This big guy is Rock! And the one with the metal wings is Mech! I... I don't think I ever got that guy's name..." Flux said, pausing a bit as she realized she didn't know the last one's name.


Flora smiled slightly as she was told the other mare couldn't feel anything. She then grabbed the tools, beginning the procedure with an incision where the heart was. She opened the mare's chest up before turning on the medigun and going to work. She removed the ribs in the way before carefully extracting the heart.

"Hmm... Let's see... What was next again? Oh yes, the battery." Flora said to herself before taking out the battery and attaching it to the heart, holding it up in the medigun's beam.

Back in the waiting room, Tehengu gave a nod to the engineer in greeting before answering the questions.

"My name is Tehengu, and I'm the sniper." He said, watching the mare. Zarud said nothing at first, though he spoke up after the griffin.

"Name's Zarud. Looks like I'm the spy for this battle." He said simply.


R watched with a very sight smile as Mech got strangled and in mechs voice said

"ohhh ya ya if you don't like me now just wait till later ...."

but then he went back to a stone face as son as he was released, as Justice spoke like a record R copied what he said

"Justice" as if syncing up his voice. but as flux asked who he was R looked to her and in his normal voice 


"Identity is ...meaningless ... suffice .... codename ...  R"


Rock rolled his eyes "AND I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY GAHHH ... ok pyro and justice is good to have you on the team, I am heavy Weapons guy, and it seems none of us know whats exactly going on here ... but i think were going to have to fight" he said with a bit of a frown at his last words before walking forward to shake hands with the new guys


Scone smiled and waved as they introduced them selfs "well now i see we got 2 in there now getting them selfs ready for the med-gun" she turned around and with a straight face said "let me tell you boys it worse than a Alabarnia heat wave getting your first operation; but that little tool saved me and Iggy's( she said dropping her arm over the pyro's solder) hides more than once!"


Mech cast another glare at R as he made a remark in Mech's voice again.

"I von't say any names, but somevone is just begging to have zheir vocal chords removed in zhe near future..." he grumbled.

He gave an irritated huff.

"Vell, zhat first impression leaves much to be desired, but nonezheless I vill say 'Nice to meet you.'" he said bluntly. "Now, if all of you vill follow me back to zhe vaiting room, I can finish my first task as your medic."




Spectrum flinched as Flora sliced her open - she didn't feel anything, of course, it was just a natural reaction. She slowly opened her eyes and watched Flora work. It was strange, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and then she could actually see it... Then, it was suddenly gone as Flora cut it out and started working on it. 

"This is so weird." Spectrum remarked, staring at her chest cavity. 

Looking up for a moment, Spectrum noticed something that made her a bit uneasy... There were birds roosting everywhere, not in cages or anything. Spectrum glanced from the birds to her opened chest again, then looked over at Flora.

"Uh, doc, are you sure having all these birds hanging around in the operating room while I have a huge hole in my chest is safe?" she asked, casting another glance at the flock of white birds.


Pyro nodded as Scone mentioned the first surgery and how the medigun had saved them many times. He said something, but Scone didn't catch it and nobody else understood. 


Pyro grumbled a bit to himself, but still followed after the apparent doctor as they were led back to the waiting room. He didn't like what was going on, but it seemed they were all in the same boat, so he wouldn't really be able to get anything useful out of all of them. He glanced back at Rock to see Justice shaking hands with him. He was not currently in the mood to be civil, he was still angry at whoever had thrown him and Justice into this place. 


"It's nice to meet you too, Rock. Don't mind dad, he's just trying to look out for me and find a way out of here." Justice said, smiling a bit at the large pony. He then followed after his father with the others as they all headed into the waiting room.




Flora gave a little hum at Spectrum's statement, continuing to hold the heart in the beam. She paused as she heard the mare's question, giving a more contemplative hum as she looked around.


"Well, the last one must've done these with the birds in here, so it should probably be fine." Flora said, giving a reassuring smile to the mare.


scone looked in on the surgery thru the window "eye, just something you got to go thru .." she turned around holding her wrench to the side "well if y'all need me; have any questions ill be in the locker settin up den spawners. then we should have enough time to talk battle plans" she walked out the door whistling a tune coming into the locker, she set dow her too box and pulled out her blue print. she didn't know how they worked exactly but she knew how to make them!


R mocked the medic at every turn adding quips to each sentence "I von't say any names, but somevone is just begging to have zheir vocal chords removed in she near future... ohh I'm sorry i just haven't had some sauerkraut today *sniff* I'm grumpy" 


"Vell, zhat first impression leaves much to be desired- Like Hitler!  but nonezheless I vill say 'Nice to meet you.-guten lieben pocket drunken except mr. stanglepyro!" he said bluntly. "Now, if all of you vill follow me back to zhe vaiting room, I can finish my first task as your medic. and give you all blond hair and blue eyes to join the master race!"

R followed him with a giddy hop and walked back to the waiting room seemingly going back to his original very stark blank personality


Rock sighed and walked back when he was done he sat down laying his mini gun in his alp and said

"o.k looks like we have good team building up we have, scout, ME, a medic, an engineer, and whatever R is? if we stay calm and support each other I'm sure we can make it thru whatever is next!"


Mech tried to ignore R, but he just kept going. Mech gritted his teeth and kept walking until they reached the waiting room once again. He took a deep breath, silently thanking Celestia that R went back to being completely silent.

"Alright," he said, already sounding tired. "Who is next? Let's see... How about you, Herr Pyro?"

He gave a short, dark laugh after he spoke, walking into the infirmary and gesturing for Pyro to follow.




Pyro followed Scone, skipping along behind her like an energetic little filly, Balloonicorn floating close behind him. (Although, of course, only Pyro could see Balloonicorn.) He hummed a little tune as they reached the spawn room and Scone began setting up the machines. Pyro thought that they had a very interesting way of playing tag here - if one of the little pegasus foals in blue tags you, these machines send you back here to the base. The only problem was that those little foals played pretty rough sometimes... But, that's what they had Medic for. 

"Uh, okay, if you say so." Spectrum said unsurely. 

Suddenly, she heard a noise - a sort of popping, splattering sound. She quickly looked over at Flora, who had her back turned to her.

"What was that?" Spectrum asked.


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