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RED vs BLU (TF2 crossover, OPEN!)


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"Alright, good." Mech said, tidying up in preparation for the next surgery. "No problem. I can't vait to see how zhese vill vork in battle."


Blue huffed, receiving no answer.

"Oh boy, I'll really have my work cut out for me with this team, won't I?" he grumbled.

(Meanwhile again)

Blast quietly stuck with the group, presumably heading back to training.




"Cool!" Spectrum said. "Uh, your job, I mean, not the part about your sister being missing. Sorry to hear that." she added quickly.

She was quiet for a short moment, then spoke again.

"Yeah, before I got taken here I lived with my parents, no siblings. We had a pretty nice house, and I had a few friends who lived nearby. I didn't have a real job yet... Haha, well, I guess I do now." she said.

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((Ah, I just now realized I was asked to participate in this RP, I currently don't have much time to read but if there's a spot open and someone could give me a summary I would really appreciate, I have been playing TF2 for 5 years now and would love to apart of this RP! Thank you.))



Well, so far, here's what's happened: your character wakes up in their team's base (look at the list in the first post for open slots) with no idea how they got there. Each team member has been given a room marked with their name, as well as their class's gear and a small note explaining their job. So far it's been mostly meeting each other, getting familiar with everything, training, and everyone getting their uber hearts (Mech has not quite finished with everyone on BLU yet). Right now in BLU, Mech (medic) is getting ready to operate on Justice (engineer), and just about everyone else is training. On RED, Flora (medic) is getting her uber heart surgery done with help from Scone (engineer), Spectrum (scout) is talking with Zarud (spy), and everyone else is training/wandering the base. Any questions before you pick your class/team from the available slots and begin? :D Oh, also, take up as many slots as you want.))


(I'll just assume Scone did everything she was supposed to before putting the heart back in Flora's chest. Also, Justice is with Pyro. Flux was just standing around nearby Blue.)


Flora watched the process on the heart that had been selected for her, as the beam reacted with it and the battery to make it start glowing like the others. Soon enough, it was time to put it back in, and she helped Scone put it in the right place before she sat back to allow the beam to do it's work.


Zarud glanced at Spectrum as she spoke again, sighing slightly as she clarified her words to him.


"Yeah, sure." He said as she said she thought his job was cool. He listened silently as the mare continued, talking about her life before finding herself here.




Pyro sighed as Rock came in and said it was Justice's turn for the procedure. Well, at least the large stallion had come in at the end of the conversation. He turned towards Rock and walked over before speaking.


"He's just a little upset that he had almost gotten an ally killed, and the way R reacted afterwards didn't help matters any." He said quietly as Justice gave a sniffle before standing and heading towards the infirmary to get his procedure done. "I'm worried about him. He's smart, but I'm not sure he's cut out for battle, especially since he hasn't been in any kind of fight this serious before, even with the respawners. I worry about what this experience is going to do to him."


Scone watched in awe as the hole in Flora healed itself. "well nowlooks like i didn't do a half bad job!" she said proudly, helping her off the table "well now is that everyone? because now i need your help with something?"

across the base

Rock nodded and said "he is too young for this, but i suppose you always are to young to face your first fire ... we can talk to him afterwords. besides it seems he would be more valuable on defense helping with his machines than actual fire-fighting" he said to Pyro "do you want to go with him?" he asked


((Go right ahead, Shadow! c: You can post your intro post now, and I'll put you on the list.))


((Thank you!  :D ))


Titanium Tank groaned as the voice from the overseer rang through his sensitive eagle ears. He stretched his wings and paws and puffed up his chest. He ignored the ponies as they trained and chatted. His bright blue eyes darted around until he saw his own name over a door. He sighed and made his way inside, spotting a rather deadly looking Mini-gun. A smirk spread across his beak and he chuckled to himself. "Heheheh... This'll do just fine." He looked himself over, his fur and feather pattern was like any other griffons, except his bang feathers were a dark shade of red. He wore a leathery vest with a belt filled with bullets slung around his shoulder.




Neapolitan stalked around the BLU base, unsure as to where to go. She felt scared but confident. She marched about the base in hopes of finding someone she could talk to, she knew she had her own room but somehow on her way to it she got lost. She rolled her bright pink eyes, flicking her short brown mane away with her hoof, her coat being a light yellow. She wore a blue bandanna and a leather vest, one of the pockets filled with darts, they appeared to have some form of yellow liquid inside that she had no idea what it was. 


Mech greeted Justice with a wave as he entered the infirmary.

"Alright, just lay down on zhe operation table..." he said, picking up a clean syringe for the numbing medicine and injecting Justice with it once he had laid down.

It was silent for a moment while they waited, save for the cooing of the perching birds, but then Mech spoke.

"I know how you must feel, but don't be ashamed... Ve all make mistakes sometimes, freund. And I know myself zhat machinery can be tricky - I deal vizh it all the time, as a sort of hobby." he remarked kindly, trying to reassure the engineer since he seemed upset.


Blue walked around the base, seeking out anyone he had not met yet. Soon, he came across someone - a pegasus who he didn't recognize.

"Front and center, cadet!" Blue barked. "State your name and class!"




Spectrum paused for a moment after speaking of her life before being brought to the base, apparently thinking about something.

"So, we're really gonna die here, huh? And not just one time, but over and over again, judging by the respawn machine..." she remarked. "Man, what a weird thought."


Pyro bounced through the halls, soon finding himself back in the hallway with everyone's rooms. Here, he saw somebody new - a large griffon in what looked like the Heavy class's gear. Pyro skipped up to him and gave an enthusiastic but muffled greeting.


Pyro hummed a bit at Rock's words, nodding a bit. It probably would be better for Justice to stay back on the defensive. He raised an eyebrow at the question of whether he wanted to go with his son or not. 


"Go with him where? Out in the battle? Yeah, I would probably feel better if I stayed near him, but I'm not sure how much use I would be on the defensive side of this battle." He replied.


Justice had silently climbed onto the table, giving no reaction to the injection as he lay on the table. He looked over as Mech spoke though. He didn't really give a response outside of a small nod though. He wasn't really sure what to say.




Flora got off the table with Scone's help, listening to what she had to say.


"I think that was everyone... What is it that you needed help with?" She asked, looking at Scone curiously.


"Yes, I suppose it will be strange dying repeatedly..." Zarud replied, staring off into space as he stood in the same place.


Rock shook his head "no!no! with him to the operation!" he shouted in a friendly manner. "GO on your son needs you" he said patting pyro on the shoulder walking off. "we will talk after words as a group about how to best use our tactics!"

Rock walked back to the original rooms checking to see if anyone new came in. he was hoping not as it would mean they could get more work done rather than wait for another procedure. he checked the rooms when he sawSaw a strange new mare being harassed by the llama blue. He waved to her and shouted "HELLO!" hoping to get her attention "I am Rock Eater; heavy weapons guy. Its good to have a new teammate!" he gently approached her making sure thru his body language to let her know he wouldn't attack her "I see you have met Blue." he looked to the side and covered his mouth "just humor him" he then patted Blue on the shoulder "he is our leader right! so tell me how much do you know of what going on here?"

across the base

Scone giggled and said "well the resapwner ... don't ask me how it works but it needs a blood sample from all the team members for it to work. I was hoping we could go around and get a little bit from everyone and get it running before the start of the game" she asked sweetly


Titanium Tank looked at the mumbling masked pony and raised an eyebrow. "Hello." he bellowed, his voice being quite deep and gravelly. He could tell it was trying to greet him, but besides that he had no idea what it was saying. He decided to simply introduce himself, "Name's Titanium Tank. You can call me Tank." he puffed out his impressive chest and continued to strike a pose. "Heavy weapons guy." 




Neapolitan eeked at the sudden yelling, but quickly relaxed when a nice looking pony walked up to her and introduced himself. "H-Hi!" she quietly yipped. She then turned to the llama and began sweating a bit, he was obviously taller than she was and she couldn't help but feel inferior even with the nice pony giving her advice on how to talk to him. "I uh... I'm a..." she gulped, "I don't know what class I am... b-but my name is Neapolitan!" she saluted Blue and gave him her best poker face.


Blue grinned proudly at Rock's mention of him being the leader, and gave a salute in return to Neopolitan's.

"Good to meet you, and welcome aboard." he said once she had said her name, offering his hoof for a hoofshake. "As for your class... Well, did you read the note on your gear? There should be one, and it should explain what you're going to be doing here." 


Once Mech had made sure Justice was numb, he began the procedure as he had with the others. Neatly cutting him open, he quickly sawed away any pieces of ribcage that would get in his way, and set to work on removing the heart. In the meantime, Mech tried to make conversation with his patient.

"Quite a curious situation ve have all gotten into, hm?" he remarked as he walked over to the fridge, swapping Justice's heart for one of the tougher extras.




Spectrum nodded and gave a contemplative hum. 

"I wonder what it'll be like. Probably not very nice, I guess." she added.


"Mmph huh huddah! Hmm Huddah." he replied to Tank, still too muffled to make out. ((But, here's a translation for you guys: "Nice to meet you! I'm Pyro."))


Pyro nodded at Rock after the large stallion spoke, giving him a small smile before he headed off towards the infirmary, standing by the door to the operating room for a moment or two, unsure if he should go in or just wait outside in the waiting room. After a moment, he decided to knock.


Justice had been averting his eyes from the process, not wanting to see his chest cut open like it was. He blinked a bit at Mech's words, not sure what to say.


"Y-yeah... It's strange..." He replied after a couple seconds. Not long after that, knock came from the door, and the young stallion looked at the door curiously.




"Oh, I did that already." Flora giggled slightly. "The instructions had said to collect blood samples. Just wait here." She said, heading back into the room for a little bit before coming back out with blood samples for all the ones she had performed the surgery on. Of course, this meant hers wasn't there either. "Umm... I don't have my blood in here either, so... Could you do that too, please?"


Zarud gave a small snort at Spectrum's words, looking at the mare for a moment before he spoke again.


"I don't know how it will feel like to be brought back, but I know that there are different ways to die, some painful, some not, some long, some short." He said, leaving it at that.


Rock nodded at neapolitan's words and said "huh He's right follow me an I'll show you where our gear is" he gestered for her to walk with him.

Rock inspected her quickly and said "thats a nice vest are you some kind of hunter?"


Scone opened her arms in a welcoming gesture "DAWW now anoint you just the sweetest thang!" she gave her a big hug and a tight squeeze before letting go and saying "eeeyup we need these for the responder to work and you just saved me a whole lot of awkward! thanks sugar cube. now I don't know anythang about drawing blood so your going to have to be patient with me in this one ... I'm uhh not to fond of needles ma self" she said turning away and blushing


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