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DJ PON-3's Event R2 (Sweet Surprise / Leonard)


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Vinyl trotted back up into the DJ booth with a mischievous grin on her muzzle. The first round of speed dating was about to come to and end...and the second about to begin! It seemed that everyone had enjoyed their first round, she knew she had! But, there were more ponies to meet and who knew who she would end up dancing with at the rave later. Though she had originally thrown this event as a way of earning extra bits, throwing herself into the mix had ended up being fun so far. She stepped up, placing her muzzle in from of the mic.


"Alright fillies and gentlecolts! Time to back away before things get too hot and heavy!" She winked at a coffee brown mare and a griffon that seemed to have had fun on the first round. "Everyone on one side of the tables move two spaces right, all you on the other side two spaces left! You've got five minutes, make em' count!" Her unicorn magic caused the clock nearby to reset to five minutes. "Ready go!"


The DJ adjusted the music so that the speed daters wouldn't have to deal with awkward silences but also wouldn't have to yell to be heard. Time for some more fun!


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Sweet Surprise was already having a ball as she sipped her hot chocolate while listening to the beat of the dance music. She had already had fun meeting Soarin who promised to visit her at her store. Maybe it wasn't a romantic relationship but she was happy to make new friends! 


"There are so many ponies and griffons here," she said looking around, "Why didn't I think about this further?"


She wondered who would be her next to talk to. It was then that she saw a rather unique looking griffon wearing a fedora approaching. Although she had little interaction with griffons at her store that didn't stop her from from saying hello. 


"Hi there! I'm Sweet Surprise!" 

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So far so well! The musical sax bird of manehatten, Leonard, was actually quiet happy with that last experience he had. The previous mare proved to be a fun one, if not energetic and care free. And so, he was actually a big eager to see just how this next three minute session will take place.

Once he sat down in the chair, he found himself immediately being greeted by a brownish mare with a candy for a cutie mark. That definitely gave him an idea on exactly what this mare's life long passion is. Though he wasn't much of a fan of sweets.


“Lo there, Sweetie,” The griffon respond with a smooth tone. He placed his sax under the table this time to keep it well out of sight.

“Now I take it by a name like yours, you deal with something sugary and sweet? Confectionaries, yeah?”

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Sweet watched as the griffon fidgeted with something under the table as he sat. What was he hiding that he didn't want her to see? Maybe it was that he was a spy and didn't want to reveal the super secret spy stuff. 


"Well 'Lo to you too," she said with a giggle, "Yes indeed, I am a candy maker. Speaking of candy I brought some fudge I just made today. Want some?" 


Sorry about short post. My brain isn't focused.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The dapper song bird chuckled and shook his head. He raised a talon to add a bit more emphasis on the lack of desire for anything sugary. “Sorry there, kitten. This bird isn't one for the sweets.” He hummed softly. He leaned a bit closer and tapped his talons on the table. Perhaps he could salvage what was left of the few minutes here?


“So tell me a bit bout yourself?”

((I'm sorry finals have been ripping me apart.

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(Sorry about the wait.)


Sweet's eyes went wide as the griffon in front of her mentioned that he didn't like sweets. Surely her ears were playing tricks on her, maybe it was the clamor of ponies and griffons around her and the beat of the music. 


"Oh you such a kidder!" she said with a giggle to the griffon, "Surely you must like some kind of candy, maybe chocolate, or mints, or gummy worms!"


She stopped before she could rattle off the list of all the known candy types as she remembered time was short and the griffon asked her a question. 


"Well, I'm sweet like my name. I hardly get upset easily, and I love to make ponies and griffons smile. And I love making new friends! So, what about you Mister Griffon?" 

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The Griffon did his best not to nervously frown. Great, he might have insulted the hyper active pony who works in the cyran wrapped confectionery business. Smooth moves Song bird, smooth moves. He had tried to answer the question, but noticed that she interjected just as quickly as she had asked.

And so he clamped his beak shut. His tail gave a light twitch. “Er... “ he began. Mister griffon? Last he checked the term mister was used for someone whom's married. Which he wasn't. He'd been flying solo since he and his ex split ways.


Wait, Mister Griffon. Drats! He forgot to give her his name. “Please, call me Leon.” The Griffon chuckled. Their time was almost up. And this had grown awkward real quick.


“I like friends too. But my passions is in the music. Now I'm afraid our time is almost up.”

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At first the griffon sitting across from her didn't understand why she called him "Mr. Griffon." Then he realized and gave his name adding that he loved making friends and music at the last minute. 


"Well Leon I like music and making friends too," she said as the timer buzzed, "Maybe next time you're in Canterlot you can visit my shop. I won't try and give you candy, but maybe we can do other things as friends!" 


Thanks for the fun RP!


Potential Dates: 1 (Soarin) Potential Friends: 1 (Leon)

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