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Ace Attorney Custom Cases with MLP:FiM OCs (Interest Check)

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Well... now that my Ace Attorney-like OC has been accepted, I guess I will try this idea here. If it fails on here as well, I guess I'll have to abandon this idea once and for all. I tried posting this idea on a few other forums and got no response in terms of people interested in it.


To be honest... I wasn't really sure where to post this. I don't feel that I can call this a "casual" RP so I didn't put it in Free-For-All. It's actually slightly involved. I also want as many people to have access to this, so, I decided to post my idea here.


If anyone actually takes the time to read this... you can suggest another area. This is the first time I'm doing something like this.


I don't want this post to be too lengthy, but, if anyone is familiar with the Ace Attorney series... well... on another forum, the one I was ousted from, I was unable to finish some custom cases that I actually created on there. There are actually three custom "Ace Attorney-like" cases that I created that I was unable to finish. If there is anyone from that forum who is secretly a member on here and just hasn't told me... they are going to know what I'm referring to. Not that I've seen anyone from that forum on here but still.


I'll leave it at that in terms of why I was unable to finish it. If you want more info on this, you'll have to ask me over PM. But that's not the point and it's off-topic.


It's basically like an Ace Attorney case where you find evidence, talk to witnesses, detectives, and so on and you get testimony and you find the contradictions, point them out, and find the truth/find the real criminal, and so on.

That's about as much as I can describe it. The real question is if I could get anyone to participate in it and not go inactive on me which has happened to me before too.


I need at least four people who are interested and who can stay active in it.


This is about as much as I can describe it. If I get the interest, I can give a more in-depth description on how it will work.


So... would this forum be interested in this?

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Argh, if I wasn't so involved/behind on so many other threads... I mean, how fast of a pace are you looking for?  I don't have any ponies in the justice system, per se, but I've got a reporter I can fit into an investigation, if only as a side character.

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I have a few characters that may fit the bill... Though I haven't used my detective in a while, and likely don't remember how to play him (or would take a while for me to remember his voice) I also have a forensic scientist. 


I also have some antagonists that may be of some use...

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I too have an attorney - not quite sure how many defense attorneys need to be in a single thread, but hey...might as well say he exists and see what sticks - you gots my attention,

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I was afraid of this.


Here's the thing... the idea is more along the lines of the spinoff game "Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth."


What I mean by that is that there are pretty much no trials. At least not in the custom cases I made. A crime has occurred, you somehow hear about the crime, and you go to the area to investigate. Then, once you've gathered all of the evidence, a witness or a person of interest gives "Testimony" or a "Confrontation" if you want to call it that since that's what it was called in the Miles Edgeworth spinoff.


Most of the time, the testimony has a contradiction and you just use the evidence you have found to point out the contradiction.


But the reason I need four people is actually very simple:


I need two to act as "Investigators." These are basically like defense attorneys and are the "good guys" per se. They are searching for the absolute truth.


I need two more to act as "Rivals." These are basically like prosecutors (or Shi-Long Lang and Justine Courtney from the Miles Edgeworth spinoffs.) and they are the "bad guys" per se. They are seeking nothing but a conclusion as quickly as possible.


Since I'm pretty much ripping this off of the forum I was ousted from. I'll give you that forums information on "Investigators" and "Rivals." This will follow below this paragraph:


Investigators: The Investigators are the pursuers of the truth. The goal of the Investigators is to use the evidence and testimony in order to pinpoint to exact truth. In Confrontations, they listen to the Witness’s testimony, questioning and pressing statements in an attempt to find a contradiction with the evidence. Investigators don’t always fight for good reasons. Some investigate simply to exercise their minds or simply to earn a paycheck. In most cases, the Investigative Team is made up of two Investigators.

The term ‘Investigator’ is something of a misnomer. If your pony can conceivably get themselves into a crime scene, then they can work. Possible careers include Lawyer, Police Officer, Reporter, or even Angela Lansbury Mystery Authors, but any career you can explain will be allowed.

Rivals: The Rivals are the direct opposition to the Investigators. While both groups can gather evidence, where the Investigators use it to find the truth, the Rivals twist it to support their already formed hypothesis. In Confrontations, they use their wit and the evidence to attempt to stonewall the Investigator’s questioning, all while pushing their hypothesis as far as possible. Rivals aren’t all necessarily bad people. Some of them just let things like pride or anger get in the way at times. In most cases, the Rival Team is made up of two Rivals.

Like Investigators, Rivals don’t have to be any specific career, provided they would be able to gain access to a crime scene and that they’d have a reason to be so stubborn and set in their ways. Possible ideas include a judge who always accuses the first one possible, a reporter who wants to break the big story at any cost, or even just someone with a personal grudge against particular investigators(Warning, if you do this, please discuss it with whomever you plan to have a grudge against first).


So there you go. There are more details other than this, but, for now I'll leave it at this.


Still interested?

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It seems a little involved...


I don't see Earth Writer fitting in as one of the "rivals," but as most of the other applicants have characters that might not do so either, I'm hesitant to commit myself one way or the other.

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That's alright. I figured something like this would happen when I posted that anyway.


At least I tried.


I'll just abandon the stuff I did. It's unfortunate... but... oh well.


As they say, "when one door closes, another opens"


Thanks for the interest though everyone.

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I think it could still work, with a little flexibility.  We could have four separate investigations, with a range of motivations, without being sorted into "Good Team" and "Bad Team."  Each would have their own motivation, and each their source of error.  My reporter would like to get the story, but he's also pressured to get in something in time for it to go to press.  It would give us each a chance to explore our complexities, without oversimplification or worry about who's on whose team.

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I think it could still work, with a little flexibility.  We could have four separate investigations, with a range of motivations, without being sorted into "Good Team" and "Bad Team."  Each would have their own motivation, and each their source of error.  My reporter would like to get the story, but he's also pressured to get in something in time for it to go to press.  It would give us each a chance to explore our complexities, without oversimplification or worry about who's on whose team.


That could work. I can accept that.

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I appreciate that.


However, I haven't heard from everyone else that has posted in this thread.


Are you guys still interested? If so... please post ASAP...

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That's only two.


It can be run with only two... but... I only want that as a last resort.


@SteelEagle, @starswirlthebearded are you still interested as well?

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Sorry for the delay of the start of this, but, it might be awhile before I try to do this.


I'm still not 100% confident that I'll be able to finish the stuff I did on here, but, I can at least try and when if/when it becomes obvious that it dies, I'll just abandon the ideas for good.


Until then... my main focus has been on trying to resolve an ongoing issue with a new computer my mom has got. So, until it is resolved, I might not post it until it is resolved.





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