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DJ PON-3's Event R2.5 (Pony Joe/Flux)


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The music held an electrifying beat in the background as Pony Joe made his rounds. The unicorn fit the scene well in his black shirt and the ear buds Vinyl had so nicely given to him. He walked behind the various pairs, wondering if anypony would catch his eye with an order for a drink.


"If you're done with your current round just slide on over and see who you meet next!" Vinyl moved from her seat at the dating tables to the DJ box. After a few turns of the tables the unicorn looked out over the couples. Things seemed to be going well and she couldn't keep the sly smile off her features. The rave was definitely gonna be exciting!


Joe couldn't help but notice a unicorn on the end of the table. No need for her to walk to the other side! The dashing unicorn swept over and took the seat opposite her.


"Hello there, having fun tonight?" He flashed her a smile.

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Flux sat in her seat, humming to herself as she awaited whatever would happen next. So far, things had been great, and she was really looking forward to the rest of the event. The disguised changeling looked up from the beat she was tapping on the table as the mare running the event spoke again, saying that they should move over if they were done. Yay! More friends to meet!


Before she could even get up, however, a stallion sat across from her and began speaking to her. She smiled widely at him, giving him an enthusiastic wave before responding.


"Hiya! Yeah, I'm having a great time! How about you?" She said happily, tilting her head to the side as she asked her question. After a second, her ear twitched as if she were listening to someone speak, and she made a little noise of realization, straightening up again. "Oh yeah! I'm Flux! What's your name?"

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"Oh yeah! I'm Flux! What's your name?"


For some reason Joe thought he was one of the most well known ponies in Canterlot. Perhaps owning and running a successful coffee shop had made the unicorn think everyone knew him whether or not he was a regular. Still, he tried not to let it affect him that this unicorn didn't know his name.


"I'm Joe...Donut Joe...but you can just call me Joe." He smiled, faltering just a touch as she tilted her head. Wow, she was quite attractive. At first he had only taken a seat so that she wouldn't miss the speed dating round. But now that he had a chance to look at her, Joe found himself almost lost for words and a bit out of his league.


"Glad you're uhhh, enjoying yourself Flux. It's great to meet you." He smiled again, trying to stay cool. "So, you going to be at DJ's event later?"

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Flux smiled widely as the stallion introduced himself as Donut Joe. She had been to Canterlot multiple times during her travels, but she had never really been one for coffee, and had no real reason to check out a coffee shop. Flux looked Joe over for a little bit, smiling as she did so. He certainly looked good, and he was friendly too! This was turning out to be another great meeting so far! 


"Yeah! It seems like it'll be fun! It's great meeting you too, by the way! Are you going to the event too? It would be great to see you there!" Flux said happily to the stallion, still smiling widely at him.

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"Yeah! It seems like it'll be fun! It's great meeting you too, by the way! Are you going to the event too? It would be great to see you there!"


Joe smiled back with the most dashing smile he could muster. It certainly was a nice turn of events to meet such a pretty unicorn. He wasn't really supposed to be part of the the event but he figured Vinyl wouldn't mind. He had given he a deal on renting out the coffee shop for the night, she owed him a quick date with a pretty unicorn.


"Ya, it would be really fun to run into you at the rave...if I go. I usually end up helping with drinks and stuff, but maybe I'll get a chance to dance with you too." He winked at her and used his unicorn magic to move a heart shaped cookie and a steaming mug of mocha in front of her. He had noticed Vinyl moving back towards the mic and he figured the round was almost over.


"I'll be lookin' for you at the rave," He smiled again. "Enjoy the treats, compliments of the house."

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Flux frowned at the first part of Joe's response, though that quickly turned back into a smile as she was given free food and drink. She smiled widely at him as she took a bite out of the cookie. He seemed like a fun guy to be around, and he looked good, which was pretty much her only requirements. At least the only ones she could seem to put into words. He seemed like he would be a good choice for a date as well as Kalime. Well, hopefully they would get to meet up at the event.


"Thanks! I'd love to have a dance with you! Thanks for the treats!" She said, smiling widely at him still. Ponies were great, especially when you were friendly to them. Well, most of the time that's how these things tended to work out. There always seemed to be those grumpy guses. Thankfully, Joe was not one of them!

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