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brave got close enough to cast his monotone spell but then he realized that the Kelpie was in the most optimal range to use a stun spell!


(i hope this works)he thought


and with that he shot it and hit her


((id like to make note that the stun spell has not been used on kelpies before so if you feel like it shouldn't work or this should drag out more say that it didn't work or something))

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(Oh my, he's got guts firing at her when she has her hooves around two of his friends. Would either of them like to take the hit for her? ;3)

(Also could you please describe what the stun spell does exactly? I mean, stunning obviously, but in what manner? :P)

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((if he hit them it would actually make you getting away with them harder cause they would be dead weight instead of swimming with you. plus because of how simple the spell is he would be able to cast it until he did hit his target))

((it would parallelize the target making them unable to use there limbs but all bodily functions and speaking would not be affected))



((normally double brackets mean its our thoughts not the characters and my italicized brackets are braves thoughts))

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A glowing, crackling orb shoots through the water from Brave's horn and rams into Dulset's back, letting out a bright flash as electricity arcs over her body and those of her would-be captives. She lets out a loud, pained scream into the water, sounding like he'd just assaulted an innocent mare in her house, before she stops twitching and goes limp. The three of them begin to sink rather quickly into the water, not a one of them with air in their lungs to slow them down.

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Eventhough the orb hit Dulset's back, Darky was also affected by it after it hit her. The orb shattered and the electricity affected them.

"W-what the...." Darky said, muffled by the water and surprised by that. He couldn't move at all as he slowly sink with Dulset. He wanted to get away, but he couldn't move anything.

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Dawn was too distracted by the Kelpie's beautiful singing to notice that she was once again dragging him down, this time bringing Darky with them. His clouded mind tried it's best to block out the singing, but it was no use. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the mare get hit in the back by a glowing orb of electricity. Before he could react, the current traveled to him, lighting his entire body up with sparks for a split second, and he cried out in pain. The last thing he noticed was sinking further into the dark depths of the lake before he blacked out.

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(oh right im underwater)

brave was now able to gain on them sense they were not swimming away


as brave was closing in he noticed that Dawn had blacked out


(maybe i should have not used it at full strength)

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Midnight reared back in the water and used her wings to spin the current away. It was exactly like when she trained with the Pegasi to dort out the weather.

Wind was now water!

And here I give you the idiot who used a spell under water, she thought to herself as she dived downwards quickly as she finally got the hang of it and grabbed the Kelpie hair in her mouth and wrapped one of her hooves around the other 2.

How do I swim with these weights?

She opened her wings and flapped as fast as she could, she began to grew tired and kept kicking with her back hooves. She moved about a metre with the weights and realised they'd die before she reached the surface.

Help, dearest mother of Luna help.

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brave got to the four of them and continued to the bottom, witch wasn't that far

when he got there he planted his hooves in the river bed and started to cast a levitation spell

(now that i can see them and they're not moving fast this will actually work)

as he lifted them with the help of midnight he notice that the sky above this clearing was now covered by the storm clouds rolling it

(hope someone makes a fire before we're all out of here otherwise we're going to have to deal with more than just dawn being sick)

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Luna kept swimming down and noticed that the three of them were paralized. She almost gasped, but calmed down and used the levitation spell in all the ponies that were beneath the water to bring them out as fast as posible. She hoped Darky was safe.

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The kelpie is out of commission, whether she's conscious or not is uncertain but she's definitely not in any shape to swim. The joint levitation spells work their magic and lift the three up up up, and Moonlight's help lifting has some effect too. Her wings are going to need a long rest and hurt quite a bit however, the water is profoundly more heavy than air and her wings aren't meant to take that kind of strain for long.

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Luna's horn glowed even stronger now as she used the levitation spell to bring them out faster as she swam back to the surface. She poped out her head from the lake once she reached the surface and exited the water after a moment, still doing the spell to bring them all out.

She noticed that Moonlight was having a bad time trying to pull them out since wings were not meant to be used to swim, so she also used the spell on her so she could rest.

After a short while, the convined spell managed to bring out the 3 paralized ponies out of the water, as well as Moonlight, and moved them outside the small lake.

She brought them down and then wrapped Darky and Dawn with her wing sso they could be warm, but she also had to make sure that mare was no threat to them, so she used some plant to improvise a rope and tied her to a tree so they could interogate her when she woke up and make sure she didn't escape.

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Midnight was lifted out fo the water and with a relief, the spell wore off and she collapsed onto the grassy floor. "I. Have. Never. Been. so. Happy. To. Feel. Earth," Midnight spoke with a raspy voice as she breathed in out of tiredness.

"I could sleep," she muttered and was about to fly in the air and see how far in front they needed to go when she couldn't. Her wings were wet, heavy, painful and sore. She folded them up with a small intake of air because of the pain.

"I'll kill you Darky for making me do that," Midnight joked as she literally collapsed onto the floor.

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as brave reatched the shoure he noticed there was no fire

(figures of coarse no one thought of making a fire we were busy getting everypony out of the water)

brave then noticed a few twigs and logs from a previous camp made here

(these should work)

as brave started to work on a base for the fire he could feel his mono tone spell wear off as he stoped hearing a drone of the same note and listeded to the piter pater of the rain his the water and area around them

brave then prepaired a quick ember spell to kick start the fire


*spizzzzst* his horn made

"cra-" brave started but was interupted by the ground

(great i burned out) brave thought as the sleepiness that had hit him took over

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As the black abyss that clouded his vision began to clear, Dawn lifted his head up to gaze about at his surroundings. As the memory came flooding back to him, his eyes searched frantically for Darky and the Kelpie. He calm down once he noticed the Kelpie tied up, and Darky sitting next to him wrapped warmly in Luna's wing. "Is everyone...?" He started to say, but a rough caughing fit suddenly interrupted him.

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Darky was resting now as he snuggled Luna's warmth a bit more, having a soft smile in his face.

Luna gave him a soft nuzzle and then noticed that Dawn was awaken. "Shh... don't say anything..." she said putting her hoof gently in his mouth after he finishdd coughing. "You should rest for now." She gave him a soft smile.

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