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RIGHT! We're going to the pub... (Open to all...as long as it's pub related)

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Zecrath stood up and walked to the drunk "last time I checked Alicorns weren't immortal" he said Zecrath starting to remember why he didn't go to bars often

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"I'm 2015 flipping years old! How am *hic* I not immortal, beer face?! Answer that one, cider face." Cloud says a bit restless. "Refill!!!!" Cloud says waving his empty cup around. The bartender refills his cup and Cloud begins drinking. "Much better. Now where we're we cider head?" Cloud asks even more drunk.

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"Celestia and luna are over 6000 years old" Zecrath started "and there other sister died helping the zebras fight the dragons 4000 years ago" he told him reciting his race's history as well as the princess's

"And how am I a cider head I haven't even finished my first bottle"

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Zecrath punched the alicorn for calling him stripey

The alicorn starting to bleed from where hi jaw would have connected with his tongue

The whole bar went silent seeing the alicorn bleed. It wasn't much...in fact it was maybe three drops before the Alicorns accelerated healing kicked in but it was enough that they were in shock

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Seeing the fight a few areions came running in wearing guard armor they pinned both the alicorn and the zebra before another Arieon walked in

"Who started this?" He said

Zecrath spit some blood out clearly able to take what punches the alicorn had thrown him

"This drunk called me a racest slang word and I punched him" he told the Arieon

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"How often do you see the mare upset" Zecrath said to the alicorn talking about his cousin

The Arieon steped between them then looking at Zecrath "what did he say?"


He then turned to cloud "that is a racest slang word" the Arieon told him "and why would you attack somepony for punching you" he asked a scowl being placed on his face "you could have easily killed him. Your an alicorn act like it." He told him before giving a signal to the ponies pinning them to let them go

Then he turned to Zecrath who was getting up "Zecrath I don't want to see you getting in anymore trouble for the rest of the week are we clear"

"Yes brave"

"Good" then the guards left and the pub went back to how it was before the fight only difference was the two stallions standing there

Zecrath gave the alicorn a disgusted look then turned back to the bar and sat down next to dawn and solar

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Parry just kind of sat there drinking his cider idly then he looked over at Zecrath and said.

"Well this is one interesting night!"

And then he added slightly sounding bored.

"Well I am glad I stopped playing although it does get quite boring when you are playing against drunks of course!"

Parry took another small sip then placed his drink down and sighed.

"He sure was a handful that one but you know not all Alicorns are serene and polite there's a lesson that I learnt today that not everyone is the same,"

Parry laughed.

"The things you learn in a pub?!"

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"Ya but still he needs to get his facts straight if he's going to be name calling" Zecrath told parry "and if he still dosnt belive it he needs to take a second look at the blood on his chin"

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"That was... Interesting..." Dawn said, taking a sip from his mug. He pushed it away, remembering why he never really cared much for bars. "The earth is only a few billion years old. How he can be over seven... er... trillion years old is beyond me." He said with a chuckle.

Solar sighed heavily, feeling a small urge to order his own drink. "I was curious." He wrote in dancing blue letters in response to Parry.

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"Still I proved he wast immortal it means I win" Zecrath told the three ponies he was sitting with then turned to dawn "so solar anything new at the castle?"

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"I'm not like any other alicorn! I'm the one and only rebel to royalty, despite me being an ex guard and everything!" Cloud shouts to the guard. "I own the Rainbow Factory, I'm an assassin and a part time DJ, if needed! I used to have 5 or 6 jobs to keep my house! I used to be a Rainbow Factory worker, assassin, part time DJ, day and night royal guard and a clothe maker! More jobs than you have!" Cloud says as he orders the largest mug of apple cider and begins chugging it.

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Zecrath hearing the rant only griped his bottle harder

(No more trouble) he thought trying to keep himself from talking to the alicorn and repeting what had happend just a little bit ago

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Solar rolled his eyes as the other Alicorn suddenly passed out, obviously unable to handle all of the liquor he drank. He turned back to Zecrath and nodded. "Yup. He stands up straight, and walks on two legs."

"Really?" Dawn said. "That's... pretty strange."

Solar nodded. "I've met him before. He's really nice. Mother said he's the most powerful being to ever set foot in Equestria, but he denies it..."

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