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DJ PON-3's Event Final Round! (Leonard/Kalime)


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Vinyl had finished a few rounds of speed dating. They had been pleasant enough, if only being chances to kick back and get to know some new faces. Well, one of the faces she had already known, but a chance to spend a little time chatting up Inkbrand was never unwelcome. That stallion always managed to give Vinyl the good feelings, even if she tried her hardest to contain herself. She allowed herself a sly smile, thinking that perhaps he might visit her in the DJ booth tomorrow night at the rave. She smiled again, happy with the success of this event. She had made some bits and if the course of the many conversations were evidence enough some great relationships may have started as well. Tomorrow night would be a treat, seeing who ended up with who out on the dance floor.


The white unicorn leaned forward over her disks, giving the speed daters a treat of scratch infused beats through the interior of the coffee house that had been disguised as a much more hip place than it sometimes was. Vinyl knew Joe liked to keep his shop a little on the old school side which was cool, but this event had required a little extra in the vibe department. Overall it had come off as a success as far as she was concerned!


She ended her riff on an upbeat, swinging the mic around to her muzzle.


"Alright everypony! I hope you're havin' a sweet time with your dating round! Guess what? it's time for the last match up! Slide to your left and meet the pony, or griffon, or diamond dog of your dreams!" She lowered her shades and winked at a couple that looked disappointed to be ending their discussion. "And don't forget, any connections you make tonight you can use at the rave tomorrow!"


The DJ kicked up the tunes as the daters switched places and then lowered the volume so the last round could begin!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Kalime sat at the table, paws folded in front of her, tail starting to wag as she met her new person, sitting up quickly and offered the other her paw "Hello there stranger! My name is Kalime! Am Diamond dog from near ponyville! I likes to dig gems, and make tools with Gems, and I likes long walks in the woods, and exploring!"

Her tail increased in wag speed "What you do? What you do?" Sitting back down, resting her head in her paws, watching this new and interesting creature, eager to see what she was going to learn.

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Leonard awaited at the next table. Once more his Saxaphone was off of his back and hidden under the table to keep it out of view. He had a mug of coffee resting next to a talon that had kept itself busy by rasping away at the clothed table. It’s rhythm was a steady drumming, but it was quickly cut off just as he caught sight of a new being taking a seat in front of him. The Griffon’s eyes blinked as he snapped back to reality, and quickly turned to his new guest with a smile.


His head bobbed a bit in surprise after noticing just what had joined him. A diamond dog? He could of sworn that they were… very xenophobic. Or perhaps they just didn’t like ponies? Either way, Leonard couldn’t think back to a single moment in his life that he had heard Ponies describe a Diamond dog without the use of a derogatory term. To have one in front of him… would likely prove to be an interesting experience to say the least.

Now, with what little he knew about diamond dogs, he wouldn’t be bothered to send the poor girl away. Or believe a pony’s opinion about them. So that left things up to his own opinion!


But… he did seem pretty surprised when he was suddenly bombarded with a rapid blast of questions right off the bat. His expression was blank when she took the female's paw, and shook it lightly with a firm grip. He chuckled, leaning his chin into the talon. after pulling it back Faust. This dog was more like a pup exploring the world, than an old mutt.


At that thought, he paused. His eyes did sift over her for a moment. To him… she kinda looked like a pup. An adolescent? Oh dear… if that’s true, then he might have a world of problems ahead of him.


“Didn’t think a diamond dog would go this far from the kennel sweety. But the sight’s always a pleasure. Leonard Wingstrong. As for what I do. I run a club down in Manehatten city. I dabble in music as well. ”

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  • 2 weeks later...


Kennel? "Kalime does not live in a Kennel, Kalime live in a mining camp, with her pack" She said raising a brow, true her enthusiasm could easily be mistaken for the rambunctiousness of youth, but she was a young lady none the less "Nice to meet you Mr Wingstrong! Kalime has always been fond of Music! Never been to Manehattan though!  Kalime likes big Cities"

She folded her paws in front of her, tail wagging a little bit "Kalime ask lots of questions, Mr Wingstrong's turn to ask them now~"

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