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Getting to know love. (Ask to join)


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If you have seen my RP 'Getting to know life' then you know its about a steampunk-ish type automaton with advanced AI tech. This RP takes place in the future of that RP. Honey Bee has learned many things. He had heard about 'Love' but never understood it. He had developed life like feelings and characteristics as he learned. But love... Love was a mystery... One day, Honey is just sitting around doing absolutely nothing. He thought it would be funny to act like one of those robots you see in stores and scare passing kids. This is where your character comes in. Honey is acting away, making non lively movements and saying the same fraise over and over. Your character passes by but stops dead in his/her tracks. He/she looks at honey with confusion. This was really outlandish, a robot was just standing here... You touch his nose and he yells "Boo!" (You may now choose if your character is frightened or unfazed.)

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well i was thinking my pony Starwind

That sounds good!

Hm... Do I absolutely have to play as somepony from the last roleplay, or can I use one of my OCs?

What do you mean?

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Well, this was a rather... peculiar sight. Dawn stopped dead in his tracks at noticing the strange looking robot, his curiosity piqued. His first thought was that it was a toy that some young filly left lying around. Then again, it didn't seem like those simple toys he had seen in stores. He moved closer to the robot and cautiously touched it on the nose. When the robot suddenly yelled "BOO," the only reaction that came from the musician was a confused look, followed by a single blink. "Um... hello...?"

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Honey tilted his head in confusion. Why didn't that work? Usually ponies would scream and run. Ah, no matter. He might just need to practice a bit more. Honey Bee shook his head and chuckled. "My apologies... I just wanted to have a bit of fun. I thought it would really scare somepony! But, as you are still very much uhh... Not scared, it seems that it didn't work."

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"Ah, that explains it. I knew you couldn't just be a toy that some child left behind." Dawn said with a small chuckle. "Well, if it were anypony else, I'm sure they would have been terrified. I'm not exactly the type to scare easily." He studied the robot for a moment. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you? I don't believe I've seen your type around here."

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"Heh, well of course you haven't seen my 'type' around here! I'm the only model that was ever built by Strout robotics. I am the Honey Bee VX 22! Learning bot! But... My uh... Parent called me... Honey Bee... It was easier." He shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't be the kind of thing a child would leave behind! Oh, celestia no! I'm a stallion model... It would be hard to leave me behind!"

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"I see..." Dawn replied, studying Honey a bit more. "Huh, I believe I've heard of Strout Robotics, but I haven't had the pleasure of seeing any of their work in person." He could see why no one would want to leave him behind; a stallion model was fairely expensive, from what he had heard. "I grew up poor, so I never actually had the opportunity." He added with a dismissive shrug. "So, what exactly were you programmed to learn?"

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"Everything!!" He exclaimed with an excited smile. "From the day I was activated, I learned how to talk and all the good things! I even learned emotions. But I only use them when needed." He explained. He had such a lively energy about him, and he just seemed like he was just a pony in a really cool costume if you don't look closely. "You've heard of Strout Robotics? I was told no pony really heard of my pops!"

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"Oh, I heard from a friend a few years back." Dawn replied. "Usually when you're famous, you hear a lot of things." He thought for a moment... How was it that no one had ever heard of Strout robotics but him? "So... you can actually feel emotions? That's... pretty neat." He said with a smile. "You honestly don't seem like a robot to me."

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"Well, I get that a lot. Wanna see me take off my leg? Or perhaps just take my eye out? Or would you like to see inside my head?" He asked. He did always enjoy proving that he was a robot. It was funny to see the reactions on ponies faces.

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Dawn stepped back a bit, a bit startled at the offers. "Oh! No... no, no..... No..." He said with a chuckle. "Don't worry, I believe you. I'm just saying, it's pretty impressive. If you don't mind me asking, how did you learn to develope such a lively personality? I mean, I feel like I'm more of a robot than you."

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"Eh... Well, my programing will not alow me to share that with you... Mr Strout would roll in his grave... He was quite... Paranoid about ponies trying to steal his work." He said with a tone of disappointment. Then he chuckled and laughed a bit. "I'm just kidding! It's really complicated though... Even I don't know how it works!"

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"Understandable." Dawn replied with a chuckle. "Even if you could explain it, there's a very high chance that I wouldn't be able to understand it anyway. I'm not really that big on robotics. I've always been one for music and art." He shrugged. "So, what are you doing out here? You know, besides trying to scare ponies half to death..."

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"Well, I wanted to go to the library to get a book. I wanna find a book on the last feeling I need to learn. Then, I can be classified as a real live pony!" Honey looked around. He didn't wanna admit that he didn't know where the library is. "Uhh... I juts got... Distracted..."

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