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Aurora Gleam (Ready)


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Name: Aurora Gleam
Gender: Female
Age: Young Mare (just old enough to be considered a mare)
Species: Unicorn
Eye colour: Magenta
Character colour: light purple-pink
Mane/Tail/Other: Both mane and tail are wavy the color starting at a light pink on one side, transitioning to a dark pink about half way across, then changing to a light purple that transitions to a dark purple.  Throughout her mane and tail are small star-like points that glow softly 
Physique: Nothing really abnormal about her physical appearance (other than previously mentioned regarding her mane and tail)
Residence: Canterlot
Occupation: Looking for a job after finishing her studies at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.
Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark covers her entire flank, and appears to be a starry night sky superimposed with an aurora
Unique Traits: [Aurora focuses on using the least amount of magic necessary to leverage larger-than-expected results.  This has led to her being very detail-oriented and, some might say, slightly OCD. 
History: Born and raised in Marelia, Aurora showed a strong potential for magic and magic theory at a young age.  Her parents took her to Canterlot to see if she could gain entry into the prestigious School for Gifted Unicorns.  Her knowledge and skill regarding minimum-effort magic truly impressed her proctors during her Unicorn Magic Aptitude Test, earning her place in the school.  During her schooling, she heard stories of a rather exceptional unicorn that had done so well as to gain the personal attentions and instructions from a rather important pony.  This lead to her desiring that kind of personal instruction and drove her to try even harder, in the hopes that she could one day become a stronger unicorn.

   Her natural inclination for magic and previous studies had resulted in being placed in advanced magic theory classes with fillies and colts fairly older than her.  While most other students were either kind, or too busy with their own studies to interact, the fillies and colts her own age seemed to draw away from her.  This wasn't out of any malice, but the lack of commonality between the group and her left little to bridge the gap that her schedule left her.  After a few months of almost total isolation, Aurora realized that she needed to interact with somepony, whether she really cared to or not.

   Weeks of awkward attempts at interactions with other ponies, both in her classes and those closer to her age, left Aurora frustrated at her own social awkwardness.  While heading back to her dorm one night after another uncomfortable attempt at conversation, she noticed a pony sitting alone on a bench.  Looking closer, Aurora noticed that the filly seemed to be upset.  All of her instincts told her to trot by, that this had nothing to do with her, that there was nothing she could do to help; instead, Aurora took a steadying breath and thought to herself " How would a strong and kind pony deal with thsi?"With that thought giving her perspective, she approached the sad pony and struck up a conversation.  Velvet Crescent, as the pony identified herself, had traveled to Canterlot with a few of her friends for a vacation, but had been left behind after somepony in the group and turned out to be a bit more bully than friend.  Aurora felt a pang of sympathy for the lone earth pony.  She invited Velvet to join her in her dorm room for the night, and, with a little convincing, the sniffling pony accepted.  

  Through the night, Aurora and Velvet talked as if they'd been the best of friends for years, sharing fears, hopes, and dreams.  After several hours, the two fillies fell asleep.  The next day Aurora escorted Velvet around Canterlot, showing her all the sights.  Finally, they ended up at the train station, where Aurora purchased a ticket for Velvet. Following a heartfelt farewell, Velvet boarded the train and Aurora saw her make her way to a cabin and start to wave from behind the window.  Aurora couldn't help but feel good after having helped somepony else the way she had.  She noticed Velvet, pointing a hoof her way, grinning and shouting something. Confused, she looked herself over and quickly noticed the mark covering her flank; she grinned and waved enthusiastically at her departing friend, happy that she'd helped another pony, made a friend, and learned about herself in the process.

  Years later, she has just graduated and is still chasing her goal of her becoming the personal student of a powerful unicorn or maybe even an alicorn.  Unfortunately she has no good ideas as to how she could impress anypony enough for them to want her as a personal student.

Character Personality: Aurora is a very kind pony, and seems to exude an aura of calm; even animals tend to be calmer around her.  She is typically somewhat reserved at first meeting, but wouldn't be considered shy.  She isn't naive or ignorant to manipulation, but does try to always give the benefit of the doubt.
Character Summary: Aurora is a motivated and talented unicorn that wants to do what she can to help everypony else.  Her abilities in using small magics to elicit larger-than-expected effects has earned her the respect of some other unicorns that are aware of the difficulty in utilizing such methods, but to most, she is simply a weak unicorn that can sometimes perform some magics in odd ways.

She is always ready to help a pony in need, but can sometimes take on too much responsibility for things that may be out of her control.  Even so, she will often keep up a happy front for others, so it's difficult to think of her as anything but a happy, helpful pony.

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When I first started roleplaying, I didn't post my character's information till I had seen a post of people posting information about their oc. I had just started roleplaying without my character being approved, which I believe is against the rules.

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Hi there! I'd be happy to assist you in the process of getting this app approved for use in CC :D I'll give you a few things to work on to move this towards being ready for SRPH approval:




Unique Traits: This is a new space where players can list fun things about their character. Do they carry swords, specialize in ice magic, or do they like to bust flight tricks? Beware of characters that want to be analogous to Cast or emphasize power over a certain other character.


It appears you have omitted filling this section in.




You have some references to Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy in your app. We ask that apps do not reference cast characters as they are being played by other RPers here and their players may not go along with what is in someone's app. Because of this we ask that your references be taken out as far as cast characters go.




That's it for this round. You've got a great start here! I look forward to seeing this one get approved. The character that you have created has depth and will be fun to see in action! Let me know here when you've made some updates.

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I'm not an RP helper, so maybe I'm overstepping my bounds by chiming in, but I think the cast character references here are probably acceptable, for a particular reason: neither imply any actions on the part of the cast characters.  As far as I can tell, this character has never actually met any of the cast, rather she has a high opinion of Twilight and has a long term goal of becoming her student.  It would be up to Twilight's player to decide whether or not that would be possible, but I think as just a goal of the character it doesn't run afoul of the rule against involving cast characters in character pages.  One should just keep in mind that Twilight Sparkle's player is under no obligation to honor this desire of Aurora Gleam.

The reference to Fluttershy seems to be just for comparison's sake, though it might be safer just to remove that one anyways.

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I'm going by the general rule to not reference cast character's in one's apps. I don't like to split hairs about it, that's why my suggestions are written as they are. In general it is best to stay away from cast references in apps, especially when there are other ways of explaining the character's motives and such.

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