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Snow Time for a Picnic (closed attn: Pyro)


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Vinyl had the tunes cranking in her earphones as she trotted around her apartment happily. She was thinking of her new friend Flux and how much fun they were going to have tonight! The DJ had set everything up for a exciting, romantic, and snugly evening. They would stop by the frozen lake for some ice skating where Vinyl had set up some speakers and lights for them. Then they would take a trot through the snow and end up at the gazebo near the outskirts of Canterlot. There she had set up twinkle lights, more speakers, and a picnic dinner. Of course she had some help with all of the set up, lots of ponies were willing to assist a famous DJ in her fun endeavors.


The white unicorn used her magic to run a comb through her mane and tail. After this she slipped into her warm, fuzzy grey sweater and wrapped a black and gray striped scarf around her neck. After this she levitated a small gift package into her saddle bags and headed outside.


It was evening, though the sun was not setting yet. There would be plenty of light for their skating and the sun wouldn't be setting until it was dinner time. She puffed a breath into the air and it turned to mist. There was a thin layer of snow covering the ground. Her hooves crunched in the frost layer as she made her way to where she had asked Flux to meet her.


The unicorn hadn't felt the way she did right now in a while. She was so excited to spend time with her friend! There ahead she could see the other unicorn. Vinyl called out to her friend as she trotted over.


"Flux! Hey Flux!" She moved in close and gave her friend a snuggle.

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Flux was really looking forward to this! She loved spending time with Vinyl, and from the sound of things this time would be extra fun! The disguised changeling was bouncing in place excitedly as she waited for the DJ to arrive. She was wearing a simple winter coat, purple, of course. She also had a scarf, though that was colored with the same kind of blues present in Vinyl's mane and tail.


When the unicorn showed up, Flux smiled widely at her, stopping the bouncing to return the snuggling and even throw in a warm hug on top of it. As they parted, she began bouncing from excitement again, smiling widely still.


"Hiya Vinny! It's great to see you!" She chirped, giggling a bit.

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Vinyl couldn't help but laugh and give her friend another snuggle. She returned the hug, squeezing Flux tight before releasing her and stepping back. She smiled.


"You're looking really great tonight Flux! I like your outfit!" She pushed her sunglasses up between her ears and winked slyly at the other mare.


She was so happy to be spending the whole afternoon and evening with Flux! The unicorn was really fun to spend time with and she hoped they could have as good a time outside doing activities as they had in the DJ booth at the rave.


"I've got a ton of fun things for us to do tonight. We're gonna have a blast!" She turned and started trotting towards the pond that was at the outskirts of Canterlot.


The two of them trotted down through the streets of Canterlot until they reached the edge of town. Here the roads became dirt and wound gently through tall trees and foliage. The sun was beginning the set, turning the sky into a range of colors.


"It's such a nice night!" As she spoke her breath turned to steam. It was pretty, but also really chilly!

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"Thanks! Yours is great too!" Flux said, smiling at Vinyl as they complimented the other's outfits. Then the DJ said she had some fun times planned, which only made Flux's smile grew as she continued bouncing from excitement. The disguised changeling hopped along next to the mare as they set out for wherever they were going now.


Along the way, Flux busied herself with humming carols and hopping around to look at all the pretty things around her. It was extremely obvious that she was so excited that she could barely concentrate on anything but having fun. To that end, she was also doing little twirls and flips as she moved from place to place, her eyes closed and a happy tune escaping her smiling lips.


"Yeah! Tonight's great! And it's only going to get better from here, according to you!" She chirped happily as Vinyl commented on how nice the night was.

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Vinyl smiled as her friend bounced around in the snow. That looked pretty fun!


"Ha ha! You're so much fun to be around Flux! You've got so much energy!" She trotted ahead through the snow, enjoying the feeling of her hooves sinking into the white powder. The snow was getting a bit deeper as they made their way out of town. The sun was beginning to set and it made the snow sparkle and glint orange and red. This was going to be the best night!


"So, you ever ice skated before?" She asked, hoping her friend would be happy with the prospect.


Up ahead the frozen over lake could be seen. The ice had been kept clean and smooth as many ponies enjoyed coming to this place to skate. Tonight there were only a few other couples on the ice, plenty of room for two more!


"There's the lake!"

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"Yeppers! All part of my charm!" Flux said, giggling afterwards as she continued to bounce around towards where they were headed. When the question of ice-skating came up, she hummed in thought, tapping her chin with one hoof as she bounced with the other three.


"I think I have, actually. It's pretty fun!" She chirped. A second later, she realized what that might mean, and she gave a small gasp. "Is that where we're going? Yay!" 


Sure enough, the lake in question came into view right after she said that, making Flux make a little squealing noise of excitement and speed up. The disguised changeling grabbed onto Vinyl with her magic and made a beeline for the lake, dragging the DJ along at a fair pace.

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It seemed it was not too difficult at all to show her date for the evening a good time. Flux was super excited about everything! This made the DJ smile as she was tugged along. She had been a little worried that their night in the booth at the rave would be as good as it got but that was fasting out not to be true!


"Cool, you've skated before! Me too! It should be a ton of fun!" She spoke as she let her friend drag her through the snow.


Soon they were at the edge of the ice. Vinyl opened one of her saddle bags to reveal two sets of ice skates. "I hope these fit you!" She spoke as she hoofed one of them over to her friend.

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"Yepper doodles! Skating is great!" Flux chirped happily, coming to a stop at the edge of the ice and looking over at the DJ. She did not disappoint, and produced some skates for them to use. Flux smiled broadly and clapped her forehooves together happily as she took the offered pair with her magic. She immediately began putting them on and securing them, appearing to almost vibrate with anticipation as she waited for Vinyl to be ready.

Once they were both prepared, the disguised changeling took off, zipping across the ice quickly and turning around to go back as she reached the other end.

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Flux said as she zipped past Vinyl again and again. After a minute or so of that, she slowed down and stayed more near Vinyl, practically dancing around the ice as she hummed a happy tune.

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What a great night this was turning out to be. She wasn't surprised to find that Flux was enjoying herself. The DJ really liked the fact that Flux always seemed to be really happy. She had a ton of energy and there was always a smile on her muzzle. Vinyl was not always quite as excitable, often retreating into her room to brood. It was nice to have somepony around to make her smile.


When the mare slowed down a little Vinyl caught her by the hoof and swung her around in a tight circle. The mare hugged her friend tight and nipped her gently on the ear.


"Glad to see you're having a good time!" She skated forward, watching her breath turn to steam. It was getting cold! Good thing they both had warm outfits and each other. "Let's have a race across the lake!"


The DJ waited for Flux to come even with her. "On your mark, get set, go!"

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Flux giggled happily as Vinyl spun her around in a little circle. When that ended and they went into the hug, she smiled widely and nipped Vinyl's ear in return.

"Okie dokie!" She chirped happily, breaking the hug so they could both get into position. She awaited the go, practically buzzing in excitement. As the race started, Flux began at a steady pace, though she was quickly accelerating.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Vinyl couldn't help but laugh as her friend took off across the ice. This was just so fun! Flux was so easy to be with. There was no awkward silences, nothing weird. Just two mares on the ice having the time of their lives!


"Whoa! You're pretty fast!" She skated forward, working to catch up with her friend. She got closer and closer until the two were skating side by side!


"Come on Flux!" Vinyl went even faster before noticing they were almost at the other end of the frozen lake. She tried to slow down but she wasn't going to make the turn!


"Ha ha ha!" She laughed as she plowed forward, right into a fluffy snow bank. The snow stopped her and she got back to her hooves to see how Flux had done with the turn.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Flux smiled widely as Vinyl caught up, speeding up with her. Vinyl pulled ahead a bit, leaving Flux to jump into the air.

"Wheeeee!" She cried happily, sailing into Vinyl. She was careful of all the sharp things on the two of them as she collided with Vinyl and pushed them both back into the snow.

(Sorry for the wait.)

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