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Rock Farm Filly Hopes to Make Friends (closed)


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Marble pushed her forelocks out of her eyes as she surveyed the packed saddle bags before her. This wouldn't be her first trip to Ponyville but these trips always seemed to make her nervous. She hoofed through the contents of one of the bags. Rocks to trade in at the Ponyville gem shop. Check! Rocks to toss into the fountain for wishes. Check! Rocks to give to possible friends she might make. Check! Who didn't want a pretty looking rock after all?

The other bag contained non-rock items like her lunch and a special dress she hoped to get fixed up in one of Ponyville's shops.

She had everything she needed. The young mare sucked in a breath and reassured herself.

"Alright Marble, you're all set. You've got everything you could need." She smiled as brightly as she could to herself. "Who know who you'll run into while you're in town but you can figure it out." She wished her sister Pinkie could come and speak for her in town but she just had to figure things out on her own. She couldn't rely on her sisters for everything forever.

Marble pushed her way out the door and took in a deep breath of crisp Autumn air. It would be a nice day for a trip into Ponyville. She trotted down the walkway that lead away from the family's main dwelling. There were still a number of fields and a fair distance before she got to the train station. She had done a lot to prepare herself for this trip. It just wasn't easy for a soft spoken pony like herself to run errands in Ponyville. Plus, today was about more than just errands. Marble really wanted to make some new friends!

"Who knows where today will take me..." She tried her best to smile as she trotted along. "I guess I'll just have to go find out!"

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It was a typical day for Twilight, well as typical of a day as it could be hanging out with her friend Pinkie Pie. At first the young mare tried to make sense of the pink earth pony's antics, only to fail miserably in the process. Every time she thought that she understood why Pinkie was the way she was, her friends always surprised her. Eventually Twilight learned to accept Pinkie's antics as her being Pinkie Pie. 


Unlike most days, Twilight wasn't with her usual group of friends but rather visiting Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner along with Spike. Although she loved spending time with her friend, secretly Twilight wanted to observe the pink pony in her natural habitat: her home and work space. 


"So Pinkie, I remember back to when you were talking about your Pinkie Sense. Have you had one recently? Oh and Spike, can you take notes for me? I want to be sure I can remember this conversation for later." 

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" Sure thing, Twi! " Spike says, making a small test scribble on the parchment with the quill currently clasped firmly in his l'il dragon claws - he'd had a feeling that ever since this whole thing was decided upon a little while ago that he'd probably end up being the one having to capture the notes. Not that he minded terribly much, it was both something he was used to doing at this stage in his life, and also not the worst thing he could be doing at this time of the day. Besides that, at least when Pinkie Pie was around, there was always a sense that pretty much anything could happen...and even though he didn't really always understand everything the pink party pony of ponyville did or said, at least there was usually a level of fun involved when she was present...party or no party.


Spike had absolutely no idea what the rest of the day would entail, but he had an odd feeling that there was likely no way he could be fully prepared for a day that involved Twilight and Pinkie discussing forces beyond natural comprehension...the pinkie sense was one such thing, and Spike wasn't exactly entirely sure that his friend had really prepared herself for anything that could come of such things. The last time Twilight had seriously attempted to even try and decipher the full implications behind the pink ponies curious senses, things hadn't really gone all that well for anyone involved...Spike certainly hoped that the experience wasn't repeated in the same way, for the sakes of everyone involved!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pinkie Pie bounced between the tables in Sugar Cube Corner, making sure that all of her customers were happy.  This was her favorite part of the job..  along with baking, and planning parties, and making ice cream sundaes, and working for the Cakes, and helping to take care of the foals...  well, really every part was her favorite!  She made sure that everypony got attention when they came into Sugar Cube Corner.  She did, however, pay an extra bit of attention to the lavender Alicorn and the little dragon beside her. 


Pinkie rubbed a hoof on her chin as she thought about Twilight's question.  With her other forehoof, she slipped an extra sapphire cupcake over to Spike.  "Hmm," she said, thinking.  "Well, there was the time last week when my tail went all twitchy, and a bag of flour almost fell off the top shelf, and I had to run run run to catch it before it went SPLAT all over the kitchen, but nothing really since."  She smiled widely at Twilight as she explained, "My Pinkie Sense is pretty random, kinda like me!"  She then pulled out a party horn and blew it, showering the Princess with confetti. 


Pinkie then bounced back behind the counter,  having noticed that one of her customers was down to their last doughnut, and she couldn't let THAT happen!  It was then that her mane started to itch, her right hindleg kicked out, and she sneezed, all in the same moment.  The Pink pony's eyes lit up, and she raced back to Twilight.  "Oh my gosh!  Twilight!"  She called out, grabbing the other pony in her forehooves.  "My Pinkie Sense just told me that my baby sister is here in Ponyville!  You gotta come meet her!!"

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