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Legends of Equestria MMO


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I have seen this MMO and to be honest, it doesn't really interest me. Heh. Other than the copyright infringement issue, I'm just not interested. Heh.

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Well, been checking it out. Things of note:

Copyright Dodging:
NPCs are all originals, probably due to that copyright thing.
Locations have similar, but different names.
"Talent marks"
Kind of wonder if game will change name to Equestrian legends.
Some of the quests are actually pretty funny.

Pony Creator:
Not too shabby. Pick color of pony, hairstyle, hair color. Lots of cutie marks to pick from. Can't make your own, which isn't shocking, because someone would draw something awful and ruin it for everyone. With equipment and clothing, you can dial in your look even more.

Combat and UI:
No tutorial. Lot of trial and error. Pretty basic.
Pony's are fast, which is kind of awesome. You can outrun your enemies right off the bat.

I think this is the awesome part. It may all have different names, but they all look like the show, they're very pretty.

Sometimes clicking on a text window doesn't quite work right. Buggy, laggy, logged out over and over

It's very impressive for a free, fan based MMO tribute to the show. Is it fun? It's okay right now, but it's still not released. You can tell that a lot of work and love and effort went in though.

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