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The Wise Dragons of Longri-La (Closed)


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The SS Suncrest was a familiar sight in the waters around the Gallopocus Islands. A Long Sun steamship, it sailed the ocean route between Manehattan and Long Kong carrying passengers. On this occasion however, the Suncrest was chartered for a very special and prestigious purpose; to ferry the Empress of Long Guo and her retinue to and from Equestria. A few days had passed since the Grand Galloping Gala, meaning it was time for Empress Yù Yuè to return home.


Standing alone at the tip of the Suncrest's bow, Yuè looked the part of an elegant empress as always. Her long purple mane and vividly yellow shimmersilk gown billowing with mighty force in the brisk ocean breeze, the Qilin mare appeared as a larger-than-life figure destined for a grand purpose. As a matter of fact, a discerning eye out in the open ocean could likely spot her glistening dress from miles away. Such was the lovely splendor of a Long Sun empress!


Dusk was casting its red-tinted veil over the sea, and Yuè set her gaze upon a fiery light ahead and to the left, brightening that sector of the sky. But wait; how could something spectacularly light up the eastern sky at sundown? Simple: up ahead was Mt. Fire Foal, an island volcano in perpetual eruption. Thankfully, only fire and smoke spewed from that mountain, making sailing by the scenic throes of Mother Nature a safe proposition. At least when those brutish winged dragons of the West weren't around; they were nothing like the noble and wise serpent dragons of the East, or so the Empress was told.

Since the winged dragons had apparently migrated elsewhere years ago, there was no apparent danger to Yuè as she beheld the eruption of Mt. Fire Foal. Other than a pair of elite guards standing back a ways, nobody else was around the royal Qilin, but probably not for long. It would either be a servant giving word that dinner was ready to serve... or the new palace artist from Equestria needing relief from boredom. That's how Yuè predicted her solitude would be interrupted. For now, she remained content basking in a view that few outside her homeland would ever see.....

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Wherever the Empress went, the Imperial Watch followed like her shadow.  And such bright splendor cast long shadows indeed...


Fēng Yīnhǎitāo was placed squarely in the figurative shadow of Empress Yue, and also in the literal shadow of the bowsprit, cast by the light of Mt. Fire Foal.  Obscurity wasn't exactly the natural state of this particular longma, but he took pride in the triumph of training and effort over nature.  He'd accompanied the Empress all the way from the Palace to Equestria, and back, all without making his efforts for her protection conspicuous in the slightest.  Granted, this had mostly consisted of patrols around the invisible and mobile perimeter that the Watch kept around Yue at all times, and a few listened-into conversations to judge the character of those who would approach her.

Which had been no easy task, lately!  The Grand Galloping Gala had been so full of guests that Feng had not even had time to rejoin the royal party from his initial patrol shift; it had lasted all night, well after the event itself into the afterparty.  The sweet sleep of a job well done afterwards had been short-lived as well, with preparations for the departure to be made on the morrow.

But now... he could have some time, if not to relax, then at least to stand still and bask in the Empress' presence.  It was no idle flattery to say that the sight of Yue warmed him like the very face of the sun itself.  He wasn't sure if other Imperial Watchers felt the same way about their monarch; honestly he was afraid that asking might put him on assignment out of her sight, to the far side of Long Guo.  


He put such fears away, somepony was approaching the Empress.  He was not too worried; all aboard this ship had been vetted or vouched for, and careful watch of the sky and sea ensured no other creatures had wrangled their way onto it.  Nevertheless, Fēng kept a vigilant eye on all nearby...


There are some things in life you should really bring up, regardless of your level of excitement at a certain event. In the case of a particular painter from Equestria, she had found that she should have probably mentioned her motion sickness to the empress before voicing her excitement to come along. At first hiding the symptoms of her sickness was easy but the longer the boat swayed and rocked on the waves, the harder it was to conceal. 


The usual liveliness that Presteza would display that bordered on hyperactivity was replaced by a more restrained mare... but with more emphasis on the 'strained' part of that term. Hooves tromped across the wooden planks of the vessel as the painter approached her new friend. Anypony with working brain cells could see she wasn't at her best. Her usual gait was dotted with moments of stumbling hooves that had her needing to pause every few steps. Once she'd reached the bow from her stumbling walk she threw her forehooves on the railing to keep herself standing before looking to the Empress, her face looking a bit 'green'.


"Aftanoon, Y-- er Empress!" She said. Her voice was groggy sounding, but still lucid. "... Ya doin' alright?" A momentary lurch from the vessel had the painter stumble forward and brace herself on the railing while her cheeks puffed up as she tried to keep from... messing up the bow of the ship. "I'm sure yer gonna do..." The painter gulped audibly, "Great."






Hearing noises behind her, Yuè turned around to see a sickly looking Presteza beside her. The royal Qilin concealed an alarmed gasp with a hoof; her new painter had been in much better health hours before! It seemed like Presteza failed to mention beforehoof that she was prone to seasickness. Aiya! This wouldn't do at all!!!


"Presteza!" a heavily concerned Yuè rushed over to Presteza, checking the unicorn's head for a fever. None was present, confirming that seasickness was the likely culprit for the pony's ailment. "What are you thinking?! You shouldn't be walking around the deck in your condition. Here, let me send for help!"

Pulling herself together, the Empress authoritatively shouted in the direction of one of her escorts, who appeared to have been freshly recruited into the Imperial Watch; "Guard!" Yuè's posture turned more rigid, betraying no sign of vulnerability. Once the guard had come, the Empress issued her command in a collected voice with a slight undercurrent of urgency; "Escort this pony to the healer at once! Instruct her to brew a tea to relieve Presteza's seasickness. Be gentle with Presteza, but do not dally!”


From his point of observation, Fēng could see that the pony who dared to approach the Empress was... that painter, Presteza?  Yes, that was her name.  The Watch hadn't had time to do more than superficial inquiries; she had been let on board by the personal vouching of the Empress.  And, of course neither Fēng nor any other watcher would dare to question the Empress' judgment, but... well, the unicorn's hiring as the Royal Painter had been rather sudden.  Not to mention, there were some somewhat scandalous whispers concerning the portrait that Yue had received as a gift...


Not that such considerations would affect Fēng's loyalty; the longma was firm in his dedication to her and her rule.  That wasn't to say that he was just going to stay still while the Empress approached the newcomer, though!  He'd heard of what Presteza's sneezes could do from some of the servants and Watchers who had witnessed the first meeting.  Long only knew what would happen if she vomited in Yue's presence!


He was halfway across the deck already, then, as the Empress called out to him.  "Yes, your majesty!"  He gave his prompt reply, getting up right beside Pressy on the other side of her.  He braced her neck with his forehoof as she was straightened out from the balcony.  "Come along then, miss.  We don't want you getting sick here."




"Huh? Oh ya don' need ta worry abou' me, Empress..." The mare gave her chest a thump, only be have the color drain from her face as she held her head over the edge of the ship and tried valiantly not to retch, "Um... okay.... maybe I could deal with a bit o' healin'" She choed out before she'd found herself being braced up by a sturdy looking stallion. His outfit and general demeanor matched the look of many members of the imperial watch.


"W-well! I'll seeya in a flash!" Said the painter, waving a hoof goofily to the empress as she was escorted to the healer by Feng. Just a few seconds of awkward silence was more than the unicorn could handle so soon she spoke up, "So... um My name's Presteza. Wot's yers? Or are Longma in yer organization no' supposed ta give out their names?" THe painter had to pause a moment as another lurch and bob of the ship made her look like she was on the precipice of making a mess of the stallion supporting her, instead she just gasped and groaned out, "How does anyone travel like this?"


The silence was, indeed, awkward.  One of the hardest parts of Feng's training was actually teaching him not to fill silences with unnecessary noise; they were invaluable for one whose job it was to listen and watch.  Of course, if the others present wouldn't actually say anything, wasn't it also the Watch's job to get them to talk?


His instructors didn't tend to take well to such impertinent questions.  But then, first-year recruits weren't allowed to handle interrogations anyway.  Fortunately, Presteza was also the sort of pony for whom silence was unbearable.  "We do not give our full names, but you may call me Feng."  The longma's hooves were sure and steady as he walked the unicorn mare below decks.  Away from the Empress' presence... *sigh.*


"I have taken the same remedy that Her Imperial Majesty recommended before we set off.  You would be well-served in following her wisdom."

  • 2 weeks later...

Far off the westward side of the Suncrest, a small speck appeared on the horizon. It appeared constant at first, then started to faintly bob as it grew. And grew. And grew. Gradually, it resolved itself into the form of Matron Ao Yuchou, skimming over the surface of the water in the undulating flight of the Long. Just before she reached the hull of the ship, she pitched upwards at nearly a right angle, coiling in the air to accomplish the bend, and arced over the ship with her back facing down. Even at her age, she loved putting on a show. She completed her arc near the water with plenty of Long to spare, and a series of twists saw her flying along the centerline, her talons open and aimed almost predatorially at Empress Yue.




Yù Yuè was again distracted from her sea-gazing by cries of "Dragon!" coming from the stern of the SS Suncrest. Before the royal Qilin had a chance to see what the commotion was all about, a shadow fell upon her and the remaining elite bodyguard in her presence. Yuè looked up, seeing no other than Matron Yuchou showboating as she breached right over the Suncrest. As Yuè was standing on the bow, she was in prime position to be sprayed with a torrent of water as the Serpent Dragon splashed back down. But the young mare was not discouraged from silently expressing her joy in the slightest; why would she be dismayed by her clothes getting wet when the very Matron who once fostered the imperial foal in Longri-La now appeared before her?

Elsewhere throughout the SS Suncrest, pandemonium ensued as qilin and longma alike scrambled to get above deck and glimpse the Heavenly Dragon. So hurried was their rushing that they didn't particularly care what was in their way. Case in point, the healer in the Imperial Household's employ who roughly pushed a sickly Presteza out of the way — ironically, the same healer the Empress instructed her bodyguard to escort Presteza to — shouting; "A dragon has come for the Empress!!!"






"Well, Nice ta meet -- urk-- meet ya, Feng." The mare said as she stumbled beside the stallion down the hallway. She still looked rather green around the gills with each step and her faulty gait wasn't improving. Despite that, Presteza was still more than happy to admire the interior design of the ship. The curious, ornate symbols and designs on the doorframes were especially interesting in their intricate craftsmareship. 


Feng's mention of that remedy got an embarrassed chuckled from the painter, "Well... when yer as excited ta see all o' yer land like I am ya tend ta fahget a few things... I once went a three days without eatin' while I worked on a portrait." Presteza chuckled softly at the memory. She had been working on a painting of the plains and she had been having trouble getting the perfect sandy shade of paint for the picture and spent an absurd length of time mixing colors... thankfully she brought water to keep herself hydrated but in the end she  ha to drag herself back to appaloosa and meekly drop a few bits at a saloon to get some food.


Soon the healer's quarters came into view! Sweet Celestia, relief at last! Just as she was getting ready to have her persistent seasickness treated by the healer, she was shoved otu of the way as he heard the cries of dragon. Dragons?! Again?! This was the second time a dragon was potentially getting in the way of her artistic endeavors. As she heard the cries of worry from the staff, Presteza could only weakly stumble out behind the growing crowd of guards behind the confrontation... She'd moved a bit quicker through the crowds than Feng did until another rock of the ship made her brace herself to the wall and have her practically slam her hoof to her mouth as he green tinged cheeks puffed out almost comically. 

The sickly mare eventually pulled herself to the doorway to see this scene, it was a truly epic sight but there wasn't time to appreciate it now.  The mare took a deep breath and raised her unsteady voice as loud as it would go, "Oi! I-iif yer gon- Urgh.... go after the empress Yer gonna 'ave ta go through Feng and I f--fi...." The Equestrian visitor stumbled forward and through her upper body over the railing as she heaved and gasped in exhaustion. "First..." She managed to speak out after a groan.




Feng dutifully supported the erratic Presteza through the ship.  He himself had not much of an appreciation for art.  Nor anything, really, apart from the Empress and the Duties of his Watch.  His family line had been known for their... imbalance, obsessions, monomania?  For Feng, it was the conditioning that all the Imperial Watch went through that pushed him overboard.  Not only did it affect his stance towards himself, but also towards others in Yue's service.  Such as, for example, the royal healer who had so rudely pushed past him.


"Ah, you!"  With the swiftness of the cutting wind, the longma swept after the healer, catching the back of her robe.  "I don't recall the Empress telling you to abandon your post!  Her guests are ill, and will be in need of your treatment-"  He cut himself off, realizing that said guest was no longer with him.  In fact, that guest had rushed out towards the the railing of the ship.


It as right about now that Feng's narrow outlook widened sufficiently to take in the fact that, oh, yes, there was a dragon coming for the Empress.  He had as much respect as any longma for the great and graceful Long, of course, but those claws... they didn't look friendly.  He took his stance by the painter, bolstering her with a quick hoof and quicker words.  "None who seek to harm the Empress shall pass the Imperial Watch, whosoever they be!"  He peered through the distance, trying to look as intimidating to the dragon as anypony less than half another's size could.  Of course, being a new assignment, he didn't recognize the matron...


The Matron herself really only recognised a couple of Long Sun on the boat, one of whom she'd come for in the first place. Heedless of the general hulabaloo, the Matron only shifted her flight a smidge to account for the new angle she needed to approach at to miss the guard. Of course, she also called out in her native language, though it was unlikely others aboard would know it, "Brace yourself, my neice."


Her flight arc carried her over the heads of the guards and nearly onto the deck, pulling up with Yue, clothes and all, safely wrapped in her talons. Of course, now that she had performed that maneuver, the rest of her body would be following more or less the same path on its way back, which was going to take a while, old and long as she was.




Observing the Matron's flight patterns and listening to her voice, Yù Yuè didn't have to think too deeply to guess what was about to happen next. The Qilin softly cried out the Matron's title in their shared mother tongue; "Bǎomǔ?" WOOOSH!!! Just like that, the majestic Empress of Long Guo was scooped up into the arms of her foster aunt. Yuè's forelegs tightly held on to the Dragon's scaled belly, all the while wondering why Matron Yuchou thought to collect her in such a sudden and unannounced manner. Had... something serious happened?

Nobody in Empress Yuè's entourage tried stopping Matron Yuchuo; they were too busy restraining Presteza and her Imperial Watch escorts, who had dare issued slanderous challenges at the aged Long. However, one piercing voice shouted; [WISE AND NOBLE MATRON OF LONGRI-LA!] Yuchou would recognize that specific voice; it belonged to the Chamberlain of the Imperial Household, who has served the Imperial Family for many long moons. [TO WHAT DO WE OWE THE PLEASURE OF YOUR AUSPICIOUS VISIT?] Surely, the Elder Dragon must have realized that she couldn't abscond with the Empress by keeping her servants in the dark?





The painter's face fell. Well this was positively wonderful way to start off her time in this wondrous country: Just threatening a high profile person shortly after meeting her. It was a good thing she'd been brushing up on her Long... ese? Longlish? Longuage?... The spoken word of the Long guo inhabitants. She hadn't managed to master it or even fully understand that familiarly foppish voice that shouted to the dragon. The words that she managed were 'noble', 'matron', 'pleasure', and 'visit' so it took the unicorn a moment to finally piece things together. 


 A hoof met her face as the mare mentally chided herself for this mistake. Another rock of the boat made her tighten her hold on the nearby railing of the ship with a slight shudder as she felt another wave of nausea wash over her like tidal wave. With a sigh of annoyance she meekly pulled herself up and tried to drag and stumble her way over to the healer who had left her earlier and simply poked at his shoulder. 



Feng, of course, understood the rebukes and remonstrances of the servants just fine.  Unlike the guest he was escorting, however, these corrections did nothing to shame him.  If anything, it only strengthened his already somewhat unbalanced resolve.  "The Watch does not have the luxury of relaxation; we must remain vigilant to all threats to the Empress' person, wheresoever they may come from."  Never mind that if the Long themselves were attacking the Empress, the whole legitimacy of her rule was in question.  Feng's devotion to her protection was rather more personal than that.


In any case, she was gone, and short of flying after the matron, there was nothing that he could do about it.  All Feng could do was carry out the last order he was given.  He summoned up a bit of minty breath magic, to calm and soothe the air around him before trotting up to the healer beside Presteza.  "If you're quite ready, I believe the mare is in need of treatment, by the Empress' orders."


Matron Yuchou rolled in a graceful arc in midair, bringing her back down to the deck before her tail had quite finished leaving it. She sweeps the deck with a wave of warm, soothing mist before heading back to the prow to speak with the bureaucrats there gathered. "It has been," she begins, "some time since my niece and I were able to visit, and I wished to bear her away to a more private locale before her journey completed. It will, after all, take another fortnight before your bow touches Long Sun soil. I will have your Empress home before then, safe and sound as the day I brought her back from My gardens the first time." Honestly, after the first hundred generations alone, one would assume the Imperial court would know better than to think Yuchou would do anything malicious to an Empress as kind and thoughtful as this one. Or anyone, really, she wasn't as young as she used to be.


"I am not, however, unreasonable. Yù Yuè may choose a pair of companions to accompany her, if she so wishes." the Matron finished, tilting her head in a conciliatory gesture that coincidentally brought it low enough for her to release the Empress onto her back, where the majority of the flight would likely be spent, such as it would be. Weather patterns and air resistance were more a suggestion to the aged Long, and she frequently chose to ignore them.




A more private locale? Two companions?  Such questions dwelled in Yù Yuè's mind as the Matron placed the qilin on her back. Honestly, Yuè was rather perplexed by Matron Yuchou's actions. Yes, it was an imperial tradition where newly-ascended empresses and emperors visited Longri-La to reaffirm the millennia-old Pact with the Serpent Council. Yet there was always the understanding that the sovereign would come on their own terms, after properly preparing for the Reaffirmation Rite. Whisking the Empress of Long Guo away, however, was highly unusual to say the least!


Before Yuè had a chance to respond, the imperial Chamberlain spoke up. "Forgive my impudence, Matron!" He brought his hooves together in a bowing motion; "But I'm afraid Her Majesty is in no state for another journey. Her business in Equestria has depleted her stores of energy, so she must first return to the Imperial Capital and rejuvenate before engaging in any more undertakings. Otherwise, the Empress would be showing great disrespect by appearing less than worthy of possessing the Heart of the Dragon."


The Empress suspected what her Chamberlain was actually up to: how he feared letting the aged serpentine dragon — and all the Long by extension — perceive Yuè as anything less than a majestic mare capable of governing Long Guo in her own right. In the couple of so months since ascending to the Dragon Throne, the young qilin mare had been frequently reminded by advisers to adopt an air of pomp-filled formality in her dealings with the elder Long, least Her Majesty be seen as insignificant.


And yet... something else stirred in Yuè's heart: a desire that flew in the face of everything her chief servant hoped to accomplish this moment. "You speak the truth, Chamberlain," the Empress politely declared; "But..... do I not also have an obligation to my filial elders?" Yuè tenderly stroke the ridge on the Matron's spine, "If my venerable aunt asks for her niece... it would set a bad example for all Long Sun if I refused her summons."

No counterargument came from the Chamberlain; how could any Long Sun dare refute the importance of honoring one's family, blood or otherwise? With that stallion silenced, the Empress looked down upon everyone standing on the ship's deck, trying to decide which two members of her retinue to take.....





The healer didn't even seem to be listening to them... Presteza let out an annoyed sigh and propped herself up against a nearby wall. Were all of the imperial staff so easily flabbergasted? At least Feng seemed to be able to focus. The woozy painter raised up a hoof and said as loud as she could, "M- me...." She droaned out, still sounding like she was ready to retch over the side of the boat as soon as she got to it.  





Good grief, was this the famed Imperial Bureaucracy?  One glimpse of some noodle-like lizard and they were all completely hopeless, from the highest Chamberlain to the very Healer Presteza was hoping to get relief from!  All told, Feng was not impressed.  At least, not by the qilin and longma surrounding him.  The Empress' composure under her circumstances was nothing short of inspiring, and even the painter's spirit shone through the seasickness, as she volunteered to go flying despite her nausea.


That made one worthy companion, at least.  Feng would privately consider himself the only other one, but drilled deference to Yue, as well as inward doubts of his own comparative worth to hers, kept him from volunteering out loud.  He did, however, keep his gaze steady towards her, saluting when her eyes passed over his form.


The aged Long clicked her teeth together with an audible clack, and the mist she had previously bathed the ship in flared with magic, taking it beyond merely comforting and into outright recuperative and fortifying territory. It wouldn't do for anyone to get sick on the trip, she didn't intend to stop and while her flight was faster than the boat by a wide, almost insulting margin, she had much less wiggle room for passengers on the rare occasion she allowed them.


She had a sneaking suspicion the Chamberlain would try to come along, but this was meant to be an informal get together, not the formal meeting of Empress and Council to reaffirm the pact. Of course, they may not fully understand this fact, none of them had been in office when she did this last. Only a few would have been alive even, as it was the former Emperor's mother she had whisked away. But then, it was not their place to understand the fine line between Auntie Yuchou and Ao Yuchou. Perhaps she could stand to do this more than once a generation, but the little ones were always so fussy without her there, and her apprentice at the time had been hopeless. 


"<You shouldn't let them bully you, but bringing a guard along may do much to appease your Court>" she whispered in the ancient Long tongue, in a grandmotherly tone just loud enough for Yù Yuè to hear. "<And worry not, this is a social call to help you relax, not a Council summons. You may decline, if you wish.>"




Empress Yuè's eye perked when Presteza was the first to volunteer. Frankly, the royal qilin wouldn't have waited for her chief servant to throw around his usual remonstrations before telling her sickly painter to stay put. That was, until the Matron started working her magic on everyone in the entourage. With all the servants marveling over how their bodies felt free of minor nagging ailments, not even the Chamberlain was focused enough to object to unorthodox volunteers.


As Auntie Yuchou suggested, now was Yuè's chance to make her next and final suggestion without any protests being raised. Thing was, the Empress didn't really know her bodyguards all that well yet. The only member of the Imperial Watch she was ever close to was dear ole' "Uncle" Calamity, who currently served as High Censor back in the Imperial Capital. Back when Yuè and Lián were small kids, it was Uncle — who was still a bodyguard then — who helped cover for them and enable their little excursions outside the Imperial Palace. Calamity never asked for anything in return for his services, even though he risked the late Emperor's severe displeasure in the event something bad happened to his children (and yes, Yuè had a close call or two). Thus did the Empress trust her Sworn Uncle absolutely.


Not being able to build that same working relationship with any other bodyguard, Yuè quickly scanned for those wearing the black brocade of the Imperial Watch. There was one longma stallion who stood out among them; he had been the guard sent to accompany the ailing Presteza not more than several minutes ago. While his salute drew Yuè's attention, it was his unbroken gaze which arose the young mare's curiosity. Most guards subtly averted their eyes when in the presence of the Empress... but not this stallion. For several moments, the Empress couldn't help but let her aqua eyes be transfixed by the guard's unwavering dark red orbs.

Yuè closed her eyes when she realized she needed to refocus. When her eyes opened again, the young mare became the tranquil Empress again, ready to command the attention of her staff. "You," she pointed to Presteza; "And you," her hoof pointed at the guard with the intense gaze; "...Shall accompany me on my journey with the wise and noble Matron. If there are any essential items the two of you require, now is the time to retrieve them....."







The painter was rather apprehensive as she watched the dragonborn mist washing over deck of the ship. Having already been kidnapped by a dragon once, she wasn't as quick to trust them as she used to be: Being locked up in a cage and having to entertain a large teenage drake will do that to you. A step or two back from the mist failed to take her away from it seeing as she was likely to fall flat on her face if she took that third so eventually the sooth mist managed to catch and wash over the unicorn. Her eyes shut almost reflexively... only to open up again when she noticed her woozy feelings melt away.


"Huh..." The mare took a step forward and soon a smile grew over her muzzle, "You lot 'ave the best dragons in the world!" The sound of hooves clopping against thewooden boards of the shops deck managed to divert some attention from the ship's occupants as the unicorn did a enthusiastic dance in place. The tapping came to a stop once the visitor form over the seas noticed Yu picking her out of the crowd and jumped above the crowd with glee.


"Miss Matron! Can I ride up with Yu in yer fore claw? I'd like ta get a better look at yer face if ya don't mind!"






Feng was at least familiar enough with the actual habits and attitude of the Long to not flinch at the healing breath-mist of the Matron.  Oddly enough, his own breath magic was alike to hers in kind, though very much further down in terms of power.  The sweet smell of his breath generally only acted to calm the mood of a nearby listener; it couldn't relieve nausea or a headache.


He had eyes, however, only for the Empress, and Yue herself soon found her own eyes locking with his.  Oh, those eyes... the longma suddenly found himself scrambling for a word to describe their color.  There wasn't enough green for it to be jade, but he wanted something like a precious or at least semi-precious stone, to express beauty and rarity-


His head jerked, as he heard the Empress address him.  What shameful thoughts!  Very much beyond what the Imperial Watch ought to feel, of course.  Oh, Feng hoped the Qilin hadn't detected them.  Probably she had not, otherwise she hardly would have invited him to come along!  "<I have only to retrieve my travel pack, Your Majesty.>"  Giving a quick look over to Pressy to make sure she was feeling alright, he saluted Yue and rushed belowdecks with a speed that only a longma could muster.


In but 10 seconds flat, he was back on the deck, pack strapped on, ready to fly with the Matron to Longri-la!

  • 2 weeks later...

Yuchou nodded very slightly, more an acknowledgement to herself than anything. The foreign guest had been nearly a foregone conclusion, and a Longma guard made the most sense with where she was taking the group. She turned her attention first to Presteza. "I'm afraid my foreclaws won't offer the view you seek. They are a little safer than my back, but not as comfortable. I leave the choice to you, but you must gather your supplies, and quickly." the aged long said as she drew her head down to speaking level with the artist.


Likewise as she moved her attention to Feng, her head lifted to meet his. "-I should think it wiser, if you are to serve as the Empress' honour guard, to be near to her for the journey. I cannot maintain a firm pace and avoid seagulls at the same time.-" she lied in the Long Sun language. She could very easily do so, and fully intended to slip out of the way of any avians if they weren't clever enough to do so on their own, but she wasn't sure the Longma could keep up with her 'firm pace', which would involve not only ignoring the slipstream, but folding some of the intervening distance if she had a chance.


"<I will not be slowing or stopping unless I must, and I've a mind to bypass the Lake and come up into the Gardens directly. Would your companions object?>" she finally asked Yu Yue, careful to keep her tone one of deference but not reverence. She was asking for the honest opinion of the Qilin mare, not the dicrees of an Empress.




While Presteza and the chosen guard were off gathering vital belongings, Yuè conferred with Matron Yuchou in the Heavenly Dragon Tongue. [I don't believe they will,] the royal qilin speculated; [As it is, we will be enjoying a breathtaking view of Lake Huahuo from the heavens. Not to mention,] the qilin smirked; [That forcing my escorts to undertake the Climb of Pilgrimage... will hinder the performance of their duties most severely.] Normally, all outsiders had to climb Mt. Suncrest first to be granted permission to enter Longri-La, but this was one special instance where an exception would have to be made.

A few brief minutes later, and everyone was set to leave. Yù Yuè positioned herself to sit "upright" on the Matron's back, meaning only her hind legs were wrapped around the serpentine dragon's back. Sitting in a vertical position gave the other guests more room to climb onto; Yuè gave Presteza a hoof as she rode behind the Empress, while the imperial bodyguard took his position up in front. Safely sandwiched in the middle; Yuè invoked a final blessing to initiate their departure; "Let the West Wind grant us speedy passage to the Dwelling of Dragons!"


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