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Chànggē Tàiyáng [Ready]


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Name: Chànggē Tàiyáng. Prefers Tai. 


Gender: Female


Age: Young Adult


Species: Long (Eastern Dragon)


Eye Color: Bright Yellow


Character Color: Her body is primarily a faded red reminiscent of tomato soup, while her underbelly and the strip on her chin is a somewhat faded yellow. 


Mane/Tail: The hair that runs down her back is of medium length, and is orange in color. The tuft on her tail is longer, separated into various braids on which numerous red ribbons are tied. 


Physique: She is slightly smaller than the average length for females her age, and she is also thinner. Her musculature could be described as lithe. Her horns are rather short, and are the same color as her underbelly. 


Residence: None. She travels around. 


Occupation: Bard, performs anytime she can. 


Cutie Mark: N/A


Unique Traits: Being a bard, she is skilled in the use of musical instruments. Her favored one is a Liuqin, which she carries with her. She is also a great singer. 


As for breath magic, she is more in line with fire, and can use it fairly well. 


History: Tai's childhood was not the easiest of affairs due to her memory issues, since making friends was hard when you kept forgetting things about them. The ones that stuck with it though are now firmly in her heart and memories. She spent her whole life with either them or her family, sometimes both at the same time. Speaking of family, she was the eldest child, but there were others, thankfully none with the same memory problems she had, and they all got along great! At least, that's how she remembered it going. 


She discovered her love for music as a preteen, roughly the same time they introduced her to the red ribbon idea. In time, after lots of practice, she became very good at playing her instrument and singing. To make sure she never forgot her friends, she had a portrait of them together painted onto the Liuqin itself so it would always be with her. 


By the time she was old enough to be considered an adult, she left home and began her wandering with nothing more than her instrument and some red ribbon. She was excited to get started, flying off in a random direction and working her way from there. 


Personality: Tai is a very happy-go-lucky girl, not letting much of anything get her down. Playing her music and sharing her stories gives her the most joy, though she still enjoys just spending time with friends. Unfortunately, she has problems with her memory, often forgetting things stored in her short-term memory. To help combat this, she tends to tie red ribbons to her tail hair to remind her. Her long-term memory works fine though, so she often makes important information into songs as well to help her remember. She can also be rather clumsy at times, though she is always extra careful with her prized possession. 


Summary: A clumsy and forgetful Long, Tai is nonetheless a kind and fun-loving bard who is always looking for new songs to learn and for places to perform the songs she knew already. 

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