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The Tour d'Equestria comes to Ponyville (Closed: Foxxy)


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The sun hung lazily in the west, still shining brightly over Ponyville, but beginning to approach the end of Celestia's day. A large, old caravan lumbered along the dirt road on its way into town. The paint, somewhat faded from years of sun, depicted a stylized stage with lights around it. Emblazoned over this display, were the words "Tour d'Equestria" in large ornate letters. Under which it said "Touring Theatre". The vehicle swayed side to side gently, pulled by a very large, sturdy Earth Pony riddled with scars. He smiled as he crested the hill and saw the town come into view. He stopped a moment and stomped thunderously on the ground.

"What is it, hoof?" called a voice from inside "Are you tired?"
He stomped once.
"Just a moment." the voice requested. some rustling from inside and a crash then out came a grey pony "What is it?" He asked
Hoof gave him an expectant look. "Sorry" the grey pony said "he's asleep"
Hoof pointed to the town down the hill.
"Thunderhoof," The grey one started "get ready for a real bed. We're here."
Hoof stomped excitedly, and continued on.
Grey went back inside.

Inside, grey pony walled over to a sleeping unicorn and gently shook him awake. "Stage!" he whispered "Stage, wake up. We're almost there!"
Stage stirred, spoke a few words in French before "Flaire, please. Let me sleep. It has been a long week." He grumbled "Wait. We are here?" he asked
"Almost." Flaire answered "Maybe 5 minutes."
Stage groaned. "I tell you what. You know where the list is, yes?" he offered
"Yes, director, of course. I'll take care of it, you guys can sleep." Flaire answered
"Don't forget the grease. That wheel has been driving me up the wall."
"Don't worry, I've got this."
He was met with snoring.
"Alright. I've got this." Flaire said to himself.


A few minutes later, the caravan stopped moving, and he heard a heavy thud outside. He grabbed his saddle bag, and climbed out to the driver seat to check on Thunderhoof. He heard loud snoring coming from the ground. He looked down and saw Hoof crumpled in front of the caravan sleeping soundly.
"It really has been a long week." Flaire chuckled.
He climbed down the short ladder from the seat down to the axle, and jumped to the ground.




They'd made it to the outer edge of the small town. Flaire could see the star-shaped spire in the distance that belonged to the castle of friendship, signifying that he was, indeed, in Ponyville.

He looked around. There were a couple of ponies still up and about. The day was not yet done, but time was not on his side.

Flaire trotted down the street looking about the houses and businesses for the stores he needed. As he looked, his face slowly contorted from an excited smile for a new place into one of confusion and mild concern. until, all at once, he stopped and quietly exclaimed.
"Oh, Fi!" he complained "I don't see what I'm looking for anywhere! Maybe I should've waited for Stage to help me after all."

He reached in his bag and pulled out a list in his teeth, putting it in his hoof to look through.
"Do we really need that many apples?" He questioned. Then, thinking about Thunderhoof's insatiable appetite, said "Actually, better get more, to be safe." Then a gust of wind blew the paper away "Ah!" he exclaimed "get back here!" He began galloping after it with reckless abandon. Paying such little attention, he didn't notice the pony he was barreling straight for.

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"Well, I think that just about does it for today," The unicorn looked over her check list as she backed out of the front door of Carousal Boutique. She looked over the top of her red framed glasses and smiled. "Spike! That's enough for one day!" 


The dragon was always such a good helper and now that he had wings he could do even more than before. The best part was he always seemed to be falling all over himself with a will to get done whatever she needed. He certainly was a good friend. One in a million in fact!


"Ok Rarity! Just getting this last corner..." Spike flew back to the ground and trotted to the closet to deposit a feather duster and apron. "All finished!" He smiled as he made his way outside and allowed Rarity to lock the door. 


"Thank you so much Spikey Wikey! I certainly do appreciate your help. I find less and less time to come and check on the Boutique what with everything going on at my other stores. The Canterlot location certainly is a bit more grand but Carousal Boutique will always have a special place in my heart," She nodded fondly towards her establishment.


"Ok then, I guess I'll go back over to the castle and see if Twilight needs anything else..." He drug his foot claws through the soft grass.


"Thank you again Spike," She bent down and gave him a little peck on the cheek.


Spike blushed and turned to the side with embarrassment. "Anything for you Rarity!"  With that the dragon made his way back to the Castle of Friendship.


Rarity smiled softly as he went. Spike really was a good friend.


As she turned to make her way home a sudden breeze caused a slip of paper to press up against her leg. The unicorn used her magic to remove the paper just as her eyes caught a figure barreling straight for her!


"Oh my Celestia!" She cried out in shock as she neatly side stepped, nearly missing a collision! 

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Flaire saw the unicorn just as he was about to run into her. He would have been unable to stop himself in time, but thankfully, she had noticed him in time, and stepped aside. Flaire skidded to a stop, narrowly avoiding embarrassingly falling on his face"Sweet Celestia!" He exclaimed "I am so sorry! I usually don't gallop blindly about the street." he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head "I nearly lost my list, and I really need that." He looked at the mare who he'd almost knocked over. She was holding his list with her magic. "Oh, Thank goodness!" He breathed "You caught it!" He righted himself, cleared his throat, and generally attempted to salvage what was left of his dignity. He reached out a hoof in greeting. "The name's Dramatic Flaire." he introduced "but everypony calls me Flaire." He smiled at her "What's your name, if I may be so bold?"

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Rarity breathed a small sigh of relief as the stallion was able to stop himself from a fall. She knew as well as the next pony that a fall like that could have hurt and most definitely would have injured the go. She didn't wish such a scene on anypony, even one she'd yet to be properly introduced to.


"Not at all darling," She forgave the incident with her trademark poise and grace. She tossed her mane over, regaining any ounce of composure she may have lacked moment before. "No harm done to you or myself." Her trademark laugh escaped her muzzle. "Though I must say you did manage to increase my heart rate enough that I might be able to skip the gym tonight!"


As the stallion spoke of his list Rarity glanced towards the paper that was still suspended by her magic. "Oh! Yes, your um, list yes!" She levitated said list close enough for him to reach. "Do try to keep a better hold on that," She raised her eyebrows as another stiff breeze blew by. "Seems to be a bit gusty this afternoon."


"What's your name, if I may be so bold?"


Well then! He must certainly be a new pony in town not to know who she was. She wasn't being prideful in her musing, the opposite actually. The unicorn found herself wondering if he would know his way around Ponyville and if he would perhaps need some assistance getting acquainted with the hamlet? Ponyville wasn't large but its composure lacked organization and it would take a new pony quite some time should they say be wanting to fulfill a check list. 


Her dignified laugh escaped her muzzle once more as she responded. "Why yes Flaire, you may be so bold." She reached out her hoof to his. "My name is Rarity darling," She glanced at her shop. "The owner and founder of Carousal Boutique."  The unicorn had many other titles of course but best to keep things to the  point. She glanced at him over the top of her red rimmed glasses. "Pleased to meet you I'm sure." She was bold in her introductions, but sweet. Rarity was certainly a pony everypony should know!


"Tell me Flaire," She spoke as she began to walked away from her shop. "What brings you to Ponyville?" 

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Flaire gasped. He'd of course heard of Rarity. The great up-and-coming fashion designer making quite a name for herself in Equestria. He was so tired, he didn't recognize her at first. "The Rarity? You're the genius behind Canterlot Carousel? I can't believe I didn't recognize you!" He shook her hoof "It is a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh! We must talk wardrobe once my to-dos have been done." he looked at the sky, seeing it was getting later "Or perhaps tomorrow, actually." He chuckled.


"As for what brings me here," he explained "my friends and I are actually here on tour. It's not entirely unlikely to have heard of us, we do get around." he took a pose and cleared his throat to proudly announce his affiliation "We belong to the great Stage Lights' 'Tour d'Equestria' Touring Theatre" he resumed casual stance "We need some supplies. It's been long week, walking here from Fet Loch. Our director has been excited for some time to put on a performance or two in the hometown of the Princess of Friendship." then he remembered his other duty to spread the news that a new theatre was in town to perform for the public "Oh! She's your friend, right? If you could let all your friends know that we're here, we'd be honored to perform for you all. You might like the story we have to tell." he winked

"And don't forget. the best part is we perform as a donation to the public. Everypony is free to attend with or without any donations to our cause."

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Image result for rarity my little pony


He had seemed like a cultured chap, no reason he shouldn't know her name at least. Rarity couldn't help but titter as the stallion recognized her. There it was, the sudden recognition she had become accustomed to. And of course that was followed by the request to talk wardrobe. Rarity was indeed pleased. She was always friendly with those who had good hearts and a love for the finer things.


"On tour you say!" She interjected excitedly, spurred on by his sudden onslaught of charisma.


The unicorn nodded and recognition. She had of course heard of 'Tour d'Equestria. Rarity prided herself on the knowledge of all things cultured and classically trained performers were certainly on that list!


"Ah! 'Tour d'Equestria! Darling I've wished to see your theatre for some time. You've most definitely acquired a name for yourself with the underground touring circle!" She smiled. "I keep my hoof to the pulse on all things cultured." She smiled. "I'm sure Twilight would be delighted to have your group preform in town. As far as getting the word out..." She considered. "Do you have a show bill you can post in the Square?"


She figured Flaire and his group would need to place to lodge while they were in town. Far be it from her not to assist them! "Oh, and you're welcome to use the grounds behind the Boutique for your travelling cart if you'd like."

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Flaire's face lit up when Rarity expressed her interest in his theatre. He didn't expect she'd actually heard of them. Stage Lights would be so happy to hear that a pony of her stature was familiar with his work. Flaire made a mental note to tell him about it later.

"Stage Lights would certainly be happy to hear of your enthusiasm." Flaire explained "Nothing makes him happier than to see that his work has made somepony else happy. Not least of which somepony of your social standing." he offered a wink.


The show bill was certainly among his considerations and a very important to do. If nopony knew the theatre was here, nopony would see them perform. He had a mock up drawn by one of the actors that he'd planned on bringing to a copy shop. "We have our own resident artist who produces a new poster to pass about for each town we visit." He produced it now from his saddlebag, and showed it to Rarity."She wouldn't be able to draw enough to distribute to the masses, but I was hoping there was a printing press who could make that job easier?"

The large poster depicted a crew of ponies posing in front of a very large stage on wheels. One of the ponies appeared to be Flaire, the one front and center, likely Stage Lights, a unicorn sporting a microphone and a hat that seemed made for tipping.

It said in large letters.

"Performing next week, here in Ponyville. Please welcome the Tour d'Equestria Touring Theatre!"

 then subtitled with

"Please enjoy our performances as a courtesy to the community. Donations are not prerequisite, but appreciated."

"So what d'you think? He doesn't actually wear a hat. That was just freestyle." He smiled expectantly.

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Rarity was certainly pleased with the show bill as soon as she took it in her magic to look over.


"You all look just fabulous!" She smiled and conveyed the bill back into Flaire's possession. "You certainly do have many talents in your crew darling! Actors, designers, artists. I'm already so tickled to be able to watch your troupe preform."


She glanced at the sun as it dropped a bit lower down. "I'm not sure how long your list is, but you should know most of the shoppes in town close up around sunset." She mentioned the information in a helpful manner, hoping he'd have time to get everything he needed.


The unicorn also noted that he didn't take her up on her offer to lodge the crew behind her boutique. Rarity figured Flaire had things under control in this department though and could figure that out on his own. She readied herself to be on her way when she noticed Spike making his way back towards the boutique.


"Spike! What are you doing back here?" She looked on in concern as the dragon trotted quickly up to her. "Is something the matter dear?"


"Rarity!" He paused for a breath, obviously winded from running from the castle. "Twilight wants to know if-" He stopped short, realizing he'd gotten in the way of a conversation.


"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were talking to somepony!" He offered a claw to Flaire. "Hi there! I'm Spike!"

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//oh, my gosh. I completely forgot about the offer. I feel stupid lol//


"Ha ha! Yeah, thanks. We have of course our actors," he began explaining "Stage Lights who is a phenomenal manager and organizer, Thunderhoof is incredibly strong, and he does a really spectacular job making props and sets. Spring Breeze is the artist, everypony has a second job they perform. Most of us, it's our special talent that we contribute. Although, mine is acting, so it's different for me. I mostly do public relations. Spreading the word and getting ponies interested."


 He also looked at the sun and frowned "The day sure gets away from you when you're talking with friends, huh Rarity?" Then he quickly amended, feeling like he'd been presumptuous "That is, I hope you would consider us friends? Yeah, I really ought to get going on my list, if you could point me to the close....est...." he, too, noticed Spike coming up and at first was intrigued at the notion of meeting a dragon for the first time, but the mention of his name as well as seeing him come closer into view changed his perspective "Spike? A pleasure to meet you!" he greeted "If I'm not mistaken, you're Princess Twilight's faithful assistant, and also the first Dragon to make friends with ponies! What a real treat it is to see you!"  He smiled warmly at the Dragon "In fact, I seem to remember a rather large statue when I visited the Crystal Empire."  He gave him a wink "And" he added "How can I not know the Dragon who shingle-hoo-... clawed-ly spearheaded the change in Equestria's opinion on changelings? It's because of you, Spike, that I don't have to hide, anymore." His coat, mane and eyes soundnessly faded through several colors, before returning to normal, then he bowed to spike "It is with great pleasure that I can finally offer my sincerest thanks. I am eternally grateful for the service you have done me, and those others like me, Spike. You are truly a hero. Glorious and brave."  He winked at the reference to the Crystal Empire's title for him.


Then Flaire remembered suddenly "Oh, my! I'm terribly sorry, Spike! You came for a reason. Um, perhaps we can talk while we walk to the nearest printing press?"

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  • 2 weeks later...



The unicorn tittered lightly at Flaire's amendment to calling her a friend. "Oh but of course we're friends darling," She winked with humor at him. "How could a resist getting to know a stallion of your talent and subsequent good nature!" 


She was going to offer him suggestions on which shops close first when Spike made a re-entrance to their conversation. 


Oh ho ho! Another admirer then! Spike mused as Flaire recounted the dragon's great and glorious efforts in the Crystal Empire. Rarity put a hoof over her eyes for the briefest of moments, not wanting to watch Spike's head swell with pride once again. She really was proud of him of course but the young dragon often took praise too far.


"Oh that little thing?" Spike inquired of the statue. "Yeah I was just doing my part you know," He smiled, trying to stay calm. He was working on taking praise in stride. "Glad I could help you and glad to meet you!"


Rarity to pleasantly surprised. "Yes, we certainly are lucky to have you around Spike!"


Flaire mentioned going to the printing press and inquired as to what Spike had come back for. "Oh yeah!" Spike thought back. "Twilight wants to know if you can stop by her castle on the way home."


The unicorn was getting ready to go home so now would be the best time to stop by. "That sounds perfect. Thank you Spike, I'll head there now if you wouldn't mind taking Flaire to the print shop?"


Spike saluted the beautiful unicorn. "You got it Rarity!" He turned to Flaire. "Ready to get going?"


The dragon lead Flaire not too far away from the boutique to where the post office and printing shop were located. "This is it! I wonder if they've got time to run another print today?" He looked at Flaire. 


It wasn't too much later that the press was fired up and the show bill was being printed. 


"So uh, what else do you need to get?"

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Flaire could see Spike's reputation for letting the Crystal Empire get to his head, just in Rarity's reaction to his praise. He decided that was enough ego building for the day. He was just excited to have met not one, but two pon- er creatures he admired in one day. Though he was happy to note that he'd refrained from such boasting this time around, that would've been embarrassing for both of them. He bowed gracefully to Rarity as she excused herself "It was a pleasure meeting you, Rarity. I hope we will get more time to chat another time when it's not so late." He would've asked her to keep along, but it was apparent that her expertise was needed elsewhere, and he didn't want to keep her from her friends.

"Thank you, Spike, for offering me a hoo- uh claw, tonight. I really appreciate it." He smiled warmly at the dragon.

When they'd arrived at the press, he apologized to the staff for bringing such a late job, and offered to pay extra for keeping them later than usual. When they'd collected the posters safely in Falire's saddlebag, Spike had asked about his other to-dos.

"Well, let's see." He looked over his list one more time, and recounted it to Spike.

"Well we need some grease for a squeaky wheel, makeup for our actors, we use a lot of that. Some food, we usually just get oats, but I hear Ponyville has the premiere apple orchard of Equestria, so we can't exactly go without some of those apples." He winked "We need some minor costume adjustments, but I'll be taking care of that with Rarity in the morning, and some real beds would be spectacular, so if you know of a hotel, in Ponyville, That would be really helpful." he chuckled "We don't need to get everything done in one night, tho, so just whatever can still be done tonight, and if you point out where the other things are, I can take care of them tomorrow." He hated being such a burden on anypony, especially somecreature as readily helpful and selfless as Spike. He kind of felt like he was taking advantage, and he didn't like that. But, he did need help, and he was grateful that there was somepony willing to point him in the right direction. He gave Spike one of his signature friendly smiles, and said "I really appreciate your willingness to be so helpful to somepony you only just met. It speaks volumes to your character." Flaire remembered he'd decided earlier to lay off the butter, and silently chastised himself for forgetting.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Spike lit up when Flaire mentioned the need for some oats and apples. He knew he'd be able to help the troupe with everything the stallion had just mentioned but going over to Sweet Apple Acres would be fun! There was always happy ponies and interesting things going on at the farm.


"Well, I know where you can get the food you need and probably some grease for that wheel too!" He puffed up his chest a bit, taking the compliment with the grace he'd been practicing. It just wouldn't do for Princess Twilight's number one assistant to have a head so big he couldn't fit through the main castle doors! "I'm sure Applejack or somepony in her family would be happy to sell you some of their oat harvest and you're right about the apples!" The dragon licked his lips at the thought. "I know dragons don't usually go for fruit but even I've got a taste for Sweet Apple Acres apples and of course apple pie!"


The dragon headed across the road towards the direction of the renowned farm. He continued talking as he trotted along. 


"I'm actually not sure about the make up, but I'm sure we can figure that out. As for places to stay..." He trailed off for a moment, thinking of a good place. "Ah! Yep, the Lamp Lighter would be perfect for you guys. How many are there in your group again?"


The sun was beginning to dip even lower as they made it to the entry of Sweet Apple Acres. Orange light was beginning to tint the sky and herald Luna's soon and coming moon raising.


"I hope they're still open for business!" Spike glanced around, wondering who from the Apple family he would spot first.

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Flaire recognized Applejack's name as one of the six friends of Princess Twilight. "Applejack works at the Apple Orchard?" He confirmed "That makes sense." Flaire smiled at Spike's praise of Sweet Apple Acres' apples. and apple pies. He thought pie sounded fantastic. Maybe he'd order some when it wasn't so late.


Spike didn't know where to get makeup, but Flaire didn't really expect he would. Makeup wasn't normally a thing that guys paid any attention to. He thought Rarity might be able to help him with that, tomorrow. When he asked about how many would be needing hospitality, Flaire stopped to think. There were a lot of ponies who traveled with the Tour d'Equestria, but most of them had their own little caravans and preferred to sleep in them. Really, he could only think of a few who usually stayed in a hotel at night. "Well," He thought "We have Thunderhoof, Stage Lights, Lilly, Annie, and myself. The others usually have their own arrangements. So that's five." He explained "If possible, tho, we should have another bed or two available in case somepony else decides they need it." He figured it couldn't hurt to cover their bases just in case.

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Spike nodded at his response on the number of guests. "Yeah, that will work. The Honest Hearth is a good place to stay. Comfortable and not too pricey. I haven't stayed there myself but the owner and manager is a good guy. I met Lamp Lighter in our cafe a while back. Had a root beer with him a couple times after that. Yep, Honest Hearth's the place!" He spoke casually of his acquaintance as the two walked towards the farmhouse of Sweet Apple Acres.


The dragon loved coming to the farm this time of day. It smelled good, like sweet hay and tilled earth. He sniffed. "Speaking of apple pie," He rubbed his tummy. "Smells like Granny Smith's been baking!" 


As the two came closer two pies cooling on the windowsill of the kitchen could be seen. Spike waved and began to trot forward. "Applejack! Hey Applejack!"


The hailed farm mare turned from where she had been finishing a last minute mending of flower box that sat just outside the farm house. One of the top boards had come loose and she's just got it back into shape. Applejack smiled as she saw the dragon approaching and cocked her head as she took in the pony he'd brought along with him. 


"Hey there Spike! What brings you out 'er this time o' the evenin'?" She waved a hoof in greeting. "An' who'd yah bring with yah?" She nodded to Flaire. "Howdy! Name's Applejack!"


"We were wondering if you'd be willing to sell a couple items? And maybe a couple pies?" Spike grinned up at her.


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"That sounds great." Flaire responded to the Dragon's recommendation for an inn "I'm sure I'll be just as happy to make his acquaintance as I have yours." He winked.


Flaire could smell the farm before he ever saw it. It smelled fantastic. It was rustic, warm.... in short, it smelled very.... homey. He could certainly see why some farmponies never leave home. If he hadn't been as in love with the traveling theatre as he was, Flaire thought a farm would be the first place he'd consider settling down and making roots.


When they passed the sign signifying the Sweet Apple Acres farm, Spike mentioned a Granny Smith saying she'd been baking. Flaire could definitely smell the pie. It smelled absolutely fantastic. He always appreciated hard work whenever he saw it, and this was no exception. Everything he saw was just radiating with a the hard work it took to get it here.


When Applejack came down to greet them, he bowed gracefully "Greetings, Applejack." he offered "It's an honor to meet yet another one of Princess Twilight's friends in just one day. My name is Dramatic Flaire, tho most ponies just call me Flaire. I was hoping that I could stock up on some of your delicious apples. And if you have any for sale right now, I would be happy to have a pie or two." Flaire gave her one of his signature genuine friendly smiles.

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AJ gave her traditional amiable grin as Flaire introduced himself. He seemed a nice enough pony and well, friends of Spike were certainly always welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! "Well, if you've come to Ponyville there's always a chance of meeting Twilight's friends! We all call this town our home after all! Though I'm pretty sure ol' Rarity would jump at the chance of her own apartment in Canterlot or even Manehatten." He thoughts meandered on the the lovely unicorn mare for a few moments before she responded to Flaire's requests.


"Well we don't usually do sales this time o' day," She cocked her head, giving Spike a half grin. "Buuuuut, any friend o' Spike 'er's a friend of the Apples!" She nodded towards some neatly loaded burlap sacks of apples leaning at the edge of the farm house. "We've got apples by the bushel if that suits you? Not sure how many yer looking for. I can rearrange a bag or two for you if you want a mix? We've got some really great braeburns in right now 10 bits a bushel. Some honey crisps for 15 a bushel, and I think a couple bags of golden delicious fer I think they're...12 a bushel. You'll see the type on the bags."


Spike looked longingly towards the pies on the sill. "What about pie Applejack?" He changed the farm mare's thinking from rattling off apples and prices. 


"Oh uh yeah..." She raised her brows. "Granny Smith jus' made those. You two feel free to pop yer heads into the kitchen an' ask her if she's willin' to sell." 


"Ok! Thanks AJ!" He tapped his claw to his temple, thinking. "Oh! Grease?"


AJ gave him a quizzical look. "Grease?"


"Yeah! Grease for the traveling cart. I think that was on Flaire's list, right?" He looked to the stallion.

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Flaire chuckled "It is part of the reason we came to Ponyville..." He stopped and shut up. He almost gave away Stage Lights' surprise. He'd been so good about it until now, too. He was so excited, it was hard to keep it in. Being able to meet all the ponies (and dragon) who together saved Equestria on multiple occasions has been something Flaire has been looking forward to for some time. He just never figured he'd meet them before everypony else in the troupe. He cleared his throat and composed himself so he wouldn't give any more away.

"It will be an honour" he corrected himself "for you and your friends to attend our play coming up in a few days. After we've stocked up and gotten some rest."
Flaire frowned slightly "I apologize for the inconvenience I've put on you being here so late. I got a little lost in town until Rarity and Spike pointed me in the right direction." He smiled at Spike "Thank you for helping me with such short notice." 


He thought about the apples for a moment"If you have a cart I could borrow, I'd love to buy a bushel each of Golden Delicious and Honey Crisp, they sound absolutely heavenly. As for pie, I can always get some when I come back to return your cart." He gave her a wink "From the smell of them, I have a feeling we'll be coming back more than once."


When the dragon mentioned the grease, Flaire remembered Stage Lights complaining about the caravan's wheel constantly squeaking. Honestly, he wasn't that bothered by it, but Stage always did have sensitive ears. "Yeah, I'd better get a bit of axle grease, if we go one more day with a squeaky wheel, the director might explode." Flaire laughed.

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"Well," She smiled happily. "H'im sure we'd be right pleased to come and see you an' yer trope preform!" She nodded towards the apple bag. "As fer bein' an' inconvenience don't trouble yerself Flaire. It's no bother at all! Sweet Apple Acres is always happy to sell our produce to friends." She smiled again.


"Uh, pie?" Spike interjected before AJ could continue.


"Yer sure hankerin' fer that pie aren't yah Spike?" She laughed. "Can't say I blame yah, it does smell good! Go on over an' ask Granny Smith if she's got any to sell."


Spike nodded and trotted off towards the kitchen. Applejack also left for a moment and went into the barn. She slid under the rungs of an apple cart and trotted out with it. 


"Here yah go Flaire. It's one o' the small carts so should be a breeze to pull." She ducked out of the cart and went to the apple bags. In the blink of an eye she had the two mentioned bags of apple loaded neatly onto the cart. "Oh yeah," She trotted off for another moment and was back with a small tin can. "Here's that grease. We've got a bunch of it, so sparin' a bit's no problem at all!"  


"Well what have we here?" A slightly brusque voice sounded from behind them. Granny Smith made her way up to the pair and fixed Flaire with her gaze. "Didn't know you was havin' visitors so late in the day Applejack. I would have put extra taters and carrots in the oven fer dinner!" The matriarch of the Apple clan broke of her stare and smiled. "What's yer name youngin'?"


"Who needs dinner when you've got," Spike trotted up with a two slices of pie on a napkins, one in each claw. "Pie!" The dragon offered one of the slices to Flaire. "Granny has plans for the two pies she baked but she gave us each a slice!" The promptly shoved on slice in his mouth and chewed slowly. "Mmmph! Yum!" 

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Flaire smiled at her enthusiasm for the troupe's performance. He loved when ponies showed interest in his plays. She'd expressed that she didn't mind the inconvenience, which Flaire did appreciate, but he still felt like a little of a burden. Not much helping that, tho. He always felt like that with new ponies.

Spike asked about the pie, again, and he began to think he wasn't just asking for Flaire, but more for himself. He chuckled at his insistence.


When Applejack came back out with the cart, he was about to offer to help put the bags in when he saw she was already done moving them. He was thoroughly impressed. Tho, he acknowledged, she did work on a farm. He should expect she'd be pretty physically apt. She hoofed him a can of grease. "Thank you, Applejack." he said "I really appreciate your help. So what do I owe you?" he said more to himself. He thought for half a second, but said "I'll just give you an even 30 bits. That'll cover the apples and the grease, does that work for you?" he pulled three coin bags out from his saddlebag with a pre-counted 10 bits in each.


He heard the voice of an elderpony come from behind him, and turned to see Spike returning with who he could only guess was probably Granny Smith. Spike carried two slices of pie in his claws, looking rather pleased with his haul. Flaire smiled at him. Granny Smith asked him for his name, and he found himself a little caught off guard. "My apologies, Ma'am." he offered after a short moment of minor stammering "My name is Dramatic Flaire. I was just buying some of your delectable apples from Applejack, here. You all run a spectacular farm, here. Under what I have no doubt is your great leadership." he gave her a smile.


Spike offered him the slice of pie, which he took gratefully, and took a polite-sized bite. "Mmm-" he started, gulping down his bite so he can talk "And may I say. That is some amazing pie! I look forward to coming back tomorrow to purchase some for myself."


He was about to politely decline the implied invitation to dinner, but then he thought it would be a perfect chance to get to know Applejack some. Tho, he couldn't tell her it was because he was going to play her in the upcoming Tour d'Equestria play, and he felt a little awkward about it. If only Stage hadn't insisted that he not give away the surprise to anypony, that'd help him to feel a little less weird about it. He thought about it for a minute, and came to a compromise.


"You know what?" he said "A dinner with you Apples sounds absolutely fantastic! but maybe we can take a raincheck on that. I've got to get back to the caravan before I have no time left to rest." he laughed a little

"Thanks again, both of you." he said to the Apples "It was a pleasure meeting you, really." He gave his biggest smile yet "I'll be seeing you tomorrow, to bring back your cart, and buy some delicious pie!"




.Flaire walked cheerfully down the same road he'd walked with Spike the other night. He'd been offered to be walked there, but politely declined. He didn't want to be too much a bother on anypony. Rarity was a very helpful and... well, generous mare, as her element would suggest. H e didn't want to take advantage of that. Besides, it was obvious she had a lot on her plate. Especially with the added costume orders he'd given her. He could resist placing an order or two from the great Rarity. He'd always wanted something designed by her, and he was excited to see what she came up with.


Flaire was so lost in his thoughts, he almost walked right past the farmhouse, but the amazing smells coming from the kitchen snapped him out of it. "Oh, yeah." he remembered "I was gonna stay for dinner, this time." He pulled the cart up to the side, approached the door, took a deep breath and knocked.

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A big ol' red stallion opened the farmhouse door at Flaire's knock. He smiled to the unicorn and moved to the side. "Howdy!" He nodded towards the kitchen. "AJ an' Granny said we were havin' a guest tahnight an' you must be him! Come on in!"


The delicious smells of baking wafted from the kitchen. Big Mac moved towards it, sniffing appreciatively. "Smells like Ganny's doin' her famous pot pies fer us!"


AJ was seated at the kitchen table and waved at Flaire. "Well hey there Flaire! Thanks fer bringin' back the cart!" She pulled out a chair for him. "Come have a seat."


"Yep, jus' sit yerself right down Flaire! It's been a while since we've had a guest!" Granny spoke as she worked at the counter space. "Glad you could make it!"


"So," Applejack sipped at her drink. "How'd the troupe take to our famous apples?"


Big Mac set a drink down in front of Flaire and sat down at the table. The stallion listened contentedly, taking gulps from his flagon as he did so. 

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"Well, good afternoon!" Flaire introduced, bowing slightly at the stallion."My name is Dramatic Flaire. It's nice to meet you." He smiled. He was sure the family wasn't really much for formalities, but honestly, he couldn't much help himself. It was pretty second nature to him, and he'd feel less comfortable trying to "turn it off".

"Hello, again, Applejack. Thank you for lending it. I don't know how I would've gotten the apples across town without it." he chuckled politely "I couldn't very well reject an invitation to dinner, could I? Wouldn't want to, anyway. I'm happy to be here." He sat in the indicated chair, and addressed Granny Smith "I'm fairly excited to get a taste of your cooking. It smells fantastic!"

"Oh, we love the apples! I especially love the Honey Crisps, just as delicious as their name implies!" Flaire laughed a little "We may need to get more Golden Delicious before the week's out. Thunderhoof ate almost half the bag this morning! I'm guessing he was not dissapointed." He winked

He thought for a moment and said "I'm guessing there's a lot of work that goes into making the apples so good. Anypony can just have an apple tree, but only Sweet Apple Acres apples taste as good as yours."


Flaire kind of wanted to just spoil the surprise, anyway, so he could just mine her for information, and maybe practice his accent. but he figured she'd prefer to be surprised. Stage had told him that if he thought Applejack wouldn't mind it being spoiled, he figured she'd be best suited to keeping the secret for the others, so if it would help Flaire's method acting, he had the go-ahead to use his own judgement.

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"Well, today's yer lucky day sonny!" Granny spoke while using a spatula to move pot pies to plates. "Enjoy!" 


Steaming carrot and celery personal size pot pies were placed in front of those at the table. Granny busied herself in the kitchen. She always liked to get things cleaned up before sitting down to eat.


"Wow Granny!" AJ smiled and sniffed the pie. "This is one of my favorites! An' one o' yer classics!" She carefully worked an edge of crust away from the side of the pie tin and popped it into her mouth.


AJ and Big Mac both beamed as Flaire spoke of the work that went into Sweet Apple Acres apples. 


"Yep!" Big Mac spoke after swallowing a steaming bite of pie. "Lots o' work an' care! Nopony farms apples the way we do here."


"Bit of a family secret," AJ cut in. "A'course there's secrets a plenty when it comes to farmin' the zap apples but every kind of apple we raise is nurtured with the Apple family touch!"


They all ate for a few minutes and then Applejack continued. "So, when's yer troupe gonna be puttin' on a show fer Ponyville? I'm sure we'd be rarin' to see it!"

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Flaire smiled when Granny responded to his praise with her self confidence and pride. He enjoyed seeing when a pony was sure of themselves enough to accept compliments so well as she did, but not so sure they go around boasting to anypony who'll listen. Also, she just had that certain grandma charm that generally made her a treat to be around.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Smith." He offered as she doled out his helping. After AJ had begun eating hers, he decided it was then appropriate to eat, himself.
He took a bite of the pie, and smiled. Now this is what he called home cooking. He didn't get a lot of food prepared with this much care out on the road. It was exquisite.

He loved seeing the way the Apples interacted with each other and with their guest. He was learning a lot about his character, but more than that, he was gaining an appreciation for how she lives and who she is. He was really starting to like her more and more the more he got to see her family. He knew some of the things about her that were well known throughout Equestria as a "friend of Princess Twilight", but he got to learn about her as Applejack, and he was really grateful for that.

He saw the pride and accomplishment in both Applejack, and her brother at his praise of their apples. He loved to see that, and it made him happy to know he'd said something that filled them with such pride for their hard work. He felt everypony should feel pride like that in a job well done.


She'd asked him about the play, and Flaire hesitated for a short moment. He thought about just answering the question, but something told him he should ask his question. He breathed a sigh and said "About that. I actually wanted to ask you something about it." He thought how to word it and continued "Stage Lights, our director, wanted to make the play a surprise for you and your friends, so he's asked me to keep the subject a secret." He started "But he gave me permission to tell you, because he felt you might be the best at keeping a secret for a couple days. So I wanted to know. Are you ok knowing ahead of time, or would you rather I not tell you?" His excitement was hard to hide as he waited on her response.

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AJ was all intrigue as Flaire asked her about keeping a secret. Yup, he'd come to the right place if he was lookin' fer a pony to keep a secret safe and sound. Nopony was more honest than an Apple and of them all AJ was the most trustworthy! "Well sure Flaire, I'd be happy ta know ahead o'..."


"Howdy everypony!" Applebloom cut her off as she bounded into the kitchen. "Smells great in 'er Granny! I'm hungry enough ta eat a whole bushel o' apples!" She pulled up a chair and sat down next to Applejack. "You'll never in a million years guess what me an' the crusaders were able to do today sis!"


"Well, I'm sure I'd like to know sis... but don't you think it's common curtesy to greet our guest?" She nodded towards Flaire.


"Oh my gosh!" Abby smiled winningly to Flaire. "I'm right sorry mister! I was so excited about tellin' AJ an' Big Mac an' Granny about what we did today I didn't even see yah there!" She held out a hoof for shaking. "I'm Applebloom! Pleasure to meet you!"


"Settle on down there youngin'!" Granny came over and put a half a pie in front of Abby. "Yer gonna scare our new friend right off the farm with all her energy an' cajolin' an' such!" She tried to chastise the filly but ended up smiling just a broad as any of them. "Not sure what we'd do without yer youth aroun' 'er Abby!"


Applejack took another bite of pie and then continued. "Anyhoo, I'd be obliged to keep yer secret safe but," She glanced at Abby. "I'm not sure about this filly here."


"I can keep a secret!" She glanced around the table. "Honest I can!"

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//OMG! I'm so sorry! This whole time I was waiting for your response, I must've completely missed it lol//


Flaire was just readying himself to divulge the secret when a loud filly busted into the room, nearly giving him a heart attack. He breathed once and smiled, as the filly excitedly "guess what'd" her sister. Referring to "The Crusaders". He guessed this must be some club she had with her friends. He thought nothing of it.

After she'd apologized, and offered a hoof, he chuckled warmly "It's alright, Apple Bloom."  He dismissed "You've got me interested, too, now." 

 He was about to say something about the secret. Perhaps something to help her be motivated to keep it so he could tell, but it was at this moment, he realised something.

"Hang on. 'Crusaders'?" He confirmed. He'd remembered Stage Lights mentioning a group of fillies who'd gained recognition for being the first group of ponies to get almost the same cutie marks at the same time, in the same thing, and the same place! "That wouldn't be the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', would it?" He asked. He knew they lived in Ponyville, but he hadn't made the connection that one would be Applejack's sister.

"You and your friends have a very special magical bond that if you ask me is only rivaled by the one your sister shares with her friends! It's something a lot of ponies are talking about. I'd venture to say that your role in Equestria is destined to only grow as time passes." He laughed "Listen to me. I sound like the director!"

He sat smiling a moment, before he jumped back into the moment, talking to Applejack "Oh, yeah. The surprise. The director, Stage Lights, wanted to surprise the ponies of Ponyville, and most of all the Princess of Friendship and her friends with a play he wrote. It's entitled 'The Quest for Friendship'. It's a reenactment of the events that led up to the appearance of the Castle of Friendship. With some artistic licence."

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