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Shadow Storm [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: Main rp
Name: Shadow Storm
Sex: Male
Age: Middle aged stallion
Species: Unicorn
Eye colour: Orange
Coat: Gray with a hint of brown tint
Mane/Tail: His mane and tail are Brown with white stripes in them. His mane being slightly longer in length, and his tail being short and puffy
Physique: Slightly taller with a bit of a muscular build
Residence: Canterlot
Occupation: Royal guard officer
Cutie Mark:  A sword crossed over a open book. In his young years, Shadow storm found a talent in offensive type spells, and thoroughly enjoyed trying them out. One day would find Shadow wandering the dark paths of the Everfree forest. He rather much enjoyed exploring the forest looking for hidden things and magic related places. Perhaps maybe he had gotten a bit distracted in his search, as he soon found himself among a pack of timber wolves instead. Panicking a moment he remembered a spell that he had learned from a book that he had borrowed from a library. Charging his horn, he stood his ground as he managed to fend off the pack of timber wolves.


Unique Traits: When not obsessing over spells and power. Shadow storm enjoys spending his time searching for valuable items what ever they may be, and has found somewhat of a secondary talent in history, and valuing old items. He can be usually found buying and selling rare and old items to make a few bits.



History: Shadow storm was born in Canterlot to a family of Unicorns. Growing up he was always a bit of a trouble maker, But his parents where generally very forgiving. At a young age his parents enrolled him a school for unicorns. Through out his young years, Shadow spent his time reading books for spells, and playing around with new learned spells. Shadow storm picked up spells very quickly. Astonished with his talent in casting spells, They encouraged him to continue his education. Excited to find and try out new spells, It soon snow balled into an obsession. Shadow Storm dreamed one day of joining the Royal guard, and climbing the ranks. He wasn't much at all interested in it to protect ponies tho, but he much rather had his eyes set on gaining a prestigious position in the guard. Setting out one day from his parents home as a young stallion, he made his way to enlist in the Royal guard. His first few years in the guard where slow, But as they began to send him on missions with other guards, his talents in casting spells soon found him as a skilled member of the guard. Now Shadow Storm find himself as an officer in the royal guard. He now has his eyes set on learning as many spells as possibly and gaining a fortune. he is determined to learn even the spells that the princesses have kept locked away, and will stop at nothing to have a peek at them. Even if it means turning on a fellow guard member.



Character Personality: Shadow storm is overall a very serious pony. All tho he can at times have a bit of a humor. He is generally nice Around other ponies, and fellow guard members, But don't let that fool you. Deep down inside he is corrupt. Shadow storm has an obsession with power, when let loose he can be very greedy and arrogant. He does thoroughly enjoy reading spell books, and has a hobby in collecting rare and valuable items, especially the ones he has obtained in a questionable manner, and generally dislikes anypony coming in between him and those things. He knows his actions could get him expelled from the guard or worse, and chooses to keep his true self a secret to others, and can be very deceitful at times.


Character Summary: Shadow storm is a serious pony with a bit of sense of humor at times. He is generally calm and collected around others, but inwardly lies a Sneaky and Deceitful pony. He has a talent in offensive magic, Combined with an obsession with power. Shadow storm thinks inwardly of himself, and takes any chance he can to better himself. On his free time he enjoys spending a lavish life of expensive items, and thoroughly enjoys finding them even through questionable means.








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