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The old Song and Dance (ATTN:Ice Storm)


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"Oh, well, alright then."  Wind Dancer was so down-to-earth a pony that Sky could genuinely forget that he was dating a celebrity sometimes.  Getting concrete reminders of their difference in wealth and fame was a little jarring.  Not truly disturbing, just repeatedly surprising.  To be able to think about things with the assurance of having that much money behind you... it was going to take some getting used too.


As was the thought of moving in together, binding together their lives, starting a family... it was somehow as exciting as a new adventure, and comforting as coming home.  Which reminded him, he needed to start thinking about the next steps there.  Being reminded that he didn't necessarily have to establish himself as a rich enough pony to feel secure in bringing home and supporting a mare certainly offered an acceleration in the timetable, but when would be the right time and way to make things official?  Something to consider for sure, but given that both were quite certain that they were made for each other, what was the point in needlessly delaying?


With that happy thought, he smiled, shrugging off his shirt.  "Sounds good!  That's the spot isn't it?"  Once confirmed, he waded into the cool of the swimming hole, splashing his wings in the water, and making a little trilling noise in his throat for all the world as if he were a happy bird in a birdbath.

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~





Wind Dancer heard the surprise in Sky's voice as she told him what she made a show. In truth she rarely kept most of it. It was one of the reasons she had the apartment she has and not some extravagant mansion. She didn't need all that. That would just be more house for her to clean or she'd have to hire somepony else to do it, and in her mind that was just lazy. If she couldn't maintain it on her own she didn't need it. Once she made sure her bills were paid, she usually have the rest of the money to the Las Pegasus Medical Center and told them to put it towards a filly or colt that needed a miracle. She honestly only kept a few thousand bits our of her checks at a time. Everything else she donated away. Not only was it the right thing to do, but it was also a massive tax right off. 


Still, her income did afford hey some luxury that she did partake in. Mostly it was just some of the finer things, like food, pillowy soft beds and sheets, and enough flightsuits to keep her onlookers happy. Still, she knew that there were plenty of things that bits couldn't buy, and happiness was one of them. Love was the other, and she had both of them now. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have done a pony like him that understood her and that wasn't just trying to use her name to get famous. 


When she heard him agree to the swim, she giggled and nodded when he asked about the spot. Watching him slip out of his shirt made her smile a bit. She was have tempted to make a small burst of wind and do a small truck before sliding into the lake, but she knew her wings were tired. That didn't stop hey though from once she got to the shore from doing a small looping dive. She opened hey eyes to get her bearing in the lake and once she spotted Sky she decided to be a bit cheeky. She swam over to him before bursting from the water to level with him and have him a kiss on his cheek with a giggle. "What did a little ol' mare like me do to get lucky enough to have the most amazing pony in the world fall from a tree," she said with a warm smile wrapping her hooves around him.

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Sky wasn't feeling any fancy swimming moves for himself; he was to trick flyer, though his glide endurance may well have set a world record if he ever bothered to set up a run for record books.  He was instead pleased to simply watch his mare as the water slowly lifted the cares and aches of the day and let them float away.  When he saw Windy dive under the surface, he could almost anticipate her next move, to the point where his surprise rather acted up when she burst forth to kiss him.  He skittered back playfully, returning a small splash with his wings.  "Oh, I don't know.  Just being yourself and keeping your identity, in a city where you can lose that along with your shirt?"  He paused, blinking.  "Oooh, good line, I'll have to remember that one.  Heh, hope you don't mind this; I'll probably be mining our time together for lyrics for... pretty much the rest of our lives together."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~ 





Wind Dancer couldn't help but bring her wing up to protect herself playfully feeling the oncoming splash that Sky had sent her way. As she heard him reply to her statement. She her smiled widened as she once again closed the gap between them and gently embraced him while they floated in the water. She heard him talk about how she didn't lose her identity in a city where a pony could lose that as well as their shirt. She couldn't help but giggle when he said that he was using that as a lyric at some point.


And then he said a phrase that she herself had been thinking about not to long before. He started with that he hoped that she didn't mind, but he would probably be mining their special moments for lyrics for... Probably the rest of their lives together. It confirmed that Sky was feeling what she was feeling. Now they just needed the right moment. This moment was a really good moment, but something was just telling hey not yet. She knew that Hearth's Warming was just around the corner and there really was so better time than that for a proposal. That would give her time to prepare for it as well. Hey thoughts now though, drifted back to the present and she smiles at that m the last statement and nuzzled him close and then leaned against him as they floated. His warm body a good contrast to the cool water around them. "And I for one hope that will actually be for the rest of our lives," she said with a soft warm smile.

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Sky, too, found himself contemplating the future as they floated together, side by side.  His tmeframe, however, was bracketed rather closer, with the future beyond the work needed for the show rather abstract in his mind.  But Wind Dancer was no more absent from that picture than a canvas is from the painting.  "I've no idea where else we'd spend them if not with each other.  If my heart was a house, you'd be home.  Oooh. there's another one!  I really should write these down..."


The rest of their playful swim proceeded much the same way, with loving words and playful splashes, until the sun was about halfway sunk beneath the horizon.  Feeling the skin of his hooves begin to wrinkle, Sky excused himself from the swimming hole, shaking himself dry in the cooling evening air.  "Well, given we'll be working here together tomorrow, I take it you'll be staying the night?  It'd be a little tight, but I don't think you'd mind being close, right?"

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Wind Dancer couldn't help but giggle a bit more at the next statement that he said that he had no idea where else they would spend their time at if not with each other. She shared the sentiment and after a bit more playing in the water between them and some more splashing around until the sun was halfway below the edge of the sky. She watched Sky make his way to the shore and presumed that since because they were going to be working more together that she would be staying the night and talked about it would tight but he didn't think that she'd mind being close.


She made her way out of the water herself and shook herself dry for the most part, but was still a bit damp and her mane and tail were in full wet mode. "I would love to stay the night over with you, and space being tight just means we have to snuggle closer together to make it work, and I have no problems getting nice and close with the stallion of my dreams," she said to him with a smile as she spread her wings and shook them off to get most of the water out of her feathers before looking to sky wanting to take off with him.

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"Sounds like a plan to me!"  Sky laughed softly, letting his wings catch the air and lift him up before taking off in earnest, leading the way to his house in the sky.  The pair of them would share the rest of the night, resting and replenishing themselves for all the creative effort to be expended in the morning....



Sky Sailing was a stallion who often found trouble sleeping at night, which often left him restless and dreamy during the day, but for some reason, having Wind Dancer around regulated him, at least to the extent that the fogginess that clouded his mind in the morning evaporated in the light of the sunrise and the heat of his morning coffee.  "They at least me draw water straight from the reservoir, so there's no stray additives to disguise just how cheap these beans are."  He joked over the toast he shared with Windy.  "Perhaps I should start buying the good stuff, if its not just for me anymore."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




It didn't take but a moment or to for Wind Dancer and Sky to get back to his house and they soon found themselves turning in for the night. It didn't take long for her to snuggle into Sky once they laid down for the night, and only a few moments after she was out like a light, breathing softly as her head was nestled by Sky's shoulder.




Celestia's sun was high up in the Sky. Wind Dancer found herself soaring through the sky when the clouds started to darken overhead. That was odd. She didn't remember the weather team scheduling a storm today. She felt the winds starting to pick up. More alarmingly, she couldn't control them. She tried it direct them to disrupt the rogue storm but they proved to be too strong. She immediately tried to land to get out of the storm but she felt the winds pushing her back into the sky.


She was was starting to get scared at this point and she tried again to land until she looked behind her and saw what the winds were pushing her towards. Her heart jumped and she held her hooves up waiting for the impact. She's had this dream several times and she knew what was coming. But the impact that she felt wasn't the same. It was from under her, and then all the winds around her stopped. She felt light she was being held by somepony before she opened hey eyes and found herself in Sky's hooves. 


Slowly they descended to the ground and Wind saw Golden Bit there to. As well as her mom, and Ice Storm, and everypony that had played an important role in her life, but Sky was the one that was still in the forefront. It was Sky Sailing that had ended her nightmare and soon her dreams moved on to other, more peaceful and fun activities.




When morning finally came and she awoke, Wind Dancer felt quite well rested despite the dream that started last night. Usually when she has that dream, she woke up drained, but this morning, because of the pony that had just finished making her coffee, she was refreshed and more awake than ever. She accepted the coffee from Sky with a giggle as he talked about how cheap those beans were and that he could probably start getting the good stuff now. "The expensive stuff isn't what it's cracked up to be. I actually buy the same brand, but I get the medium roast instead of the darker ones. They use the same beans as Foalgers, but they have a tendency of burning them on the darker roasts," she smiled. She really was just a simple mare that just happened to have a spotlight on her most of the time. 

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"I always got the dark roast because... well, that's my dad always got, and that's what I learned to drink.  I never think it tastes right otherwise, but that's just me."  Sky wasn't the sort of stallion who would have upgraded his coffee either, were his and Wind Dancer's economic positions switched, though for reasons more sentimental than strictly cost-based.  Even simple ponies could have subtle motivations behind their actions.  Something that an artist who spoke with words to the souls of others always had to keep in mind.


A few bites later, his toast was gone, though he nursed his coffee a little longer, looking alternately at Windy, and out the window at the sunrise.  "If we start soon, we should be able to get all the equipment down to the spot we picked out before the sun gets too high.  That will give us most of the day to work with.  Any choreography inspirations come to you overnight?"

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~





Wind smiled as she heard Sky talk about the coffee and that he always got dark roast cause that what him and his dad drank. She couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. "I'm surprised your parents let you have coffee. Mine wouldn't let me neat the stuff until after I moved out. They said I didn't need any help walking up and getting into trouble," she said with a small laugh. She really needed to go see them again at some point. Soon, she would do that soon. At the moment she had a few other things to think about. She ate through her own piece of toast before she stretched out a bit heading several popping sounds coming from her back and the another pop that sounded more like a snap coming from her wing making her wince a bit before flexing her wings.


When Sky asked about if she had thought of a new routine or had dreamed of anything inspiring last night, she shrank back a bit initially shaking her head. "N.... No.... Quite the opposite actually... Every once in a while, I get a reoccurring nightmare. That starts off with me soaring in the sky and then everyone starts morphing back to that day... I can't land, I lost my ability to control the wind around me, and it forces me down the path... Every time I've had it prior to last night, the dream ended with me crashing just like I did when I was a filly, cause just as much, or sometimes worse damage than the actual crash did..." she stared.


"But... That's not how it ended this time... And... I'm hopeful with how this one ended... That it might be the last time I have it... Right before I crashed, I closed my eyes, but the impact that I was used to didn't come. Instead something hot me from underneath. When I opening my eyes, the uncontrollable winds stopped, and I was in your hooves. And standing on the clouds were Golden, Icy, and my parents. I felt safe, and I felt loved, and I knew that now that you had me in your hooves that nothing bad was going to happen anymore," she continued with a soft smile. "Usually that nightmare leaves me drained the next morning, but because you were there... I'm okay, I'll always be okay," she said finishing her toast. "That being said, I'm ready to start when you are."

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"Heh, well that explains it then; all the trouble I ever got into was from not being awake enough.  No wonder my dad pushed the stuff."  He laughed together with his love as he put away his plates.  Sky preferred to quick clean the dishes after each meal, as did many pegasi whose piled dishes had ever overtaxed the cloud counter.  Disasters like that you only wanted to happen once.


His humor leveled off into concern as he heard her voice change, and he left his cup in the sink to come back by Windy's side.  He draped a wing over her as she related her nightmare, comforting her with his touch and presence as best he could.  And, it would seem that his dream self had the same idea, switching the nightmare to something sweet.  He smiled, before suddenly striking his hoof against the floor as a thought came to him.  "Put in a pin that memory; it might work for our dance when you bring me out onto the lake!"  He nuzzled her right after, whispering softly, "Cause I will always be there for you; waking or dreaming."


Breakfast over, the two of them started working on the equipment.  First would be Sky's Crystal Keyboard, a delicate job for one, but a relatively easy one for two.  A record deck, speakers, and composition notebooks could be split between the two of them.  It wouldn't take more than half an hour to get all the stuff there, plus another 15 minutes to get set up.  By that time, the sun had crested over the horizon, morning mists dissipating from the reservoir.  "Alright, how about we warm up by taking 'Hello Seaddle' from the top, get you back in the headspace to see if we can get a good conclusion there?"

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Wind smiled from the reassurance from Sky that he would always be there for her. Of course, she didn't really need any reminder of that fact. If the was her dream ended, she already very well knew that. He did tell her to put a pin in that memory of the dream, referring to the part where he had caught her. That the could use that for their dance routine together. She hasn't thought of that herself, but that made perfect sense, considering the songs they'd be doing together. "I know that you'll always be there for me," she said with a smile. "That's why I love you so much. You're not fake like everypony else that I've tried to date in the past."


After breakfast, Wind Dancer helped Sky move his equipment to the hill and the perspective of the audience. It took a little bit longer than she expected it to, but it worked out in the end as Celestia's sun was now over the horizon. There was still mist on the lake surface, but she wondered if maybe that was a good thing. When Sky asked about starting with Hello Seaddle, both to get hey back in her head space and so she could figure out a better ending for it, she nodded. "That works for me. It the ending feels natural enough, we can move straight into Cave In, since in planning on ending in the pose that starts that routine," she finished with a smile using what mist was left to walk out onto the lake and get into position. 

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It was hard for Sky to imagine, looking at Wind Dancer in the morning light, why anypony would decide to not be real, given what could come to a pony that was true to oneself.  Or rather, now that he thought about it, true to everypony else.  Maybe that was the hard part; being true to oneself was easy, since whatever you did eventually became what you really were, but other ponies could not have their characters so easily manipulated to fulfill one's own desires.  There was a song in there somewhere, Sky thought, but it would take a few nights of hard work to get it out, and the day had other duties.


Everything was already set up for the start of the song, so he launched into it.  The sound carried a little differently over the water than it did back on his cloud house, and he kept one wing free to adjust the sound levels from the record deck accordingly.  One eye, though, was reserved for his love in the morning mists.  *OK Windy, show us all what you got!*





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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Wind Dancer smiled as she heard the music start and she began the song just like she did yesterday, using the same melodic and fluids movements that were more about generating wind than anything else at the moment. The mist that was still present on the surface of the lake began swirling an me flowing with the wind as the opening and the build up proceeded just as they had rehearsed. Her movements were sharper and more defined than they were yesterday and the windb was able to keep the mist compressed before like yesterday she built up the cloud making a small tower like she'd done yesterday and at the drop used the same effect and the cloud burst across the surface of the lake and she transitioned to the hybrid part of her routine.


She continued through the moves that she had come up with yesterday until she kinda got to the final third of the song. This was where she didn't like what she came up with yesterday and instead of trying to refine, she moved on natural impulse creating a sort of wind tunnel effect on what mist had returned from the downburst. She herself wasn't aware of the rainbow effect that the mist was casting on hey from the reflection of the sunlight as her movements naturally lead into the final stance that would be the opening stance for Cave In. She paused from there as she waiting for a reaction from Sky. Both to see if that ending was better, and to make sure that burst effect actually went out this time and not up over the lake.

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Morning's light made many things different than they were in the light of a fading evening.  Fears, anxious worries, vague hopes, all seemed to slip off with the putting off of covers and putting in of breakfast.  Even on nights when he had not slept well, Sky Sailing felt this clarity in his music when he played, and after a restful night as last night had been, he felt more on point than ever.  

He wasn't sure if that had anything to do with how well Wind Dancer was doing, but Luna had stewarded them both well through the night if this was what she could do first thing in the morning.  From the crisper definition of the cloud-shaping winds, the refined cloud tower effect, to the rainbow-misted downburst that set up the transition to the next song, it was all so fantastic that Sky could not and did not restrain himself from leaping up with applause at the final notes.  "Yes, yes, that's it!  I think we've got it!  Amazing what a little rest can do, huh?"

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




After the first bit of the routine, Wind held her pose but couldn't help but relax a bit when she heard, and then saw Sky leaping in applause. It was indeed amazing what a little bit of rest could do. I'm truth despite the intensity of the routine, Wind Dancer hadn't even worked up a sweat yet. She heard Sky tell her that he thought that they had it there, and Wind want going to disagree. What she had come up with on the fly in that instance felt way more natural than what she originally tried. 


She smiled and waved a wing to him in acknowledgement but remained on the lake and mostly in the pose. "Yes, everything felt sharper and crisper. I can easily transition into the next song from here. Whenever you're ready give it a whirl and then once I know how we're ending that song, I can start planning the next," Wind said with a smile. 

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Sky nodded crisply, his sluggishness all cast off as the unplayed notes of the next song were already echoing in his head.  "Alright, I'll kick into 'Cave In', we've got the routine down for that one, so this will just be a refresher.  I think 'Saltwater Room' and 'Honey and the Bee' will take up most of today."  Not wasting any more time, he sat back into his seat at the synthesizer and started up the next song.





As he played, he kept an eye out for Wind Dancer, noting especially at the end where she finished her pose; if they were going to put extra work into their transitions, it would probably be a good idea to mark out some choreography ideas on the fly.

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Wind nodded when he said that he's kick off Cave In, stating that it would likely just be a refresher for them. A refresher indeed. The music for started and just like with the remix, her movements were sharper and more defined. The routine didn't change, but now every movement was perfectly timed with the great that Sky was providing for her. She was crisp and on point, as if she'd already done this dance a hundred times.


As it got closer to the end, she did change a little bit so that she would finish this song with pose in the air. She wasn't exactly sure how she wanted to start salt water room, so getting a good ending to Cave In would be important. When the smash end came for the song, the pose that she chose to end in was one of full spread. Every limb stretched as far out as the would go. From that pose, it would be easy to transition into whatever came next. Just like before after the remix, she paused awaiting Sky's approval, it disapproval if he felt like something needed to be changed from his point of view. 

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The next song was Saltwater Room.  Sky prepared the recording, but stepped away from the keyboard and brought out his guitar.  "This is where I think you'd start involving me in the choreography.  This instrument's a little more portable, so I put the synth track on vinyl and will play this one live, at least the first few bars.  Feel free to bring me in whenever, I can lay down more notes later if I won't be able to play in the show."  This was going to be the main work of the day, he felt.  Both he and Wind Dancer had, up to this point, entirely been solo acts.  Now, she would sing in his songs, and he would dance in her dances.  An intimate joining of arts, and Sky would be lying if he denied a state of nervous excitement thrumming through his wings as he began strumming on his instrument:





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  • 2 weeks later...

~~~Wind Dancer~~~




When the music started playing, Wind Dancer felt a shiver run down her spine. She forgot that this song was very melodic and laid back. Still, she remembered the words and she smiled. There wouldn't be a lot of the pulsating dancing that was in the pieces before it. Especially not if Sky Sailing was going to keep up with it. She was going to have to plan two sets of choreography on the fly. For something like this, the first step is to set the mood. This song told a story. Most did, but this once hit close to her and there was a lot of weight in it. It meant even more to her because this was one of the first songs that Sky performed and it was also the very first song that she herself sung on.  She nodded to Sky when he said that he had put most of the synth on a vinyl and that he was thinking of playing this live on his guitar.


The softness of the music inspired her though, and the dance for this particular piece would be a simple one. It would be one that illustrated the story that was behind the song. She already knew exactly when she wanted to bring him into the dancing, and that would be as soon as the duet part started. her movements were fluid and smooth, slowly taking her back down to the surface of the lake. It was a good soft transition. When the verse started however, her actions would mirror they lyrics. Starting with simply opening her eyes, and then simulating with the clouds and her control of the winds walking along the shoreline of a bay. She looked up and then with a puff the illusion faded. She let her emotions fad, her facial expressions shift into those of sadness. Picking up a bit of the water with her wings, she mirrored the effect of a drizzly rain as she twirled and shivered underneath as she looked back towards Sky. She used series of simple wing sweeps making small ripples before using her wings to recreate the waves, letting the winds build a little bit. After all, it wouldn't be one of her dances if there wasn't a burst in it somewhere. Her twirling on the ground started rotating and she seamlessly started rotating horizontally as the water droplets condense around. She made sure that she was facing sky and then right when the cymbol crash came that started the chorus, she exploded from the lake with a burst of wind as she rapidly closed the distance on Sky> She hoped that he got the vibe that she was putting down as she put her hooves down to grab onto him, although he would have only a second or two to react.

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As Sky led into the notes, his eyes were focused on Windy on the lake, taking in every point of the narrative she was illustrating, waiting for his cue.


I opened my eyes last night,

And saw you in the low lights...


It was it a little odd to see her play out the story, given that the song was written out of his own effort to get over his introversion to the point where he could actually pursue a relationship.  Nonetheless, the overall feeling of it came through perfectly, and it was thematically perfect that she be the one to pull him from his seat and bring him into the limelight.  Instead of catching her hooves, though, his wings spread to catch her wind, almost having him blow away with the force, but most blown upward, still in a seated position.  This let him continue to play the guitar, even while airborne, as their duet began.


(Time together isn't ever quite enough)

When you and I are alone, why do I feel so at home?

(What will it take to make or break this hint of love?)

Only time, only time...


This would likely be a bit of a choreography challenge, with Windy trying to fly Sky like a kite, while he tried to remain calm and steady in the midst of the winds.  Still, not being a practiced dancer, he felt instinctively this was the best way he could contribute to the show.  After all, remaining still in some circumstances is as impressive as graceful motion, and the contrast between the two showed off both their differences, and their ultimate harmonization.

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  • 1 month later...

~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Instead of Sky Sailing catching what she was getting ready to put down, she realized what he was doing when he spread his wings. Instead of catching her hooves he was catching her wind that she was making. That was a much better effect, and was also a lot harder to pull off. She sang through her parts of the chorus while manipulating the winds around her. It appeared that the idea that Sky was going for was for her to fly him like a kite in this section... and that would actually be a brilliant idea. But doing it that way, as long as he was riding the winds, she could change their flow and their points of entry around him so that no two shows would be alike. That meant that almost all of the choreography for this song was going to be done almost entirely by feel.


She wasn't sure how Sky would feel about being inverted or moving too quickly so she kept the force of her winds down to a gentle sweeping, sending him in twirls and moved the opposite of him as he did. If she pushed him left with her wings, she's go right, if he wend up, she went down, so on and so forth. When the song ended, at the last all the time, she made sure that she pulled the two of them together and she reached out and grabbed onto his hooves with a smile. "I liked that. I think this one will be mostly freelance based on the crowd and the energy around us, as well as what you're comfortable with. That way the show's always different," she told him with a nuzzle and a smile.

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The whole time he was in flight, Sky felt on the edge of trust, as this was, if anything, about as dangerous as an earth pony taking a piggyback ride on an airborne pegasus.  The chances of things getting out of hoof were high, and yet... they never did.  By the end of it, the stallion felt as safe in Windy's breezes as he did wrapped in her hooves, the adrenaline only making the experience and memory all the more exquisite.  "Oh yeah, we could probably change up the tempo on other duets as well, once I get really good at riding your breezes.  I wonder, though... could I fix a parasail to my keyboard?"  If anyone questioned whether Sky Sailing truly had the mind of stallion, that question probably sealed it.

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Wind Dancer nodded when Sky mentioned using tempo fluctuations once he got better at riding her winds. So far this morning they had gone through a couple more of the songs and she felt pretty confident in where they were. Sure they had basically just mapped this song, but it was mostly freeform. That meant it would change anyway depending on what she was feeling during that performance. Sky as well for that matter, since he was going to be the one that was riding on the winds that she was making...


She couldn't help but giggle a smaller bit when he asked about putting a parasail on his keyboards. Them she thought about it. "You know, that would be a great opening effect coming in. I don't know how safe that would be thought once everything started really picking up. I wouldn't want a chord to snap or something and it fall on an unsuspecting pony. I'm sure that thing is heavier than it looks, but it's definitely doable for a couple of effects," she said with a smile. 

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Sky nodded, a bit pensive.  "Yeah, and even if it doesn't fall on a pony, I don't want it to wreck on the ground or in the water.  I guess I can do a mock-up and we can practice, just to see how easy it is to actually control the thing once it's in the air."  Flapping his wings a bit, he flexed his feathers with a grin.  "I am quite pleased with how we were able to sync so well in the air, though.  I think we just might do that as a standard thing for our duets.  Lets us improvise a bit for each show, and we can just plan any major stunts, like the parasail, separately."

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