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The care and feeding of your pregasus (ATTN: Ice Storm)


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*All in all,* Sky Sailing mused as he carted his latest grocery run back to Wind Dancer's city apartment, *Canteloupe and Ice Cream aren't the weirdest cravings I've heard of.*  The latter wasn't at all hard to get in this city, even if he didn't know the purveyor of some of the best personally.  Desert cities generated such a demand for cool treats that you could find a shop or stall selling some on every corner, practically.  Finding melon that didn't come pre-sliced, packaged in its own fermenting juices though?  Somewhat harder without connections to resort suppliers.


Making runs like this would be difficult for Wind Dancer, given the circumstances that led to these cravings, so like the dutiful fiancee he was, Sky offered to move in and help take care of her for a while.  Landing at the balcony, he called out, "Honey, I'm back!"  Unstrapping the basket from beneath himself, he picked it up in his teeth and carried it into the house, looking around.  Hopefully Windy was feeling alright, the latter half of a pregnancy could get a little rough.

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The past few months have been... eventful, to say the least for Wind Dancer. She had hit the point in her term where her shows were now postponed due to maternity leave. She hated not being able to perform, but there was simply no way that she could in this state. The last performance that she had done just over a month ago was pushing it to the max. She had hurt so much and was so tired from that show that she nearly collapsed back stage. It was then then that Golden Bit decided to cancel her remaining shows until after the little one was born and she was ready to continue performing. Her slot would still be there when it got back. As it was, Windy was now entering her third trimester of her pregnancy, which meant that this was the home stretch! However, she had heard from her friends that the last trimester was also the absolute worst part of the term, and so far... they were definitely right.


She'd been sick waking up just about every morning, and today wasn't any exception. Sky had already made his way to the store for her, and he should be returning soon. Otherwise, just getting out of bed was a chore as her body ached all over, especially her head. She was pretty sure that a headache like this could kill an ox. Thankfully Warmheart made sure that she had some pregnancy safe pain relievers that she could use, but they didn't seem to do much for them any more. She was really just getting used to it at this point.


Just as she started entering the living room, she saw Sky land on the balcony with a basket. She heard him call out that he was back, and she had to hold back a wince as it was a bit louder than she would have liked it to be. He probably figured that he was still in bed though, and honestly, it wasn't really that loud, but her headache made it seem much louder. "Thanks Sweetie. It means a lot that you're helping me through this," she smiled as she felt her stomach gurgle. She honestly couldn't tell at this point if she was hungry, or if it was just acting up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sky gave Windy a smile mixed with affection and sympathy.  Poor mare was really going through it now, and as the stallion responsible for putting her in that state, he knew full well that making sure she had every comfort he could provide was now also his responsibility.  Plus, he didn't like seeing her suffer, and it relieved his own heart to do what he could.  "That's the benefit of self-employment."  He replied, giving her a slight nuzzle before heading into the kitchen to bring out the craved comestibles.  "I can take time like this when needed, when its important."


When placing the fruit and ice cream on the counter and getting out the bowl, he tried his best to be quiet about it, but porcelain on granite can never quite be so.

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




"That is quite the benefit," Wind Dancer replied with a smile as she found herself waddling to where the couch was. She winced lightly as she sat down. Everything about her ached at the moment, and moving from the bed to the living room did little to actually help the matter. Still, she couldn't lay in bed all day. She'd lose what strength she'd gained completely. She knew that she would have to do a bit of physical therapy after she had the little one to get back to where she was, but that would be fine. She was already looking forward to when she could perform again, but that wasn't really important right now. If she was being honest with herself, if something happened and she couldn't perform again, as long as she had Sky and her little one... she would be perfectly okay with that. Still, she'd rather not test fate or help it along. She wanted to perform for as long as her body would let her do so.


She watched as Sky started making his way to the kitchen and she mentally prepared herself for what was coming afterwards. After all, preparing a cantaloupe was far from the quietest thing in Equestria, however it did pair quite nicely with vanilla ice cream. A tasty treat that she's come to love recently. She heard that during pregnancy, your body will randomly crave things that the foal wants, and this was usually the thing that she would get cravings for the most, and if her foal wanted something this tasty, then who was she to say no. Besides, it wasn't like Cantaloupe or Ice Cream were particularly unhealthy. Technically Ice Cream could be if you ate too much of it, but that's true for anything sweet. She heard the chopping start, and she tried to drown it out, and instead focus on the treat that she was about to get, feeling the foal give her a nice kick while she was waiting.

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Food preparation involves a tradeoff between time and volume, and Sky did not yet know the ideal ratio for the comfort of a mare with a headache.  He probably wouldn't until their second little one (They hadn't discussed it much, but he was pretty sure they weren't stopping at one.)  So as not to waste the effort and concommitant discomfort, he fixed two bowls of the sweet and fruity treat, serving one to Windy as he took the other for himself.  He bowl was larger, though.  "That should be enough for you and Glimmer."  He smiled, referencing the name she'd suggested.  Glimmer Skies sounded like the perfect name for their foal, so Sky had happily acquiesced.

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~



Much to her delight, the noise that was coming from the kitchen wasn't anywhere near as loud as she was expecting it to be. Turns out having a wall between them helped with that aspect. Who would have guessed? She smiled when she saw the rather large bowl of the sweet treat brought out to her before seeing that Sky himself had a much smaller bowl. Near instantly she brought up some concern. "Are you sure that you got enough dear? I might be eating for two, but that doesn't mean you have to cut back," she said with a concerned smile. Though the concerned smile turned more wholesome when she took the first bite of ice cream covered cantaloupe. It was absolutely delicious and she couldn't wait for more. After the first few bites she had to pause for a moment though, as the filly inside of her was starting to get quite active after receiving what was likely her favorite treat.

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"Don't worry,"  Sky reassured Windy as she commented on the bowl disparity.  "I'm not that hungry; I've been able to keep down all my meals, remember?"  He gave a ruefully sympathetic smile, having had to hold his fiancee's head on more than one occasion as her stomach rebelled against her.  Such episodes, though unpleasant, were counterbalanced with moments like these, seeing Windy and their unborn foal unite in happiness over something sweet.


"Do you feel up to a short walk after this?  I know that getting some fresh air will be good for you, but the city air isn't always what I would call 'fresh'."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~



Wind mewled a bit with a smile as the treat went down, but she couldn't help but give him a small glare when he reminded her that he was still able to keep his food down. She then giggled a bit before placing a dollop of ice cream on his nose. "You did always have a... nose for this kind of thing," she giggled. Of course there wasn't much left of her bowl after a few moments herself. She then let out a large burp, almost as if it were a burp for two before blushing a bit. "Hehe... Scuse me," she laughed.


When she then heard Sky ask if she would be up for a walk, and getting some fresh air. Or at least as fresh that can be found in the city. Wind smiled and nodded. "I think I would be down for that, and I think the air here is fine. Since LP isn't really an industrial city, there's not a lot in the way of pollution. Then again, living here for still long it's possible I've just gone nose blind to it," she said, standing up and stretching out a bit.

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Sky went crosseyed when the cold cream was dolloped on his nose, but his tongue quickly darted up to lick it off.  "Haha, I guess you're right."  He smiled indulgently at Windy, even after the rather large belch.  "You're excused."  Offering a hoof and a wing just in case it was needed, he put the dishes in the sink to clean, before putting the rest of the groceries away.  "Don't want to leave these out.  Right, let's get some fresh air and sunshine!"


Sky would lead a path through the city that took as much advantage of offered shade as possible, as the pair headed towards one of the central parks in the city.  Actually, it was going to be the park where they first met.  The stallion would keep an eye out for how long it took Windy to recognize it.  "I guess I'm judging it from all the times I was sailing my house over the countryside.  Absolutely clean air, especially at that altitude."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~



Wind Dancer smiled as she stood up with the help of Sky, and returned the favor by helping him take the dishes into the kitchen and helping put the groceries away while sneaking a few more pieces of the cantaloupe. Try as she might she was never able to resist the stuff for very long. The closest thing that she could compare it to, would be trying to leave a bowl full of mangoes in a room with Aerions. The bowl is empty seconds after it's sat down. Still, it would definitely be nice to get out of the house.


The path that they took was one that would take advantage of the shade as much as possible. For everything that Las Pegasus was amazing for, the one thing that she could do without, was the heat. Thankfully, it was a desert dry heat, so she could actually cool off with any sort of breeze. Some of the coastal cities this time of year would be like walking though soup. It didn't take long for her to notice that they were heading into the park. More specifically, the park that the two of them had met in. "You know, I'm never going to forget that night that I was walking through here after a show. The serendipity of the two of us meeting, two ponies like us, meeting in one of few quiet places that remain in this city... It was truly the third happiest moment in my life," she said, nuzzling Sky with a smile. She already had her answer ready when he would question the third, though she had a feeling that he would already know what those two moments were, considering she was carrying one of them.

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Sky Sailing didn't disguise his relief upon making it underneath the shade trees.  How much reservoir water was needed to maintain this greenery, it was all worth it in his opinion.  And that was just from the shade trees; the memories made in this place would always make it special in his heart.  "Third happiest?"  He asked, smile playing along his lips.  "I'm going to guess... the proposal show and our little one are the first two?"


There was a small grassy knoll, that when school let out would be filled with playing foals, but was relatively quiet for now.  He guided Windy to take a seat, not wanting to over tax her.  "We'll have to take... do you think it's a colt or a filly we're going to have?"

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~



Wind Dancer smiled and nodded when Sky mentioned the proposal show and their little one being the first two. If she was being honest, the proposal way probably the most favorite moment of her life. Just for the simple fact that it was done as part of a live show, in front of a live audience, and that they both had the same exact idea. That was a special moment in her life and one that she was never going to forget. 


When Sky asked what she thought that they were going to have, she pondered for a moment. "Honestly, I hadn't given it a lot of thought. I know that whether it's a filly or a colt though, I'm going to love it and spoil it all the same," she said with a smile. She to was relieved that they were able to find some shade under the tree that they had met under. "Phew... They really brought on the heat today. I'm glad I don't have to dance right now. In the condition I'm in, I don't think I could," she said, wiping her brow with her wing. "Though most of my shows are at night, so that usually helps or quite a bit, but still. I don't think Golden would let me dance right now if I wanted to anyway," she smiled. 

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The days they didn't bring the heat to Los Pegasus were rare indeed.  Sky suspected it was mostly to drive/keep the tourists in the various air-conditioned establishments where they could spend their money, but such thoughts were not for a day like today.  He simply sat back, rubbing his mate's pregnant belly with his wing in wonder and anticipation.  "Colt or filly, they've got two loving parents who can't wait to say hello."  He leaned in closer to speak to the growing foal itself.  "Hello!  I can't wait to meet you!"


The stallion laughed, sitting back as the wing draped itself around windy.  "And yeah, it's probably for the best she's put off your shows.  You wouldn't exactly be safe out there.  Or all that graceful.  You might be able to pull of the Lucky Ducky dance, though!"  Sky was in a fine humor this morning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Wind Dancer smiled when she felt Sky's breath on her tummy, talking to the unborn foal inside of her. She nodded in agreement when he also said that there were two loving parents ready to meet them. She also nodded when he said that it was probably for the best that Golden had put off her shows. He said that he didn't think that she would be safe or all that graceful for that matter as well, but she might still be able to pull off the Lucky Ducky though.


"Gee, thanks for the bout of confidence," she said with a giggle before nuzzling him. "But yeah, I agree, especially with the heat. At least it's not bad here in the shade. Another plus side is the ice cream seems to be staying down. Otherwise, has there been anything interesting going on in the city the past week or so?" Windy asked.

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"In the city?"  Sky pulled his head back from Windy's belly, trying to get his head out of the moment.  Truth be told, there was only a narrow range of current events he kept track of in any case, and most of his head was now filled with concerns, hopes, and dreams about his future family.  But he still had time for his music, or at least, of the music he was involved in.  "I can't say to much, except what my dad's telling me when we have lunch together.  Which is mostly either about pipes he's laying, or all that mother's getting up to.

"As for me... I've mostly been clearing the studio.  With a little luck and effort, I should have all the clutter cleared out in time for our little one's arrival!"  
He laughed a little at the jest.  "It's not that bad right now, it's just that I've had to keep it active for a while.  There's a few ponies in the business that are starting to come my way, but it's mostly those who need the studio, either because they're not big enough to score contracts, or just left theirs and want to go independent for a bit."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




Wind listened as Sky spoke, telling her that he couldn't really say too much about the city other than what his dad was telling him when they had lunch together. Usually that's about the pipes in the city, or about what his mom is doing. He added that as for himself, he'd been clearing out the studio and trying to make it less cluttered for their little one's arrival. He said that it wasn't really that bad right now, but it's been quite active. He said that there were a few names that were starting to come to him for business now. Either ponies that were wanting to be independent for a bit, or that hadn't gained quite the following yet for a big name studio to take notice. "Hey, by the time we're done with everything, you're going to end up being one of those big name studios," Wind Dancer said with a smile. "Just remember to not forget the little ponies that got you there. It's all of them that keep me going after all. I can't wait to be able to give them a show again," she said wincing a bit as she felt the foal give her a nice kick. "Oof, they are definitely awake now," she stated.


She started looking around the park a little bit, taking in some of the sights, and they were just in range to see some of the strip. One thing that she immediately noticed was a lot of worked ground and dozers by The Fire and Ice. "That's odd. Those weren't there before, and I know Icy's casino was doing well, so it shouldn't be coming down... I wonder what they are doing. They have a lot of ground that is being worked on around the hotel," she started. "Wonder if that's one of the projects that your father is working on. Maybe she's redoing the pipes or something to the casino."

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Sky Sailing blushed at his fiancée's assessment of his studio's likely future.  "Oh, I don't know, I never really saw myself as ever becoming an industry big shot.  I've seen Golden do her job, and that's just not me.  I'd never have time to make my own music!"  He shook his head, leaning back against the tree.  "I was thinking more of being a mid-sized studio, in touch enough with new talent to give them a leg up, but just large enough that more established ponies can use it to keep their music in circulation when not signed up for something larger.  Be a bridge between high and low, you know?  That's where all the interesting things happen; I mean look at us!"  He rubbed over Wind's belly, feeling their little foal come awake.  


Noticing the construction equipment, he looked over, and shrugged.  "I see more cranes than diggers.  Maybe she's expanding; bought out the next block and need to remodel the whole thing to stay in line with the theme.  The Marecedon did the same thing a couple of years ago, but didn't get the pipes right.  That's what my dad's working on right now, actually."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~



Wind could only smile a bit when she heard Sky say that he never really saw himself as an industry bigshot. That he had seen Golden doing her job, and that it just wasn't him. He added that if he got that big, he'd never have time to work on his own music! "Well, a mid-sized studio is perfect. You'd be surprised though just how quickly things in this industry can explode though from being a small time act to a headliner. All it takes is the right pony to listen and be impressed, and then the world of possibilities are endless. As you said, just look at us. I don't think I'd be where I am if it wasn't for Golden Bit. I certainly wouldn't be able to fly like I can now, and I probably would have never gone back to Cloudsdale at all. Though I suppose now that Mom and Dad, and your parents as well have moved to LP, we have less of a reason to go back, but I did also recently tell the Cloudsdale Flight School that I would make at least a yearly visit to the school. They wanted me to be a speaker on flight safety day, and they couldn't think of anypony more qualified to weigh in on it," Wind started.


When Sky mentioned the cranes, and that it looked like Icy had acquired more land. "Interesting. I didn't even know Icy was considering expanding. It looks like she's adding a lot of terrain over buildings though. I guess I'll have to ask her what's going on the next time I see her. Rumors are though she actually hasn't been in town for a bit. Some sort of official diplomat business overseas. I would hate to have that pony's job. It's almost like she never really gets a moment to herself," Wind mentioned.

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"Well, I've certainly seen explosions happen.  Some of which I definitely wouldn't want to be the rocket for!"  Falls could be just as quick as rises in the entertainment industry, and the cameras that followed you on the way down always struck Sky as the worst part of it.  It was as if Wind Dancer's own crash had been calmly, nay, eagerly observed by a bystanding reporter, and later used as a headline for the tabloids to sell on shock.  None of that, thank you!

"As a pyrotechnics engineer... I could do that, though.  It would be a real highlight to see a musician I helped make the big time, that's for sure."  He rubbed Windy's belly again.  "A bit like seeing one of your foals succeed, in a way.  Golden doesn't have any of her own, does she?"


Another mare that had none came up in the discussion.  Sky knew of Icy less than Golden, nothing bad, but on the other hoof, nothing much.  He'd just played in her casino a couple of times for shows.  "This wasn't her first enterprise, right?  She built up her fortune from a frozen-treat franchise, and who knows what other businesses she's involved in.  I'd say she's a mare totally dedicated to her work, but... I don't know, it always seemed that whatever I've seen her doing in town, she's always thinking of something else, you know?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

~~~Wind Dancer~~~



That was an interesting take on something like that, and Wind Dancer had never thought of an explosion for the source. She definitely would and to be the rocket or something on the bad side of an explosion like that. She could see the analogy in it. "I suppose that's fair. I just hope that we can continue to make time for our smaller fan bases as well. LP is great, and I wouldn't be where I was without it, but performing in Ponyville really ignited something inside of me. Knowing that we got fans all over, it's not fair to them for me to only stay in one place, and force them to come to us. Once little Glimmer is born and is old enough for travel, we definitely need to start looking at doing a few tours."


The next question actually gave Wind Dancer some pause. "It definitely would be like seeing a foal or someone close to you succeeding. Though to answer your other question... I... don't honestly know. I've never heard Golden talk about any of her foals, and I've never really asked. I mean, she'd a good bit older than I am. She was just barely an adult when she helped found Las Pegasus. IT would be odd if she didn't have any foals, although if she doesn't, that might be why she latched onto me so hard..." she said pausing in though.


When Sky reminded Windy that this wasn't Icy's first enterprise, she nodded. "Yeah! She actually has one of those stores in her casino! It has the best Ice Cream in town! But I also see what you mean. Like she had bigger goals that she was trying to accomplish rather than running a casino. I'm not sure how much bigger a pony can shoot for, but who knows. She'd definitely a mare I wouldn't want upset with me, that's for sure."

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Sky Sailing nodded in wholehearted agreement with Windy.  "Touring is one of the most rewarding things about what we do, for sure.  I hope little Glimmer comes to like it as much as we do."  Foal talk soon drifted from theirs to those of others.  "I suppose Golden never thought she'd have time for any of her own.  One more reason for me to be content with not being a big shot, it's really hard to dedicate enough time for family when your work is just that big.  I know Dad turned down a position in management just because he wanted to make sure he was there for me."


At the mention of the best ice cream in town, Sky chuckled a bit.  "Where do you think I got the half-gallon I brought home?"  Still, he couldn't keep his drifting thoughts from wandering like clouds with every passing breeze, be it a good wind or ill.  "You think there's someone Icy is upset with?  What do you think she'd do?  I've heard some pretty hairy stories about the sort of ponies that were a part of this city's founders.  I don't think she'd have mob connections, but... well, she wouldn't be thought a weak mare in those circles, either."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~




"Indeed, I'm honestly a little bit worried about that already with Glimmer. There's going to be so many ponies already wanting our attention that I hope that I'll be able to make time for them without making too many other ponies upset. Especially while they are nursing. That's such an important part to a foal's development," Wind stated as Sky brought up being able to be there for the little one. "I also wanna make sure they have an opportunity to make friends and doesn't have to leave them all the time. I don't want Glimmer to grow up alone either. We're gonna have to try to find a balance of sorts," Wind finished.


When the conversation shifted to Icy, she gave pause for a moment. "Honestly, I can't say for sure. I do know that Princess Twilight recently announced a new Branch to the armed forces of Equestria and I heard Ice's name dropped in the announcement. I think she might have her hooves in that as well. I definitely don't see her being tied to the mob. I see her being more of a pony that could destroy the mob if she wanted to. As far as what I think she'd do, I'm not sure, but whenever I get close to her, I can feel the magic radiating off of her. Like she's an alicorn trapped in a unicorns body or something." 

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Growing up as a fairly lonely colt, Sky could sympathize with Windy's concern, though he also felt that there was some hope for that situation too.  But that wasn't something he felt comfortable voicing at present, only nodding.  "I wonder if there's folks we could tour with, though from my experience, we'd be had pressed to find any with foals their age.  We might just have to space out tours longer than we would otherwise, just to give them a year or so at a time just to be a normal foal.  Well, normal as the foal of us could be."  As strange as his celebrity status was to him still, he was no longer in denial about it.


Talk of the mob and violence was beginning to ruffle Sky's feathers a bit.  He was a pacifist by nature and conviction, and the conversation was beginning to sit ill with him.  "I just hope she doesn't stir up too much trouble.  In war, not everyone is a soldier.  Heck, except for the brass hats, everypony is practically an innocent bystander."

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~~~Wind Dancer~~~



Wind Dancer smiled and nodded at the idea of finding somepony to tour with. It was true, it would be hard to find ponies that would be touring with a foal around the age of what Glimmer would be when they started, but there were all kinds of possibilities to meet others out there. A pony would never really know what they were getting into until they took that first leap. "I like that idea. Besides, as much as I would love to get out and tour and see Equestria and beyond, Las Pegasus is my home now, and I will always want to make sure that anything special that happens, happens here. In fact, I've been doing a bit of thinking, and... well... I can't really think of any other place for us to have our wedding than right here. Right under this tree where everything began. I think that would just be the perfect cherry on top, and we'll have all of our friends and family here! The moment will be absolutely amazing!" Wind Dancer smiled, noticing the sour mood from the other conversation.


"I think she understands this, and I don't think we have much to worry about. She's a really nice pony, and more often than not I've seen her put many of others before herself. Plus anything that's ever happened at her casino she's been personally involved in making things right. From what I've heard from her workers on the few performances I've done there, she refuses to use lawyers for anything and handles everything like that herself. When she's in town to handle them that is. With that in mind, I can see her trying to include as few ponies as possible in things. Besides, if Princess Twilight trusts her, I do to," Wind smiled, wrapping her wing around Sky.

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When Windy brought up the idea of having their wedding under this tree, where it all began, Sky laughed with delight.  "That's perfect, I don't know why I didn't think of that.  I suppose I'm not used to the idea of being able to use public parks like that.  Seems a bit like monopolizing it..."  He looked around, seeing that they were alone here, surprisingly.  "That said, I don't see many other ponies here whenever I visit.  I suppose we could just allow whoever wants to watch to stay for the ceremony... though that might be courting a much larger crowd than we want, once word gets out!"


Nestling into the embrace of Windy's wing, Sky sighed.  "I'll trust your judgment on Ice, you've known her for longer, insofar as anypony seems to know her at all."

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