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A Reading of the past. [Canterlot] Attn Cubbage


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Tarot walked the dusty halls of her inherited mansion. The old house stuck out like a sore thumb in the beautiful city of Canterlot...partly do to it's unique architecture...partly do to it's neglect. None the less, it was now finally hers. As the sun began to set, the unicorn would begin lighting a few candles. It always amazed her how the old family portraits seemed to change between daylight and night. A new one now hung next to her grandmother...the pony whom had vanished at her mother's hoof, her father. Oh how she missed him. Her daze would be broken as the old grandfather clock struck. She was getting company this evening, and had to prepare.


She had turned a few cards earlier and they told her just what time her most dear friend was arriving. She would light a few more candles to light the rest of the hallway before opening the door, just as it seemed the guest was about to knock.


"Another accurate reading," she'd say with a chuckle. "Make yourself at home," as she pointed a hoof inside. "I apologize for the dust and cobwebs. I haven't really had time to clean, and with a house this big...Mother took all the bits from my father's will. I got the house and everything in it... I'l have to tell you that story over a cup of tea. How was your journey through Canterot. I hope this manor wasn't too difficult to find," she'd say with a laugh.

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Twinkle Dawn approached the house levitating her housewarming gift behind her just as the last rays of direct sun were disappearing over the edge of Canterlot. The moon shone brightly as it slowly made its own appearance over the opposite peaks. Still waxing. Only a few more days until it reached full. That would be the same night as the Summer Sun Celebration -- the night the prophecy was to finally come true. The sky was excited. So many admonitions, such clear readings, so much information! It was clear the stars were plotting something, just as the book foretold.


She checked her watch as she trotted up the porch steps and watched the time turn over. Right on time, she thought. Just as she was about to knock, however, the door swung open, almost ominously. She embraced her friend as she stepped out of the shadows and levitated the rather large box over to her. "Please, Tarot, you know that nothing is too difficult to find with the right guidance." She winked and gestured to the stars with her eyes. "And of course you know that if you ever need help cleaning, I'm always happy to help! The Princess is very supportive of me taking time out of my work schedule if it means helping a friend!" She looked around, taking in the new house and marveling at her friend's new living quarters. "You must be excited to live in a house with so many stories to tell," she said, noting the obvious signs of previous living and the portraits hung elegantly. This house would make the perfect setting for so many novels.

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“You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said returning the hug. Levitating the package off to the side, she would shut the door behind Twinkle and motion her to follow. “I see you’ve noticed the portraits of my ancestors. The most recent one is off my late father. Next to him is my grandmother and next to her is her father. He once held the position that you did from what I read.” 

Tarot would lead Twinkle to the kitchen. “Tada. A clean room,” she laughed. Walking over to a rather dated stove, she’d lite it and put a kettle on to boil. 

She’s take a seat and motion for Twinkle to as well. “My mother hated this house. I blame her for its present condition. I think that’s the reason dad left it to me…out of fear of her selling it, or worse, bulldozing the place.” 

Closing her eyes, she’d take a deep breath. “You can almost feel the past generations who’ve lived here. If you stick around long enough you might even meet one,” she chuckled before getting the teapot. “In our line of work you occasionally have to deal with a few ghost stories.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Twinkle followed her friend as she led her through the house. "I know I didn't have to, but you just moved into a new house! I figured you could use a housewarming present! And from the looks of it, I was right..." The house was not in the best condition. It looked like no one had lived here for several years.


As they walked, Tarot told Twinkle about her ancestors, a couple of which she recognized. Former royal astrologers and the like. Tarot's family was riddled with fortune tellers like herself, something her mother evidently did not appreciate. Twinkle had never had the pleasure of meeting the sorceress herself, but she had a few choice words she worried she would say to someone with such disrespect for her line of work. Probably best they stayed strangers.


The kitchen looked to be the only part of the house that wasn't in disarray. Tarot noted this humorously as they entered and put a spot of tea on the stove, which looked like it could be older than either of them. As they continued talking, Tarot explained why the house was in its current condition. "Yes, your mother always did have a... special relationship with your father's side of the family. It would be a tragedy to see a beautiful home like this destroyed. I'm glad you inherited it."


She closed her eyes and felt along with Tarot. Though communicating with the dead wasn't usually something she was asked or required to do, she could do it if occasion permitted and the spirits were compliant. In this house, the spirits were definitely compliant. Their souls were palpable. Had she brought the materials, she might have done a seance then and there. She chuckled, "Yes you do. I remember one client who asked me to exorcise a ponygeist from her home. Of course, when I got there I discovered it wasn't a ghost, but her young filly playing elaborate practical jokes!" She laughed at the memory of discovering the young pegasus in the act of writing on her mother's bathroom mirror in ketchup as she was searching the house for auras.


Then she changed the subject. "Now go on and open your gift! I'm dying to know what you think!' Twinkle always felt that every house needed at least one telescope, especially a house as regal as this one, so to spruce up the place, that was exactly what she had gotten her friend. Though she and her friend favored different disciplines of astrology, they both enjoyed all methods of telling the future, and so Twinkle was confident Tarot would enjoy the gift. Just in case, though, she had brought along a brand new deck of tarot cards. That way if her friend didn't appear to show much interest in the telescope, she had a backup plan.

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