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Vesper looked at her and he knew she wasn't as shaken up as he was, he'll brush it off as she just doesn't want to show it. 


"Okay... I'm glad you at least tried to socialize with ponies."


Vesper wasn't very convinced, but he'll leave it. Knowing Crothor, he'll be able to get the actual answer. Vesper saw Crothor up ahead, a few of the other changelings were already heading to their camp with a flash of green from their magic. 


Crothor looked at the moon silently, he wishes that he could have gone through the proper forms... But he knew even if he did, they would know he's not considered 'reformed'. To him, transforming would have given him a disadvantage at his stealth in his regular form. He would be taller too and with how he is at the moment, there was no need suffering like that. 


Vesper slowed his descent when he reaches Crothor. Vesper notices the internal conflict of his General. He sits down beside him on the stairs. 


"... Ezrats and I... We found her statue... I immediately felt her spell tug at me again the moment I looked at her..." Vesper says to him quietly. 


Crothor looks away from the moon and to his small companion. Vesper looks shaken. Crothor knows that for some of the changelings, it was painful and nightmarish to be under her spell. Vesper was one of those unlucky few. He leans against Vesper to give him comfort. 


"It's okay, dear Vesper. As long as the princesses have her statue here, we are free." Crothor say quietly, he would lean over and kiss him on the forehead, but Ezrats and the other drones are still here. So he stays leaning against him, instead. 


Vesper leans into Crothor's comfort. 


"I know... But what if-" Crothor cuts him off. 


"There's no need to start with what ifs, dear Vesper." Crothor says to him. 


Vesper knows he's right, but he still can't stop thinking about it. 


She was in fact omitting details, Erzats was enjoying a glass of champagne in the crowd, enjoying a little moment away from responsibility, among other things feeling like someone else. The mare would sigh yet again "It's.. easier when they don't know you're a changeling. I hate the looks they give us. Like we're the monsters for what we are, how we survive." Uttering with a more.. somber tone. Yet she'd go quiet again after she spoke, blinking profusely for a few moments. 


Erzats would keep her distance as the two got close, averting her gaze slightly, pretending to keep watch of their surroundings so she didn't stare during their moment "I apologize, General. I didn't know what I was thinking with that outburst. I hope it didn't ruin our chances with those ponies." She felt obligated to say something. "Sorry as well for.. accidentally leading us into that damn garden. I should've been watching where we were going." 


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Crothor looked to Ezrats, this isn't the first time she jumped the gun. He understood that she was young, he didn't fault her for anything she's done. 


"Luckily, they brushed it off as a mere comment from anxiety than taking it as face value. Next time, Ezrats, I won't defend you and make up excuses. I expect you to be more careful on your words." Crothor says, he is technically the leader of the small camp of changeling drones. He wants to make sure to guide them, but he can't be picking up their messes all the time. 


"Your fine Ezrats, I was the one who dragged you away to talk to you. You were anxious and need a place to calm down. I wasn't even aware that we were in the garden until I had looked up." Vesper says, "Plus, you weren't the one who scared me. It wasn't your fault."



Blueblood may have been a diplomat, but he was no therapist.  The best he could do was offer what words he could, along with the card of the one he went to when he needed help.  "Legacy is a heavy burden, sometimes the best we can do is be a better ancestor to our descendants than the ones we got."  He was not without experience in his own burdens in that respect, though they were not of the same degree, admittedly.  "But don't let yourself be alone with such things, that's where the voices slip in."  He'd give Anwir the card here, leaving her and Auntie Luna enough time to compose themselves before getting up to go to the door.


"In any case, we do have a ball on, and the next dance is indeed awaiting us."  As Anwir would be dancing with Luna, Blueblood was left to find another partner.  After steeling his nerves for a bit with the champagne on offer, he approached Erzats.  "Best way to smooth things over is to participate along with an apology.  We're a surprisingly forgiving sort, you know.  It is only refusing the offered reconciliation that results in, well..."  The fate he left unspoken, she would know it well enough from the statues.

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She would nod, looking over at Crothor and Vesper as they spoke. "I understand- It will not be a future issue, General. For what it's worth, I will promise you that." Erzats had begun feeling unwell, after the garden, after all of that really. She'd tilt her head and sigh "Yet, if I wasn't being unreasonable there would not have been a reason to venture away at all." Something was biting at her.. Yet, she tried not to say too much.

She'd shift on her hooves, looking away again. "I think I will retire for the night, think some things over, unless if there is anything needed of myself." To which Erzats would spot the Unicorn prince from a corner of her vision, stiffening up for a few moments before easing her posture, blinking and waiting for him to speak, another tilt of the head before she'd respond "You tell me, I've heard.. Many stories of Ponies forgiving those who wronged them, even with.. Well- Yeah.. But I regret providing that outburst in your office. It's been a difficult time. I apologize for the distress I have caused as well as the interruptions." She'd almost trail off as she'd said 'Even with', going to mention before stopping herself, how her queen saw their forgiveness as weakness, the inability to overcome showered in a veil of harmony, and the inability to act. It wasn't something Erzats herself believed fully, yet as she saw more of their kind her perspective shifted more against such a line of thinking. 

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Anwir takes the card offered to her, she would read it, if not for the unshed tears that blurred her vision. She simply stays looking at the tapestry that Crothor left. Her own cutie mark was similar to it, the only difference was there wasn't a bird and her's had colors (along with a healing scar that covers most of it). Anwir finally looks to Luna, she had yet to say anything about the way Anwir hid her origins. She couldn't tell what expression Luna had because she refused to shed any tears here. 


Crothor just nods at Ezrats words. He knows she'll eventually get the hang of it all. 


Crothor watches Blueblood ask Ezrats if she would like a drink and most likely a dance. 


"Prince Blueblood, If you would be fine with us staying a little longer, we'd like to join in the festivities." Crothor says from where he's sitting with Vesper. Crothor knew Ezrats needed a push to accept the offer.Vesper just nods his head in agreement, he seems to not want to be vocal. Crothor understood why. Vesper just nuzzled into his side slightly. He always gets clingy when he is coming down from adrenaline, especially when he gets scared. 


He realized that Blueblood was looking at how he and Vesper were situated, that being Vesper was leaned against him and had been nuzzling him a moment ago. Crothor looked to Blueblood with caution, he knows a few things about ponies' customs. He didn't know if he and Vesper would be met with scorn on how they are being affectionate. Even with changelings it's seen as odd for two male changelings to be together. 


She wasn't sure if the prince was actually offering such a thing, looking to her superior and fellow subordinate. To herself, she didn't mind their relationship much, it wasn't any of her business. Even though she felt strange being around them being affectionate in general, expecting more behavior of that kind from their 'Reformed' counterparts. 


"I er.. Do you throw these events often, Prince Blueblood?" She'd ask him by name, unaware she never really did have a good chance to introduce herself with how she was acting, looking around before focusing on the Unicorn before her. An attempt to make small talk, as she'd shift on her hooves. 

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The distress the whole changelings had caused was real and significant, even though it wasn't upon Blueblood himself that most of it had fallen.  Nonetheless, he wasn't about to gainsay his own words about forgiveness, keeping the hoof of friendship extended.  "Yes, and there's always something that happens at all of them.  Sometimes I think Auntie Celestia prefers it like that these days, but I suppose the same old thing does get dull after a 1,000 years, doesn't it?"


"And you're welcome to stay as well, of course."  He nodded to the other pair of lings, noting their affection with interest but little more.  His own relationship history, and frankly his current one, wasn't the sort to sustain any kind of criticism.  Especially not in this day and age in Equestria.

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Crothor nods and smiles at the Prince. He doesn't seem bothered by he and Vesper's relationship, crothor let out a small sigh of relief. 


"I'm glad we made things interesting for you all." Crothor says in amusement. He then lowers his ears a bit. "Even with the news we had to pass on... It was not my attention to cause distress, but I suppose even getting information like that from anypony causes such a reaction."


"I guess 'Interesting' could be a way to put it.. Come to think of it, hope that duke wasn't.. Too upset, eh? Or the other ponies that we may have.. 'Replaced'" She'd take a glance over to Crothor, chuckling a little to herself. "But- you said a thousand years? Ponies live for that long? Or is that just an expression?" Her expression would brighten up at the thought, in a sense, tilting her head and eagerly awaiting an answer.

After a few moments of thinking to herself, she'd offer her hoof a little awkwardly to the Unicorn Prince "My name is Erzats, by the way. If.. Interesting is something that's needed at these parties, I'm sure we could stop by again, or I possibly could. I cannot speak for all of us."

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Luna forced a smile to Blueblood as he left before turning to Anwir. "Perhaps we should return to the ball." is all the alicorn could muster, a neutral expression on her muzzle. She'd follow Anwir out of the office. It was a silent walk back to the ballroom for her as she looked at each stain glass window they would pass. She'd stop in front of one of herself, along with Twilight and her friends. Sighing deeply, she'd call to Anwir. "General," as she motioned with a hoof. "Do you see the captain under this window. It dose not say victory of, nor doth it say defeat of, it says 'Redemption.' That is how we must look going forward I believe."


Luna would start walking again. "Now then, to the ball. I am sure there are plenty of ponies waiting on dances," she'd say with a wink. "And I believe I offered a dance to Crothor next."

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Crothor nods to Ezrats, "We..." He looks to Vesper who nods. "We'll stay a while longer. Princess Luna said something about a dance."



Anwir looks at the caption, then back at the window. It was of when Luna was broken free of the spell one of her ancestors gave her. 


Redemption... Anwir is the one unicorn of her family that broke free of tradition. The one with the odd cutie mark. She could redeem the acts of her ancestors right? She'd have to think on it. 


Anwir looks at Luna as she starts to walk again. 


"I'm sorry that bad memories of yours were brought back up.... I'm also sorry for not realizing changelings had entered the castle, even if they ended up being allies..." Anwir says very quietly, her voice is a little rough from when she was holding tears. "I may see if any of the other changelings would like to dance too, I suppose. It may make the other party goers relax some."


Anwir's voice was practically gone, not that she cared. 



Blueblood chuckled.  "Not all ponies, only alicorns.  Though there's so few of them about that its hard to tell whether its all alicorns or just my Aunties.  I suppose we'll find out centuries from now how long Princesses Cadence and Twilight Sparkle last..."  The Prince mused that the question was less unreasonable than it seemed; exceptionally long-lived species such as dragons and sphinxes, while rare, were not unknown.  Even Chrysalis herself may well have been around for centuries... or perhaps it only felt that way to those under her rule.


"It is... good to know you, Erzats."  At least in the sense that all knowledge was useful, whether or not the changeling's appearance at this ball was ultimately to the good remained to be seen.  But, they deserved a chance, which Blueblood would give them as he escorted the group back to the dance area.

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Luna would force a smile as she and Anwir walked. "Tis fine. Other then some damage from the duel, nopony was hurt, besides, I believe all the night guard and lunar guard where in attendance should something had happened. Perhaps we have gotten a bit too lax with security lately. With Twilight Sparkle ruling Equestria, we are in a period of peace and prosperity that has not been seen in many moons. Most of us believed that the unreformed changelings where few and scattered. If anything, tonight brought to light that they sill exist in numbers."


As they reentered the ballroom, Luna would make her way over to the organ, whispering something in the bat pony who was playing it's ear. She'd nod. "General Crothor, If I may have this dance?" She would announce loud enough for everycreature in the room to hear. She'd extend a hoof to the changeling as the music would start. The song she chose was a bit newer, but still one of her favorites.


(Song for the second dance)

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Of all, Erzats presumed Chrysalis had been around for longer- Since the beginning of time, perhaps. Her knowledge seemed limitless, even though all of her wisdom did her nothing in the end. While keeping track of her subordinates' ages proved difficult..  Since distinguishable features proved far and few between, for the most part. She'd nod slowly, blinking at the Prince's words, chuckling a little herself "Oh- That makes enough sense." 

Offering a small, fanged smile at the Stallion mentioning it was 'Good to know' her, she figured it might be a little.. Forced, yet the gesture was appreciated. Setting her hoof down and would loosely follow the group, yet kept to the sidelines for now, looking a little awkward as she tried to occupy herself in thought. 

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Crothor smiles up at the princess, he loves the song. 


He moves to join her in the center of the room and bows the best he can with a limp. 

"Of course, your majesty!"


Anwir sees Vesper head towards her and bows. 

"Hello again general. Could I possibly apologize for what I said earlier with a dance?" He says loudly where ponies can hear. 


Anwir smiles and bows to him and joins him on the floor. 


Cocking his ear to catch the music, Blueblood remarked as he escorted Erzats to the dance floor.  "Auntie certainly loves her organs."  The Prince immediately felt as if he'd said something unintentionally risque than intended, but calling attention to it would only make things worse.


Out on the lawn, it was clear that the other ballgoers weren't entirely certain what had happened, whether they had been under an abortive attack or else that the whole kidnapping thing was an ill-considered part of the entertainment.  Seeing the two royals and the guest of honor dance with the changelings seemed to incline them towards the latter.  Which was fine by him; better a blot on his reputation as a host to any genuine hostile unpleasantness.


Ignoring any tittering whispers from his peers, he finished the dance with a bow, coming back into a crowd with Luna and Anwir.  "Had you any other plans for the evening?  One the guard shift happens, I think I'm going to be monopolized in my company for the rest of the night."

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Finishing her dance with the changeling, Luna would nod to him and smile. "Twas quite a memorable evening, even if it may have started out on the wrong hoof and opened a few old wounds." Luna had to admit to herself that dancing did take her mind off their earlier conversation in Blueblood's office. "Keep us up to date on if the situation grows worse. we shall inform Twilight Sparkle on this matter so she may assemble a team, should need be. In the meantime, I must return to my party duties." as she would bow her head in respect to Crothor.


Returning to Blueblood and their guest of honor, Luna would look to her nephew. "Though the night is still young, I believe my duties mainly include meeting our guests, and of course the cutting of the cake." Luna's eyes would quickly dart to what had been Celestia's room in the castle, for fear of her hearing the word cake. "From what I understand also, you owe me the last dance of the evening dear nephew, and I shall even allow you to choose the song."


"If all this dancing and standing is bothering your leg general, might I suggest having a seat and meeting some of the guards from the other branches? I know once the shift change takes affect, may of my lunar guard will be joining us for desert."

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Crothor smiles and nods to Luna's words. 

"Of course, Princess. I'll make sure to personally inform you all of the situation." He says. 



Anwir bows to Vesper and takes her leave. Vesper finds Crothor and asks for a dance which Crothor readily agrees. 


Anwir looks to the other guards mulling about near the few tables. 

"I will try to socialize, Princess. It has been many moons since I have and many new faces mull about in the Royal Armor. I shall take my leave and meet you again for the cutting of the cake." Anwir says and bows. This would be an oppurtune time for her to get a drink and rest her hooves before everything else takes place. 


The Changeling would've followed along a little reluctantly, though she'd tilt her head at his comment about organs, she wasn't sure if he meant the instrument or.. internal organs. She'd make a bit of a face, nodding awkwardly. 


Yet, she'd go along with the dance rather well if that's what the prince had escorted her for. Erzats would move well enough with the motions with not too much difficulty, worried of all the eyes on them during all of this. As her dance with the Unicorn Prince concluded, she'd offer a bow and a quick word "Thank you, Prince Blueblood." Before making her way back to Crothor and Vesper. 


The situation still felt horribly odd, though Erzats was easing up to everything.

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"You're quite welcome."  Blueblood made a mental note to thank his lucky stars that things had gone so well, considering the circumstances.  Luna had pointed which ones were his one night, when he was feeling particularly down... about something he couldn't recall right now.  Greater trials and joys alike had drowned that mood, but the memories remained...  


He cast a look up a the night, catching a glimpse of said stars through some hanging banners, and smiled.  Looking back when Luna called to him, he nodded, "I've music picked out already for the final dance.  In the meantime- ah, I see Anwir is heading towards the guards."



The guards were just letting some of their adrenaline work off right now, having come down from standing at alert at the first sight of the changelings, then dealing with getting the real guests back on their hooves.  There was a great deal of scuttlebutt going on between the golden and black-armored ponies, but one in particular would have stood out immediately to the General.


She was a pegasus, built like a brick warehouse and standing as tall as an alicorn.  With sky-blue coat and silver armor, she seemed part of a wholly different unit as she stood quietly, a neutral expression beneath her scarlet bangs and braid.  Hearing Anwir approach, she'd turn to face the unicorn, showing the emblazoned compass rose on her armor's chest plate.  Saluting with one wide wing, the mare would intone, "Ah, General Anwir?  I'm Captain Star Crusader, of Blueblood's honor guard.  Among other things."  Her muzzle still bore a stoically neutral expression, but there was a slight twitch and twinkle in her eye, as if she was enjoying a private joke she had just told herself.

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Anwir recognized her in passing she was only a little taller than the captain if you count her tall curved horn. She caught the amusement but didn't question it. Anwir bowed her head to let the captain know she's at ease. 


"Nice to formally meet you Captain, I'm sure it's quite lively working under Blueblood." Anwir says as she looks at her with an almost equal look except for the sadness that is always present in Anwir's eyes. "I'm going to be honest, this is my first formal gathering in quite some time. It's been rather...exciting than the last one."




Luna would turn toward Anwir heading towards a few guards and smiles. "She needs this. Proper time to mingle and make connections. Now then, I believe both you and I need to mingle. I also believe each of the 'replaced' guest should get a personal apology from us."


Meanwhile, a white unicorn would enter the ball. His coat was white, but had a tinge of blue. His mane longer then what most branches of the guard would allow, as well as a goatee, all in an ice blue. Something else that would stand out was the fact that instead of armor, he wore robes. They where in the color of Twilight Sparkles honor guard.


Luna would look to Blueblood then back to this newcomer. "Changing of the sifts brings out all branches, doth it not," she'd chuckle. "I wonder if that is the one Commander Ice Storm mentioned...I believe Blizzard Blitz?" Quickly however, Luna would look to see a line of guests forming. "I shall leave you to the apologizing, dear nephew, as I believe I may be socializing with guests for a while."


Blizzard was there out of formality. If it had been up to him, he would be in his office reading some of those 'dusty old magic books,' as his captain called them, or perhaps reading the latest Daring Do adventure, but here he was non the less. With a deep breath, he'd make his way in the direction to Captain Star Crusader and the general. "Greeting Captain, General. I'm Lieutenant Blizzard Blitz of Twilight's Honor Guard. It's a nice to finally meet you."



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Anwir looked to the very new face. She really should keep up on all the other branches to make sure she is at least accustomed to their presence. 


She look at how long his mane is, she supposes rules did change. 


"To you as well Lieutenant Blitz. I believe you are newer to the castle?" Anwir asks, attempting small talk. 


Blueblood nodded at his Auntie Luna, and went off to the first of the guests.  "Ah, the good duke!  Sorry about the roughhousing old chap, and for the repair work you'll have to do for your reputation.  The one who wore your face wasn't exactly the best behaved while doing so..."


Meanwhile, Star Crusader's hidden amusement was still sparkling, even as her voice was even.  "Well, its only fair.  After all, he's quite lively while under me."  Unlike with Blueblood's remark to Erzats, there was no doubt about this remark being a double entendre; the eyes gave it away.  She seemed, in her own way, trying to get Anwir's mind off of whatever was causing that sadness behind her eyes.  


She would nod in reception to Blizzard's greetings.  "Indeed.  It seems odd that we should have missed each other, given how close we must have been stationed while His Highness was serving his term as Archancellor of the School of Friendship."  The Prince had temporarily taken over as Headmaster from Twilight while she was still dealing with the first year of proper princessing, thankfully now that a balance of power had been worked out between all the alicorns, the duties of rule were split more reasonably.  

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