Skycoaster Posted September 12, 2023 Report Posted September 12, 2023 Blizzard would smile and nod. "In a way I am new to the castle. At first I was one of Captain Fire Walker's experiments in a way. You see," as he'd stroke his goatee, "I'm more of a mage then a solder. A wizard if you will. I guess my uniform was her attempt at combining the two together." he'd laugh. "It's quite comfy for an ice mage. It's been enchanted to keep it cool inside." "You'd be surprised by how little I actually get assigned to Princess Twilight. Most of my duties are doing magical research and creating new spells, and of course paperwork. Lots of paperwork." He'd levitate a glass of punch over for all thee. "Another reason you probably haven't seen me around is I joined later in life compared to the average guard, but that's a long....long story that I won't bother you two with." 1
AnwirAria Posted September 12, 2023 Report Posted September 12, 2023 Anwir smiles at her hint. The sadness doesn't go away (it never goes away ,but by the four princesses did Anwir wish it would), but amusement was added. "Ah I see, it is nice to formally meet you." Anwir says. She hears Captain Crusader bring up the new school Twilight made and how Blizzard helped manage it. "Ah yes, I have heard of the school. I haven't had the time to visit it nor had the chance to ask about it to anypony. Mainly due to my shifts and my long resting period I had." Anwir says, hopefully this works for small talk. She hasn't tried small talk in the past. She hears Blizzard bring up his uniform and his duties. "It must be quite fascinating to research magic like you do. The good and the bad." Anwir says, the bad she is referring to is the transformation that she had started undergoing in the chrysalis she was forced into. Along with what her family set in motion, like Nightmare Moon...
AnwirAria Posted September 13, 2023 Report Posted September 13, 2023 Crothor looks to where Ezrats is standing. Having just finished his dance with Vesper, he approaches her. "Ezrats, is the ball too much? If we need to, we can leave." Crothor says as he looked to the Changeling, she seems a little more relaxed but he still wants to make sure she's okay, he is in charge of the care of his companions. Vesper nods in agreement to Crothor's words.
Skycoaster Posted September 14, 2023 Report Posted September 14, 2023 Blizzard would nod. "There is a lot of magic that has been lost to time. I know one project I can't wait for is to catalog the Castle of the Two Sisters library and see what can be salvaged. I'm fairly certain a restoration spell may work on the books damaged by the elements. I have a theory that somewhere in there is the spellbook that," as he looked side to side, "that Princess Luna was using before that infamous night over 1,000 years ago." Blizzard would stifle a chuckle. "Of course for preservation, not to be used. I'm more of an amulet pony myself if I where to ever turn evil," he'd joke. "So far the most interesting thing I've found in the library are some of Starswirl the Bearded's drafts of spells." 1
AnwirAria Posted September 14, 2023 Report Posted September 14, 2023 Anwir's ears go back at the mention of the book. She hides her worry with a smile at the joke. "I see. I've been told about what can happen if you try to use one of his unfinished spells, strange things can happen like for example, cutie marks get switched." Anwir says, the mention of the book makes the still present guilt come back tenfold.
Blueblood Posted September 14, 2023 Author Report Posted September 14, 2023 "Something like a battle-mage, then?" Star Crusader's normally impassive and stoic voice now displaying a bit of curiosity, which for those who knew the mare would indicate a great deal of it was beneath the surface. In coloration, build, and personality, she was much like an iceberg. Which might explain her notable success in previous northern deployments. "I know Twilight was reviving the practice and corps; it's something that the Prince advocated for a while, along with my mother." Turning once more to the general, she nodded. "It is good to meet you too; I suppose we were on deployments and leave at such times as to make meeting difficult." The talk of the lunar spellbook seemed to distress Anwir, so she shifted the subject to a mood she hoped would be lighter. "Indeed, magic is always less predictable than scholars would wish it to be; there are any number of ill-timed coincidences that can make for unusual effects. For example, a sneeze in the middle of a bodily restoration spell can create a curse to turn a stallion into a mare. That actually happened to Blueblood, you know; when he asked Twilight to help him get over a bad case of influenza." 1
HorseInTheHat Posted September 14, 2023 Report Posted September 14, 2023 Erzats would shake her head, blinking "No it's alright, though I actually wanted to head out for a little if you two wished to stay, get some 'Fresh air', y'know? I'd meet you both back at camp." She was in fact a little over being around ponies, and some rest could likely do the Changeling some good. That lingering dread kept itself known to her from before. "If that's fine, General." She'd add, almost a pleading look in her emerald green eyes, though her expression would remain somewhat neutral, yet I'm sure with his position and care for those serving under him, Crothor might pick up on her mannerisms and sub-par poker face to know she didn't want to stay, or at least undisguised that is. 1
AnwirAria Posted September 15, 2023 Report Posted September 15, 2023 Crothor frowns. Ezrats is overwhelmed, but doesn't wish to admit. "That is fine, let me accompany you for just a few moments. Vesper?" Crothor looks to Vesper to see if he would be joining them. "I will join you guys for a bit as well. But I want to come back to at least apologize to the Duke I had impersonated." Vesper says. Crothor nods and waits for Ezrats to step outside. _______________________________________________ Anwir sighed in silent relief when the subject changed. She listened closely to the Captain speak. "Yes, I heard rumors about it in the Lunar Guard. Specifically those who would be working under me once I am fully able to go back out as the Lunar Scoutind Division General." She says when the Captain mentions the rumors.
Skycoaster Posted September 16, 2023 Report Posted September 16, 2023 Blizzard would stoke his goatee. "Battle mage you say." his eyes would twinkle. "I've never thought about it that way. Just more of a wizard in service to the princess, though I could certainly start a few conversations with that title," he'd grin. "Titles where everything in Old Canterlot, as I am sure both of you remember growing up. Social status, traditions, even superstitions. It seems if you where born in Canterlot, you where ether destined for one of three things. Enlisting in the guard, attending the School for Gifted Unicorns, or being born into a title." Blizzard would sigh heavily. "It almost seems that if you weren't in one of those groups, having lots of bits was the only way to make up for it. In a way, I guess that's why I took my 'vacation' to the Frozen North after graduation from the school....That's a long story for another day though." When the general mentioned the scouts, he'd nod. "That might be the hardest specialization of them all. Anypony who can isolate themselves for months on end and live off the land for that long has my respect." 1
Blueblood Posted September 16, 2023 Author Report Posted September 16, 2023 Star Crusader's shoulder pauldrons shifted in a shrug. "I was born and raised up in the northern march of Fet Loch; my mother is the Duchess there, but ponies here always took our titles more seriously, even though it wasn't our seat of power." Considering the roles set out for ponies in Canterlot, she tapped her foot for a bit, then answered. "That's four out of seven. You're forgetting the civilian side of government service, and those of artistic accomplishment, and the social butterfies." She gave Blizzard a look up and down, then nodded. "Altogether, though, you were probably right to take that vacation. I don't see you fitting in to any of those last three." Turning back to Anwir, she asked her, "Do you still wish to dance? I ask because, seeing as my husband has had a turn with you, it's only fair that I should ask." If Vesper wished to apologize to the Duke, the best time would be right now, as he was partaking of the punchbowl quite liberally to rehydrate. 1
AnwirAria Posted September 16, 2023 Report Posted September 16, 2023 Anwir smiles at the Lieutenant. "It's not too bad, you just have to know what to look for on the lay of the land." Anwir says. "I'm currently getting out of my leave of absence, though I've been told that I should see it as a vacation. If what I've had to do was vacation, I'd prefer to always be working." Anwir looks to the capitain as she speaks. "I would love a dance, though I have to warn you. My limp isn't kind to me." Anwir says as she lifts her injured hoof up to make her point. _______________________________________________ Crothor looks to Vesper. "I think now would be the time to talk to the Duke." he says and points to the stallion who is emptying the punch bowl quite quickly. Vesper nods and heads towards the Duke as Crothor stays behind waiting for Ezrats. Vesper walks up to him and clears his throat. "Excuse me sir?" Vesper says hoping for a response.
Skycoaster Posted September 17, 2023 Report Posted September 17, 2023 Blizzard would give the honor guard captain a blank expression, before forcing a laugh at Star Crusader's comment. "Well, I'm am glad the the School for Gifted Unicorn's now places a priority on social skills on top of the excellent magical education. Back when I graduated, it was a much different place." Blizzard sighed as he looked to the ground. "I acutally lost friends at the school instead of making them...thanks to my jealousy. I went my whole curriculum without receiving even ONE class taught by Celestia herself. I ended up isolating myself from my classmates and just working on magic to try to get Celestia's attention. I used to blame it on the board. Thought they kept me out of Celestia's classes because my mother was a teacher at the school... I think the biggest blow was when Princess Celestia skipped my class's graduation because one of her star students ran through some mirror or something...." Blizzard at this point had though he had said too much. Opening an old wound. When General Anwir mentioned a vacation, he took the opportunity to change the subject. "I hear Las Pegasus is quite nice this time of year, and one hotel even offers quite a discount for those in the Royal Guard. Fire and something....I think it's called." 1
HorseInTheHat Posted September 17, 2023 Report Posted September 17, 2023 The Changeling mare would nod, watching Vesper as he'd walk off, and then start off towards the exit. "I'm fine, really. Just tired is all, our magic does a number on my senses." She'd offer up an excuse, whether it would be believed is uncertain; Though it was something at the least. She'd try not to focus on the crowds around her, or the ponies she'd been talking to previously, making a quick exit and keeping her head down. 1
AnwirAria Posted September 17, 2023 Report Posted September 17, 2023 Crothor nods at Ezrats words, he doesn't believe her excuse but doesn't call her out. Crothor understood that sometimes keeping what you're feeling to yourself is better than telling, especially at a ball. "I can say that I am a little bit worn out, but I have been transforming longer than you have. Therefore, I'm able to handle longer transformations." Crothor says. ___________________________________________________ "I am just coming off of leave, but... If I ever do take another, I will look into it." Anwir says, She's been to Las Pegasus before, but that was for a scouting trip when there were rumors about changeling sightings. It just ended up being a little unicorn filly with a black mane and coat who happened to have green magic and eyes. The little one was very sweet when Anwir met her.
Blueblood Posted September 18, 2023 Author Report Posted September 18, 2023 The Duke turned to face the approaching changeling. The punch was apparently spiked, as his deep draughts of it had left him swaying on his hooves a bit; whether that would put him in a better or worse mood remained to be seen. "Er, yes?" He blinked, his eyes slowly coming into focus, though he had to blink a few times before they uncrossed. "Damn bit of playacting you lot did there, made quite the show of it, what?" ~~~ Star Crusader nodded. "The change in curricula was implemented shortly after Twilight's initial ascension, though most of the materials in use now were developed in the School of Friendship." She paused, taking some time to worth through her next statement. "There were many that mocked the idea of a whole school teaching ponies and other creatures how to be friends, but I believe recent events have shown how little that knowledge is actually spread, and how badly it is needed. I am glad you managed to learn, even without the help that came after you." It was an accomplishment she took quite seriously, even more perhaps than any promotion or rank he had achieved. After all, a cold and lonely heart remains the same, no matter how many ribbons or medals are pinned atop it. With that, she took the hoof of the other bruised but tender heart, assuring Anwir, "I am not much of a dancer either; I am built more for strength than dexterity. But... I still love to do it." She nodded over towards Blueblood. "He always loves to see me dance. There were few who saw me as a mare, as a lady, back in the day. More like a brickhouse in armor. But he always seemed to, all the way back to when I extracted him from the antlers of the Caribou King." 1
AnwirAria Posted September 18, 2023 Report Posted September 18, 2023 "I've not been able to make many friends in my line of work. Those that I were have sadly passed on or have moved onto early retirement." Anwir says in a solemn tone. The everlasting sadness in her eyes becoming more prominent. Anwir smiles at The Captain. She understood that many forget that some of the guard are mares and are just seen as a stallion. "I can say that I do enjoy dancing as well, I'm glad I get to use all of my practice I did back then again." __________________________________________________ "Um, yes. I have come to apologize for ruining your night. Please believe me when I say that if it wasn't dire, I wouldn't have done such an act." Vesper says and does a small bow. Is he supposed to bow for a Duke? He isn't sure.
HorseInTheHat Posted September 18, 2023 Report Posted September 18, 2023 Erzats would make hey way back into the garden as she and vesper had found themselves in before, keeping mind not to head further into the gardens, where the statue of their former Queen resided. She'd stretch her wings as she came to a halt, looking back at her General. "So.. what were you wanting to say?" She'd try and ask casually. Seeming more relaxed at the moment, taking a glance around to see if anyone could've been watching them from afar. 1
AnwirAria Posted September 18, 2023 Report Posted September 18, 2023 Crothor comes to a stop beside her. His face is more stoic as he surveys the garden sensing the once Queen's faint presence. "I do wish you would be honest, but I can understand being around strangers you do not trust is a reason to hide your truth." Crothor says turning to her. "How are you actually fairing? No more lies. I promise it's just you and I at the moment. Keeping everything bottled up can cause many incidents." Crothor doesn't wish to pry, but the way Ezrats was acting. She was anxious and it showed. He wants to make sure she is alright.
HorseInTheHat Posted September 18, 2023 Report Posted September 18, 2023 The presence would be felt by Erzats, she paid no mind to it, focusing on the General before her. "I'm.. overwhelmed, that whole crowd, those ponies in the Prince's office. It's easy when I look like them, I don't have to worry about them staring." She'd erupt in a flash of green light, herself now appearing as a grey Pegasus mare, featuring the same emerald green eyes that Erzats had. "I wasn't actually feeling too disoriented using our magic, it just feels wrong that I'm more comfortable like this than in my own form." After a brief moment she'd sigh, as quick as she had manifested her disguise she was back to looking like a Changeling again. "I just.. need rest, and I'll stop thinking about it." 1
AnwirAria Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 Crothor looked to her in understanding. "I am not one to judge on such matters. Be aware that it's okay to feel like that. I know the reason they do look at us is because of our looks. I'd suggest reminding yourself that you are an uncommon beauty. I've been told that by a pony before everything went to chaos." Crothor says, he puts his permanently injured good on Ezrats' shoulder. "But, I do know that if you truly feel like you are more comfortable as a pony... I'd say transform into your true self. I've been told it's easier to hold a pony form like that. But I'm not trying to push you away by telling you this. I know some changelings live among ponies in their transformation. I know they have learned to adapt to it and it doesn't take much as long as you pay attention to your health." Crothor looked into this. He himself was thinking of running away from the hive and live among the ponies. He decided against in the end, he would have been leaving Vesper behind.
Skycoaster Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 Meanwhile, another pony has slipped into the ball unnoticed by most. His gray coat, purple eyes, black mane, and purple bat like wings would normally draw attention, but not tonight. Still clad in his Lunar Guard armor, he would make his way to the cookie table. He had been on office duty when the earlier commotion had happened. He’d take his helmet off and treat himself to a chocolate chip cookie. Looking over to the Princess, whom was busy greeting guests, he’d see her direct him with her eyes. Finishing his cookie, he’d nod and make his way slowly towards the two changelings. He’d take a deep breath before introducing himself. “Hello, I’m Lt. Midnight Oil.” He’d give a fanged smile. “It’s nice to meet you both. General, may I borrow your compatriot for a dance,” as he looked to Erzats. “That is if she’d like to,” he said with a blush. 1
Blueblood Posted September 19, 2023 Author Report Posted September 19, 2023 The Captain escorted Anwir to the Dance floor, just as the band was getting started on the next number. Spoiler It wasn't a complicated number; every band that ever wanted to play the gala circuit had a waltz in their repertoire, and the steps were easy enough even for two mares who were none-too-expert at dancing. Star, for her part, would move like a warship, not without some grace, but with momentum, and woe betide any dancer that got too close, because she wasn't stopping! More than a few couples had to quicken their pace to double time to get out of the way... Some space away from the show, the Duke was blinking at Vesper, the meaning of their words filtering down through the ethanol before hitting the relevant neurons. "Wait, so you're the one that's been wearing my face hearabouts? I thought that wasn't part of the entertainment, even the Prince isn't that tasteless...." He gave a harrumph at that, a right proper harrumph that would have done his ancestors proud. "What was so dire about the situation that you saw fit to stuff me in a pod and take up a duel in my name? Thank Celestia you didn't refuse it though, I'd have never lived down the dishonor..." 1
AnwirAria Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 Anwir for her part was fluid with her dancing besides a few jerking movements went her limp got in the way. For the most part, she kept up with the Captain. ________________________ Vesper looked guilty at the Duke's words. "Well... It had to due with their allies outside of Equestria. It was very important." He said. "If I thought you would back down I would have. But, I know a honorable Duke when I see one." Maybe flattery will help Vesper. ----------- Crothor nods. "If Ezrats is fine with it, I will not disagree." He says to the Guard.
HorseInTheHat Posted September 20, 2023 Report Posted September 20, 2023 Erzats would stand still as he'd place his damaged hoof upon her, she'd sigh and look at it. "It would never be like that- My place is among my kind, but it's.. Fun I guess, feeling like somepony else. See more of these lands, maybe even Griffon or Dragon territory?" She'd muse to herself a little bit, chuckling "I'd have to tell the hive about it, all the weird little things I'd find, people too." Just thinking as Ersatz would look at the sky for a few moments Then the night guard would approach, and the changeling mare wouldn't catch the sound of his hoofsteps, though his voice was caught by her. She'd shift her gaze, getting a bit of a tilt of the head as he introduced himself, wondering if he was going to ask them to stay out of the gardens.. With the question the Lieutenant had posed, she'd look a little confused blinking and looking to Crothor and then back to the Night Guard. "I uh.. Wouldn't mind, I'd suppose. I have a name though, I'm Erzats and it's nice to meet you." Offering her hoof for a bit of a shake. (Sorry if I'm being a bit of a hassle with these response times I don't mean to make the wait an eternity) 1
Skycoaster Posted September 21, 2023 Report Posted September 21, 2023 Midnight would smile as he took her hoof. "Erzats?" he'd ask. "That's a lovely name. I have to admit, I'm not the best of dancers myself, unless you including dodging being a type of dance," he attempt to joke. "Maybe we should do a fairly simple waltz? Every guard was required to learn it at one point, though most of us bat ponies don't get to use it, so I may be a bit rusty. I apologize if I step on your hoof in advance," he'd say with a blush. As the music Blueblood had chose started, he would mumble the count to the dance. "One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three." 1
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