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MLP: FIM - Dub Comparison (12 Languages) : "A little Spring cleaning for you"


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That was actually kind of fascinating to watch. It's interesting to see how different the dubs can be. I kind of liked the voices for some of the characters in some of them. Some of the Fluttershy voices in particular were really cute. The range in voices for Twilight was interesting; a lot of them seemed kind of too deep. Pinkie was the worst though. Her song didn't really sound right to me in hardly any of the dubs, and even her speaking voice just did not work for me in some of them. Was also kind of interesting seeing how they all approached Spike in his one line.

I almost wish it had been a scene with Applejack and Dash in it. Those two seem to me like they'd be the hardest to dub into other languages.

Still, the great part is seeing that this awesome show is making it to so many different countries.

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That was actually kind of fascinating to watch. It's interesting to see how different the dubs can be. I kind of liked the voices for some of the characters in some of them. Some of the Fluttershy voices in particular were really cute. The range in voices for Twilight was interesting; a lot of them seemed kind of too deep. Pinkie was the worst though. Her song didn't really sound right to me in hardly any of the dubs, and even her speaking voice just did not work for me in some of them. Was also kind of interesting seeing how they all approached Spike in his one line.

I almost wish it had been a scene with Applejack and Dash in it. Those two seem to me like they'd be the hardest to dub into other languages.

Still, the great part is seeing that this awesome show is making it to so many different countries.

I've been watching a bunch of the foreign dubs while waiting for the second season. I personally think the Norwegian voice cast sound closest to the original cast and the voice acting is very good. I don't dislike a translation unless there's a really big difference, though (I grew up on the Texas/Mexico border, so I'm long used to seeing english language shows dubbed). It's unlikely there will be a perfect match unless the studio that does the dubbing is willing to spend a lot of money.

If you'd like to see some of those foreign MLP's here's some links to a few of them.





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