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Hello everyone and a question

pop fizz

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hello, I am pop fizz and new to canterlot

I have one question ( so far)

Is anyone currently playing or applying for a character that sells soda pop and other drinks?

I want to create ny application in that area but don't want to step on any ones hooves.

Could I get a response?


pop fizz

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How did you hear about Canterlot?

I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

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A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the IRC Chat.

Also, I think there might be a couple characters like that. Of course, in the real world, there are lots of people who have the same job. I'll look around and see what characters I can find. :)

Welcome to Canterlot!

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Thanks for your response. I read up on Fizzy and while I have a different cutie mark in mind, I will modify my character to not compete so much with fizzy or Bubbly Snacks

Pop Fizz isi going to be an older stallion whose talent is making and selling soda and flavored drinks throughout equestria. I don;t think it will be much competition for a young foal. They might even become friends. Hisskill will be as an older brother who younger ponies can look to for advice

hence the name pop fizz

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Welcome to Canterlot! Be sure to stop by Getting Started for a whole saddlebag full of goodies and useful information, including free avatars and templates! We hope you enjoy your stay and have a great time!

There's plenty of places Pop Fizz could base his operations, too. We have a lot of areas around Equestria you can 'put' yourself (Though ponies can RP anywhere and everywhere at any time).

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Hello Skye:

Thanks forothe getting started lead. I am unable to scan theh map as I apparently have not fulfilled some quakifucation yet, Whitetail wood sounds good though..

Please tell Tales that I found canterlot from an Internet search and I am amazed at the subculture that has popped up form ML FIM.

I shall post a few more time in the intro section to be safe and then think about an rp character, Know ofo any Pharmacists in Equestria?

See you soon, I hope

Pop Fizz

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Wow, ANOTHER pony from NJ? I'm seeing a bit of a trend here. I'm from Jerzey myself. Southern Jerzey to be exact. Where do you hail from? :3

AND PLEASURE TO MEETCHA! Welcome to the royal city~

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