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No. No.



You know what?

I've been continuing this thread for the past FOUR months.

And what have YOU been doing, dear brother?

Off on some sort of wild, decadent adventure.

So NO.

It's YOUR turn to continue the thread.

Pick up the family mantle for once and do your duty >:[

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So! Friends! Ponies! Ponies of the friend variety! I just saw one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on a cold Winter's night! The moon looked like it had a halo of its own soft light! It almost made me cry it was so beautiful! So, in celebration of this occasion and somewhat for Fawkes's funny episode a few days ago as to whether or not to open my spoiler on the Brony Behind the Computer thread... :D I give you this!





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You want FROSTY to continue the thread?

Frosty JUST got here.


He still has his traveling cloak on and half of his mind is still in tact!

Ohhhh no no no no. Frosty can't continue this thread.

You are a TERRIBLE Royal, brother >:[

However, lo' and behold!

The ever dark drifter, Penumbra, arrives!

We shall heft the task of continuing this thread upon his sullen shoulders and make for the decadence with haste!

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Are all you ponies honestly that confused by the joke before the actual interesting thing?

I see three pictures from Google images.

Two of them are, "Teehee, scary/weird stuffs! GOTCHA!"

And one of them is, "Teehee, pretty lady! GOTCHA!"

Wut iz punchline of joke?

Is it like... a secret message?

Lemme see if I can decode :I

Kay so:

Horrible demonic evilness

All-seeing eyes

Pretty, mysterious lady

The horribly, evil demons can forever see those who invest in their vanity.


Don't be vain?

Thank you, Pinkie.

I won't be :I

EDIT: Wait a tic... that secret message isn't funny AT ALL. Pinkie, that joke was terrible. A rare miss. A raaaaare miss :I

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*is confused on what's going on*...I need some coffe D:

Shhhhh, shhh.

Just lean back.

Let it all wash over you.

Pretty soon, you won't care about understanding.

You'll just... tune in, turn on, tune out, fall in.

Then evvvvvverything will make perfect sense~

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Oh, no, brother.

Much much different.

It involves you and an orphanage.

My dear brother, I see through your schemes.

I've seen through your schemes from the moment you schemed them.

Ever so silently rewriting The Royal Family's genealogy.

Replacing truth with your own tainted mixture of history.

Ah, the day that nephew became son.

Such a grand miracle it was! "By Celestia's Mane," the Elder's exclaimed!

And now, you would rework yourself as the sole heir to the empire?

I think not brother.

I think not~

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