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the beep test is a test done at least twice a year in gym class. a recording of a man with a monotone voice explains the rules of the beep test. you will hear a beep. you must run to the end of the gym before the next beep sounds. every few beeps, the length of time between beeps gets shorter. when you miss three beeps in a row, you're out. you're graded on how long you last. it's a very hated test :l

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the beep test is a test done at least twice a year in gym class. a recording of a man with a monotone voice explains the rules of the beep test. you will hear a beep. you must run to the end of the gym before the next beep sounds. every few beeps, the length of time between beeps gets shorter. when you miss three beeps in a row, you're out. you're graded on how long you last. it's a very hated test :l

we call that the pacer here, only we get two total, not some wimpy three in a row.

why does rosewind hate me?

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if you dont hate, do you very very strongly dislike me?

the last person who said they didn't hate anyone or anything ended up telling me he hated me.

If you want a friend, you have to be a friend first.

I think it's just your personality type. I think there are deeper reasons that you act this way, though, so I do not judge you.

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so that's a polite "yes, but i wont tell directly why cuz im awesome"?

Does it matter what other people think of you? It's a strange question to pose to someone after you've railed them with sarcasm for a while. Like I said, you have your reasons for acting the way you do. I could air them out here, but I'd rather just be your friend and not be bothered with how you choose to treat people here.

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Thalo did not fail :^D he is much more coolio than he was before. Angie was worried he'd become one of the uncoolio people who she dislikes, but he went the other way (ºωº)/

although she does skim most of his posts due to sheer quantity... (=ω=)"

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good to know somepony doesnt want me blown up.

i was playing banagrams one time and i had a bunch of letters left and winner got two dollars. i quickly made the word

"bocermuj" which i defined as: "someone who does not know the definition of the word 'bocermuj'" my brother let me win with that, but he took the dollar he put in, so i didn't actually get anything.

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personally, i think i have been significantly less sarcastic than i was before, and i tried to only be sarcastic when it was more appropriate. did i fail?

You was a bit of an jerk to Rosewind a little second to go. But you've been cool by me. Honestly you was totally more enjoyable to see after you came back.

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