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if i was going for a mystery dungeon which one is best kind of sammich test, it would go like:

i would ask:

1. pb&X, burger, or meat and cheese?

(pb&X is a good snack, burger is more of a dinner or meal sandwich, and meat and cheese is sort of an all purpose kind of lunch sandwich that you really cant go wrong with)

if pb&X was chosen, i would ask:

Jelly, Butter, or Honey?

(jelly is the most snack like. butter might go with something on the side, or you may just be lazy. honey is somehow more filling than jelly in a pb&X kind of thing, so that is more of a heavy snack, or enough might be a light lunch. its just MUCH messier.)

burger would lead to:

Fast food, Quality fast food, home made

fast food is good, and can serve a purpose. if your not really hungry, but still want to eat something, a mcdonalds or burger king can be quite satisfying. quality fast food, like IN n OUT (if you dont have it near you, move to where there is one. now.) is wonderful. great taste, can be quite filling, and is really sort of a "go to in all situations" kind of idea cuz its still fast food, and it fits any occasion. kind of like fro yo. home made offers more variety. chicken, beef, meatloaf (apperantly) or ive seen some sort of bean burgers, can be used. you can cook it to how you want, and have greater control over amount of anything, such as pickles, pickles, mayo, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, ketchup and whatnot ( i like pickles). this can be good for killing time (in theory) and if the other places for some reason just dont do it right, and you need a burger done right.

finally, if meat and cheese were chosen:

roast beef, ham, turkey

(roast beef is the best, turkey is better if you want something lighter, given you have not thick bread. for me, turkey just always makes the sandwich seem less filling. ham is just gross. why would you even think about this? ugh. budget sandwich maybe?)

american white, cheddar, other rich person cheese like havardi or something.

(american is good (just not americans :P ) for still having cheese but not having it be overpowering and you still want the meat to have flavor. this is my favorite choice, and goes best with the roast beef, in my opinion. cheddar has a stronger flavor, and is more present in a sandwich. better if you want a more cheesy flavor. and if you want another one, you deserve to go find some other rich test maker who will tell you more about those dumb cheesynesses. you will only ever need those two anyway.)

on second thought, i would switch the explanations with the answers to choose from. i had that idea after i finished the first one, and i was too lazy to switch it.

i would also like to mention that any questions asked in the test are not actually being asked by me, and in no way relate to any kind of dare made by any rosewinds on the day of june 13 2012, even if they have effects lasting through june 14 2012.

thank you. :D

and i would like to know if that answers the question. i just won't ask directly.

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My skirt isn't short enough.


We were just in time.

Let me take a little more off your mind

This left a strange impression in my head.

You know I was hoping I could leave thins star-crossed world behind.

Then you cut me open.

I guess it changed my mind.

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i learned many things today

1. there will be milk in heaven, served next to mountain dew, as it is a wonderful necessity of life.

2.no matter how annoying rosie's annoying dare gets, it will end. in about 2.5 hours.

3. 12 PM + ponies on youtube = 6 PM

5. Rosie gets suprised when i say something "thoughtful and insightful" :(

6. that i still love rosewind very very very very very very very very much :D

oh, and that when catching a pokemon that looks like a dog, it is still important to not nickname it "winona", as the devil itself nicknames pokemon.

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This left a strange impression in my head.

You know I was hoping I could leave thins star-crossed world behind.

Then you cut me open.

I guess it changed my mind.

I guess you're not so hollow after all.

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you have to phrase it neneienenaunene.

Dear missy picky pants:

today i learned that among such wonderful creations like Mountain dew, there is the wonderful gift from God that is milk, a wonderful substance that all the earth should love. I also learned that dares can be REALLY REALLY annoying, but the torture that may come with them will end and turn into a wonderful sense of triumph. also, i learned that youtube videos, specifically mlp:fim s1e1-s2e26 can kill a lot of time, and you should not attempt to just watch some episodes without checking the time very very often. among these great discoveries, i learned that rosewind doesn't really respect me as much as i wished, and that that is probably true for most of the LPWers. in conclusion, i learned two things: I still love Rosie lots and lots and lots and lots and lots, (only with more lotses) and that nicknaming pokemon is EEEEEVVVVIIILLLLL!!!!!

your faithful student,

Cathalos Thesammich.

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned Princess Luna is way better at Starcraft 2 than you!

Your... Subject,

Winter Bolt

I learned that it takes two weeks to figure out how to install that game, even then its only the 'started edition' and then you have to validate your game, but you can't because ypu're battle.net account has to be verified but it won't do that because you can't find the email they sen't you and when you finaly get round to finiding it, regin' your game, it download 6 gigs that you already got then when you play the rest of the campain, the frame rate goes down massivle and it won't run on 'ultra' grafics anymore.

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