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Rosewind, for a snack while helping my grandpa clear out one of his tall outbuildings I ate:

1 20 oz Mello-Yello

1 Bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos


1 hamburger with cheese, Famous Dave's spicy pickles, and some light caesar lettuce on top with Famous Dave's Devil's Spit BBQ Sauce.

2 hot dogs w/ bun and mustard

2 hot dogs w/o buns

And to round it out, some Caesar salad.

Also had a can of generic Mt. Dew.

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I work in the coffee business, so I have about two dozen (really) types of coffee in my pantry -- Honduras is what happened to get grabbed this morning.

Yes Fawksy, I are professional of teh fuds. Me teach it too.

I just made caramel sauce to go over a scoop of vanilla ice cream (which I also made). I feel no shame.

Wow Silver. That's...wow. :-o

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Huh? What is the matter Rosewind? I'm just doing what you asked and I should clarify, that bag of Doritos was one of those small bags that they have on the impulse buy racks

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I work in the coffee business, so I have about two dozen (really) types of coffee in my pantry -- Honduras is what happened to get grabbed this morning.



/sadly waves flag of ethnicity

Silver, how do you function with all that unhealthy junk in your system?

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