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Villefort Lannister... it sounds excellent. On the other hoof, a lot of names sound well with Lannister.

Nevertheless, I can completely understand motives behind your actions. Those two seasons are quite accurate when compared to books. It's truly one of better adaptations I've had a chance to see.

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I'm somehow repelled by Starks. Although, I must admit, "The winter is coming." sounds much more interesting than "Hear me roar!".


Anyway, time for some extremely hard physical work. Oh, how I admire doing such jobs.

Until next we meet, good lords, honorable ladies.

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Good grief. I completely forgot how tedious hands were. But I guess that's the point of doing this isn't it? :I

Well, since no-one's going posting right now, and I hate double posts, I'll just edit this one:


Hope you like it, disembodied head. Consider it a thank you for pointing me to imgur.com and making that signature for me.

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LOL~! If I had known you were doing art I'd not have made that joke. Hahahaha! That's great.

Damn it.

Isn't imgur great? Love it.

....what did you think my questions were aiming at? XDD

I mean, I just drew a 'humanized' Appy.......

Oh well, I hope you can at least appreciate it in execution even if it doesn't accurately represents you. XD

(And imgur is pretty great, yes.)

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Appy makes me feel uneasy. Just like that :l

Even Aria didn't manage to achieve that, good job Appy.

Feels good, bro.

Next time you'd like to whine about me, please file your complaints directly into the complaint box.


*feels successful*

Maybe it's because I don't baby people.


Two new users uploading a bunch of pictures of their ponies to the gallery, and both look like they have some kind of problem with substance abuse. I guess it's not in your face if you don't know what to look for but darn... shrooms? Really? XD

Also! I drew something of LPW relevance, slightly deviating from my usual style. What do you guys think? :I


I look pretty scary.

Like, "eat this toast, or I'll destroy you."

I like it. :U

Thanks you very mucho~

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Feels good, bro.

Next time you'd like to whine about me, please file your complaints directly into the complaint box.


*feels successful*

Maybe it's because I don't baby people.

The pleasure is all... mine? :l

The battle is over, I have won! I'm whole sweat, wet, partially covered in bleeding stains (minor of course) and two tons of dust. My father ordered me to do it, and I owe him for caring for me for all those years. The Lannisters always pay their debts. Nevertheless, since mares like not sweaty stallions, I already took a shower.

Therefore, greetings again Lords and Ladies.

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Not making any promises, Silver. I'm still in the process of figuring out how to draw males again. It's somehow harder for me to get them look right.... I dunno. :I

I put it on the list, though. And if I can figure it out, I'll do it. But it wont be the next one because I already started the next one. And it's one that is kinda overdue. ^^

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