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I think I'm going about this whole RP App thing the wrong way...

I'm thinking up seven characters simultaneously. Now I just got the idea that I wanna write up Epilogues for all of them.

I only have names for like... HALF of them.

Don't even have a clue as to color schemes and mane/tail styles.

Only have cutie marks for half of them.

I really need to focus on one at a time >:[

Angie could try designing some once you're done writing them up :3 they'd just be sketchy sketches, but I could whip some stuff up quick

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Angie could try designing some once you're done writing them up :3 they'd just be sketchy sketches, but I could whip some stuff up quick

Ya knoooooow, Fawkes was considering working up the nerve to ask Angie if she would~ :3

I dunno though. I really want to finally start my drawing career. Practice with ponies and what-not.

Although it certainly might be nice to have one or two of them sketched up to get a good feel for how to turn descriptions into physical sketches~

Mmmm. maybe. Certainly maybe.

Thanks a bunch of the offer, Angikins~ <3 :3

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....Thank you Angie :)

Do you need a picture to go by for a reference?

ah yes yes. PM me with the link because I'll prbably lose it in here. also I have a bunch of other arts to do right now, so I might not get to it right away

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Merry Christmas Conor :3

what is this?! D:< when I search "there's a santa who looks alot like elvis" on youtube, it changes it to "there's a santa who looks looked alot like elvis santa" how am I supposed to share my childhood with you if this song isn't on youtube?

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