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*stares at Sulvuss through narrowed eyes*

*flips a coin between my fingers*

*watches, unmoved*

Exactly as planned...

Exactly as planned.

That's for Shelob.

And Jimmy.

That ok. I could never stay mad at you, I know that you are only playing around. You are far too nice a guy to ever say anything mean and mean it.

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ENjoy your DInner. I can't wait for you to stick about more often.

I know that you a swell guy. Its ok, I understand you have to stay in character. That one of the reasons I love you, just like I do with Fawkes.

Ooh, got to this a bit late.

I'm not a guy, by the way. :3

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Angie I don't think posting a 'full-stop' could be classed as being a newcomer :/

but what if they post more? the picture isn't anywhere anymore, except lost in this thread and where I have it bookmarked. I need to have it at the ready

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Oh. Appiliance is back. How wonderful.

Now the thread fun is going to double easily!

I'm a bit exhausted at the moment, but thank you, Sulvuss. Such a shame I have to ruin all the love in this place.

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