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Mmm, quite.

It must be a slow day in the glorious halls of the... *cough* ...ROLEPLAYERS, to warrant such a visit to us lowly spammers.

*wades through a charred crater*

*stumbles through pile of bomb components*

*hind hoof sticks in pink, gelatinous mass*


Looks perfectly clean to me :I

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*ears twitch*

I thought we would never speak of this again. *glares*

Now, Rockzy, dear, you must have known I would come in. I thought you were doing fine without me.

Apparently not.

*releases Fawkes from whatever it was he was stuck in*

Yes, certainly.


Pile of filth everywhere.. must clean it all.

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*shakes out hind hoof*



Utter nonsense.

We're doing simply fabulously here!


We have this one chap. Sulvuss. He loves everyone... to death. I think that gelatinous mass fell out of him...

And bombs! Oh yes. Quite spectacular. Every other week. No pony dies though. Ever. Being that no pony can die here... too much love, or some such hub bub...

We... we talk a lot... about pictures... and stories...

And... and... hugs... there are hugs, all the time, every day...

*upper lip trembles*

Didn't... didn't I tell you I'd make a much better ruler...?


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*shakes out hind hoof*



Utter nonsense.

We're doing simply fabulously here!


We have this one chap. Sulvuss. He loves everyone... to death. I think that gelatinous mass fell out of him...

And bombs! Oh yes. Quite spectacular. Every other week. No pony dies though. Ever. Being that no pony can die here... too much love, or some such hub bub...

We... we talk a lot... about pictures... and stories...

And... and... hugs... there are hugs, all the time, every day...

*upper lip trembles*

Didn't... didn't I tell you I'd make a much better ruler...?


Oh no. You poor thing. You sound so stressed out.

Don't worry ,Fawkes I think you are a FANTASTIC ruler and I love you and your ways to pieces.

Do you need a hug?

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*flails at Penumbra*

*flails in Sulvuss' general direction*

*flails in a circle*


I'll... i'll be fine.

*sniffle, sniffle*

This is the turning point, after all~

Oh. The poor dear.

You seem so distressed. How about I get you some milk and cookies and have a rest?

I can sing a song for you if you like.

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