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Added. And you've made the ':I' smilie your trademark. To be honest, it was the only way i could find your profile out of all of the other Miss Rarity's XD

It's my trademark in IRC as well. XD

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Pen, Pen, Penny.

Stop destroying faces! >:I

Also, hi Cross! :3

And Nasty

I would go on Steam and accept, but I can't, because the dang computer monitor isn't working.

I'm using my dad's old laptop.

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So.....you didn't see what I said about that whole 'tired' thing Sulvuss? :/

Ah. I did. I just got back to reply to it.

Yes. I guess I could do that but I guess I'm too proud to say that I am struggling at art. What a suprise, an artist who lack humility, what a twist!


I'm sleepin fine now. Its only before blue monday I couldn't sleep. It..mysteriously stopped on bluemonday...creepy My freind says I sound like I'm haunted. I don't beleive in things like that.

By the way. I improved my avatar.

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Well that's good Sulvuss :)

As for that RP pony thing Angie, I don't think 'Rocky' will be on tonight :/

He told me he was banned from his computer :-|

told me that too :/ I just told him I would work on it, and tonight would be a good night

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