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Snap Shot


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Name: Snap Shot

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: Brown

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Black, slicked back mane, short spiked tail

Eye Color: Hazel

Cutie Mark: A camera

Physique: Below average in almost every regard

Origin: Manehattan

Roleplay Type: Mane

Occupation: Paparrazi photographer

Motivation: To find the sleaziest, most controversial photos he can, and strike it rich!

Likes: Hiding, finding good vantage points, spicy or salty food, money

Dislikes: Being caught, having a good vantage point stolen, sweet food, having no money (which happens a lot)

Character Summary: Snap Shot was born to 2 snooty, high income parents, the father Iron Pot being the manager of a large restaurant, and his mother Trailer was a respected travel journalist. Their jobs meant that he didn't see much of them, and when he did it was usually just a case of them buying him a small toy or suchlike to keep him out of their way. One of the earliest of these toys was a small camera, which he loved, content to photograph walls, food and the floor whenever there was film he could use.

His parents never bothered looking after him properly, expecting their maid Wire Brush to to the job they felt they were above. To her credit, what she could do she did wonderfully, but the poor foal was often left in their home alone at night, as his parents catered to celebrities or relaxed in holiday resorts respectively. When concerned neighbours brought this up to them, they simply tutted and walked away, indignant that they had the gall to criticise their betters.

Snap, one day when his mother was writing up a report on her latest stay, happened across her expensive, modern camera. Not knowing its value, he gleefully and curiously played with it a little, until he was caught by his mother. After a stern telling-off, and a cry in the corner not knowing what he had done wrong, his exasperated mother bought him a simple, proper film camera, figuring it would keep the little waste of space out of her mane for a while. Not used to having big presents, he was smiling for days, using up the whole roll of film in less than a week. By then, his mother had already left again, and as his father was almost always at the restaurant when Snap was awake, Wire Brush kindly got them developed and bought him a few more rolls. When he first saw the developed pictures, Wire Brush gasped in surprise as his cutie mark materialised, and in gratitude and true happiness Snap nuzzled his only real friend.

Much later, his parent's influence rubbed off on Snap Shot, inheriting their single-minded pursuit of money and love of spicy food. He struggled to find a job, leading them to give him an ultimatum; Find a job quickly, or Wire Brush would be fired. Horrified, he ran into the streets, only to return, late at night, beaming in pride. He'd landed a job as a junior paparazzi. However, his parents were shocked to find their son had taken a job so... COMMON, and booted the heartbroken colt out into the street. The morning after, poor Wire Brush recieved her notice.

Years on, Snap is a typical Manehattan photojournalist; he has no qualms about ruining somepony else's day if it means he gets paid. Even if the photo ends up being exaggerated or taken out of context, he'll take it, print it and send it in a heartbeat. Assuming he doesn't get caught and slapped repeatedly, or has his film reel taken or his camera smashed. Unluckily for him, these mishaps are quite common. Still, in the pursuit of money, no price is too high. Well, okay, there are limits, but still!

When on the job (which is most of the time) he wears a distinctive black trilby with a press badge attached, and carries his camerabag on him whenever he's outside, just in case something happens he can make a few bits off.

Don't expect him to go easy on any celebrity that crosses his path, he ditched his family as soon as he could in order to take on his new job in as many hours as was at all possible. Well, at leas he would have if they hadn't disowned him first. The only pony he shows respect to is whoever is currently paying him, though he does habour fond memories of his family's maid before he took on this career, Wire Brush, and feels guilty for her losing her job. A note to any potential victims: Bribes work WONDERS on this pony. And if you're broke... Well... Stay away from Manehattan.


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Hi! c:

Would you mind giving a bit more of his backstory? Like his foalhood and whatnot, and how he found his cutie mark?

I like the personality, very different to most ponies.

And incidentally, I have a mare that's a model, in case you need him to stalk take pictures of somepony or whatnot.

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I agree with Appliance, this character could use a bit more backstory.

What did his parents do for a living? What was he like as a foal? What were/are his hopes, dreams, ambitions? How did he get his Cutie Mark? Does he still live in Manehattan? Does he have any friends? What about other hobbies or activities besides photography?

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Hi there! I like the app and the idea behind it, I have seen marked improvement from when it was first put up. The only thing I would care to stress is that all cameras, even the expensive ones, would run on film or slides. The more expensive models would most likely run on slides, which are a different type of negative such as Kodachrome and Ektachrome. The colors, picture clarity and over all look of the picture would be far superior to regular 35mm film. However, slides are specifically designed to be projected, so what Snap here would most likely carry and use for his job would be a regular old 35mm camera running colour, or black and white, negatives. Remember the faster your target is moving the higher the film's ASA has to be to stop the motion on the negative. Slides have notoriously lower ASA than regular film, somewhere usually around 64 ASA. This would only be good for a stationary object, but anything as quick as a hoof-waving at the camera would most likely be blurry. There is also the light level to contend with, which is controlled by the F-stop. Also in brighter situations one can conceivably increase the shutter speed on the camera and catch quicker motion with a lower ASA film. There are a whole slew of different things that you can do with an old fashioned 35mm camera, some of which can blow your mind.

Anywho, just wanted to pop in and say that even the expensive cameras in Equestria would be 35mm film or slides. Just to give you an idea of what you would be working with when you play the character!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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He kind of reminds me of characters Dustin Hoffman used to play in the 60's and early 70's.

Another photography tip, it is COMPLETELY conceivable that as a foal/colt he got started with a pinhole camera or camera obscura, the latter of which has been around since before the Roman empire even (and in some cases is just a natural occurrence), rather than just "oops, one day I found a job that happened to coincide with my name and it turns out to be my special talent"

Because why would his parents name him Snap Shot, and then disown him for taking a job that relates to his name?

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