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Trince "Samguine" Blondcoat [Final]


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Name: Trince Blondcoat

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn Pony

Pelt Color: White

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Main and tail are both white and are choppy with poorly cut ragged edges as well as being ill kept, like he doesn’t brush that often

Eye Color: Light pink.

Cutie Mark: A single drop of red blood, light shine to it. The only ‘true’ non-white color in his fur.

Physique: Light build, slightly taller than a normal pony but also a bit on the thin side as well.

Origin: Born in Trottingham. Lives in Canterlot.

Roleplay Type: Mane.

Occupation: Medical student/researcher. He has a good working medical knowledge and has a part time job as a blood analyst in one of the many Canterlot medical facilities, where he will also some time serve as a nurse if needed for emergencies. His other part time job is a student learning more about medicine.

Motivation: Sam was never the most healthy of ponies growing up. He had a near fatal accident at a young age that left a large bleeding wound on his stomach. It was at this time he not only found out about his special talent with blood but a fascination of the red liquid inside every pony. This leads him to learn all he can about blood, hopeful to find ways to help others like him.

Likes: Cloudy days, cloudless nights during a half full or less moon, fudge (though he really shouldn’t eat it), corny horror movies.

Dislikes: Bright cloudless days, ponies who only talk about themselves and or who feel they are better than others in every way without any kinda of skill to back up that claim.

Character Summary: Third son born to a slightly influential family in Trottingham called the Blondcoats it was obvious at his birth that Trince was different from the rest of the family. Born with a pure white coat with almost white eyes his parents were rather worried about his health. It came to pass that not only was he found to be an albino, something unheard of in the Blondcoat line, but also an anemic. There were rumors of an affair but they were hushed and never accumulated any evidence.

For most of his youth Trince was treated like his two older brothers and had been, seen after mostly by nannies with only brief times with his parents or siblings. And of course a nurse on hoof, if needed, just to be sure.

He took to his private studies well, preferring the more mental tasks over the physical ones. He did not overly excel in any area but was ever so slightly above average.

It was at the age of six that he had his accident. It was during a bird watching event in the not-to-far White Tail Forest. It being a bright and cloudless day Sam was all but blind and while at one point being led through the woods stepped wrong on a steep hill and took quite a roll, getting many small cuts along the way but a rather nasty one along his stomach that left a small scar still there today. If it were not for his new found special talent and his all most omnipresent attending nurse it is unlikely he would have survived. Said special talent deals with blood, mainly filtering and helping with proper flow. He is often asked to be an attending nurse during the thankfully few surgeries the hospital he works at has to do, ponies being a tough sort and not easily injured and recover quickly given the right attention.

Following this key event, and subsequent recovery, he managed to convince his parents to allow him to attend Canterlot medical schooling, wishing to become not a doctor but a researcher for treatments of blood conditions. They agreed of course, it being a noble profession for a Noble after all though they would have preferred an actual doctor or a member of politics.

His schooling and work has been quite uneventful so far, but he did take up a new name, ‘Samquine’ for his closer acquaintances to call him and just going by ‘Sam’ to most. Never having enjoyed the political games his family engaged in with others of 'royal blood' he does not make public the fact that he is ‘royalty’ himself, taking on a new name to reflect the uncertains of his birth.

And he certainly doesn’t act at all like some of said ‘Nobility’.

He wears a pair of black framed glasses, enchanted to become opaque in heavy light so he is not totally blinded. Not only that he is slightly far sighted so they help him read or see finer detail close up. He also wears a black cloth vest with a lot of pockets, in which he carries graphite sticks (which he finds easier to use than quill and ink, especially while out and about) as well as various pieces of paper with which to write on along with some snacks, gauze wrap and a bottle of disinfectant. On his front right hoof is a pair of yellow medical alter bracelets, informing of his anemia.

He dyes his main and tail a deep red color, to match his cutie mark. Sometimes his white roots can be shown and every so often he’ll leave a strip of white un-colored, not always on purpose though.


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Samuel probably shouldn't be used because it's just straight up a human name.

Given his nature, being an anemic, and possibly hemophiliac (I wasn't quite sure if that is also what you are going for), you might not even have to pun on his name. just sanguine would be appropriate.

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Minor Noble Family? Yet he is Royalty?

"Prince" Bloodblood.

The royalty is not explained in the show, so we don't really know how it works. Since Celestia and Luna are called "Princesses", which is for marketing reasons yes but cannon in the show so it has to be taken into account, we have to assume that other so called nobles are not really related to them by blood but something else.

Anyways, I've removed the title. It's not like Sam wants people to know he's from an "influential" family anyways... .

Samuel probably shouldn't be used because it's just straight up a human name.

Given his nature, being an anemic, and possibly hemophiliac (I wasn't quite sure if that is also what you are going for), you might not even have to pun on his name. just sanguine would be appropriate.

Name change to "Trince", to reflect that he is the third son of the family. I'm taking a page from Stardust here.

He's not hemophiliac, it's just that as an anemic his blood doesn't carry as much oxygen as normal even a small amount of blood loss can be dangerous to him. And I wanted his name change to be something he picked for himself, to distance himself a bit from his family. He doesn't hate them, but doesn't want to be 'that' type of person.

I also expanded on his background a bit and added a sentence about what his special talent is where I said he gained it.

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I'd like it if the Name in the app would match the title of this topic. Maybe Trince 'Samguine' Blondecoat. Also if you wish for your pony to be of royalty you will need to him somewhere outside of Celestia's rule, but be warned if you plan to do so you must do research on that area and come up with what the government system is like. Lastly royalty outside of Celestia's is not recognized in Equestria.

http://www.canterlot.com/index.php/topic/2974-unicorn-senyor-apis-final Here is an example of what we're looking for.

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I'd like it if the Name in the app would match the title of this topic. Maybe Trince 'Samguine' Blondecoat.

I can't seem to change the title with edit, perhaps a mod can or I can just repost with the change and this one can be deleted. Which ever will be easier.

Also if you wish for your pony to be of royalty you will need to him somewhere outside of Celestia's rule, but be warned if you plan to do so you must do research on that area and come up with what the government system is like. Lastly royalty outside of Celestia's is not recognized in Equestria.

http://www.canterlot...nyor-apis-final Here is an example of what we're looking for.

I want by the description of Trottingham from here -> http://www.canterlot.com/topic/182-the-great-nimbusgait-lakes-reference/ . He is not really royalty but from the way I read that description the pones of the town like the think they are.

Personally Trince couldn't care either way, he doesn't want to deal with "politics" and has no desire to be "better" than anyone else. It's a driving personal/inner conflict, dealing with the wants of his family (to be a "Noble" and the various things that come with that ideal) over his own (just being a normal pony with friends, a steady job and to help out where he can). Also is in something that may come up in the RP if another character cares about that sort of thing (like, say, "Prince" Blueblood) and they find out about his last name. <Sam> *Sighs* "Yes, of the Trottingham Blondcoats. But I do not see what my family has to do with this... ."

How is this Application coming along?

Slowly, and I apologize . This is not a good time of year for me and I got hit just a harder harder than normal this time.

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I popped in to help you out with the title as I can see that BlindJester seems to already be helping you with the application its self. To edit the title, click the edit button at the bottom of the source post, when it gives you the option to have more options for editing, click that. Next you will need to look at the very top of this page with the expanded editor on it. There will be a field with the current title. You can edit the title from there, and it will be saved when you submit changes!

I hope this helps you out!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

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I popped in to help you out with the title as I can see that BlindJester seems to already be helping you with the application its self. To edit the title, click the edit button at the bottom of the source post, when it gives you the option to have more options for editing, click that. Next you will need to look at the very top of this page with the expanded editor on it. There will be a field with the current title. You can edit the title from there, and it will be saved when you submit changes!

I hope this helps you out!

~Sage AkA Freddie Freewings

It did, thanks!

I'd like it if the Name in the app would match the title of this topic. Maybe Trince 'Samguine' Blondecoat.

Title has been edited now.

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