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You new and I love meeting new people. I can tell that you and I are going to get along. Hello, I am Sulvuss the resident love spreader. If you need anything from reviews to request then let me know. I am normally busy working on something but if I get the spare time then I'll be happy to help you.

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What a wonderful thing to say to someone. Thank you very much. I try to put out stuff that people enjoy. I appreciate you telling me that you like it.

I knew I was going to like you as soon as I saw you. I like to think I have a good judge of character and you, sir. Come off as a really good character.

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Talented. I wouldn't know anything about that. But thank you. that very nice of you.

You are hardcore in getting your stuff out there-hundred views in a day is impressive-,and you always try even when you feel like things are a bit too dark to carry on through. That shows stability and intergity, especially at your age where most teenagers emotions make it harder to have either of those attributes.

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You have been here ever since I came back Sulvuss, we have a lot of fun in the 'Last Post wins' thread.

And when I feel down, you have always been there to encourage me, that says something about you're integrity :)

And I'll never forget how awesome you've been :D

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Oh. I love meeting new people. Hello, My name is Sulvuss and I am the Resident love spreader. I drew for all my life and have been role playing for seven years while also occasionaly giving reviews. So if you need feedback or a review on a writting or drawing just let me know. I am normally busy but if I get time I'll help out where I can.

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And that's why you're awesome Sulvuss :)

Always willing to help, even someone you just met :D

Everything you just said really tearedme up. Well, I try to help out my freinds when I cann. I appreciate you as a freind and think that you are very mature your for your age-especially considering the generation enviroment-

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